

You've piqued my interest @drakos, thank you for the write up and what you've noticed happening to Steemit. I wanted to provide my input and perception of these events as well.

Steemit flirting with it's own token system will no doubt stir the begining of a greater number of phishing scams and fake ICO schemes, but when looking at other coins i.e. Etherium implimenting tokens into their blockchain, this move could be very well be the huge step leading into Steemit's mass adoption.

First things first though. Steemit needs to also have the full functionality of being able to stop and otherwise thwart these efforts, and in the big picture, I can agree that right now this doesn't look like the case. However I can imagine that these are already being looked into ask we speak.

Providing strong security in the back-end is an essential step that cannot be overlooked when working on a project of this scale, teeming with vulnerability. From the front-end being just another user, I can see notifications being buggy, but fortunately, have not have a post or comment be swallowed and unrecoverable.

This makes me think that device compatibility is actually being worked on more than we can speculate at this moment. In all of my experiences, even when Steemit goes down (or slows), the things I write get frozen but have all been automatically saved when I refresh the page. I've lost more posts on Facebook than the zero I had on Steemit. This shows me that the developers aren't fucking around as much as we sometimes believe.

I still back up my posts on notepad and just in case. This is a major issue that needs the utmost attention right now though. If people cannot normally access the site or use it properly without enormous effort, then we are going to see use decline, and lose all appeal for new users altogether.

I would love to see the big announcements, acknoledgement of the issues, and hard fork updates being actually stickied to the top of our feeds because we are still beta and this is the time where everything needs to be ironed out before the public release.

I see frustration on the rise, and being transparent on what is happening and what's being done can definitely help the userbase we already have grow stronger and raise the confidence of posting and interacting more often.

More people need to see this. Resteemed.

This is a very well informed post which is actually quite refreshing. Usually we have those that only highlight the good parts of and steem instead of being truthful and transparent to the whole platform. For instance I read & watch Jerry youtube vids (who is actually the guy that introduced me to steemit) but makes me wonder what is his main almost obsessive goal? Theres NEVER criticism about steemit so I think this type of one sided support is too misleading for all but especially new users.
Steemit beta is far from being perfect although what platforms are?. Lately these so-called DDoS attacks are becoming more problematic and frustrating to users that there can only be so much expectation from STINC for the users to just lose all trust and support to the whole platform. We have enough anti-steemit critics within cryptocurenccy that the lacking of transparentcy from STINC just fuels the whole scam/pyramid scheme theories.
Please we only ask for more information and transparncey about what really is going on, instead of the BS advertising, cult like support that-" steemit is the BEST THING SINCE H2O"

I don't know if I missed the announcement. Did anyone from STInc posted an update regarding this past days of intermittent and dead page website at

@drakos thank you for sharing your insights, as always helpful to the community.

Like yourself as Witness, we want to see this platform dependable, reliable, secure and accessible at all time.

Last week, I introduced to other co-workers and friends but it is not loading. Basically, dead on spot and no go. Still I am very optimistic and hopefully we see better plan in the future to address issues mention above.

Please VOTE @yehey for Witness, go to and vote for yehey.

Follow me @Yehey,
Thank you.

you are reflecting my sentiments exactly, its foolish to add features before there is stability.

Love this post. Steemit did an announcement on FB that I saw yesterday and it was inundated with comments from people with broken account requests. People waiting over a month to get an account in a lot of cases. They really need to work on that before doing anything else. People are being discouraged and are turning away. No f&#king good at all.

Yup, we deal with such cases everyday on

So @sneak is trying to hide all criticism and exposure of his team's failure with no explanation yet again. The way its being handled the platform won't attract investors; at this rate it wont even attract scammers. If you don't know how to manage projects professionally, hire (in a competitive manner) an educated, experienced project manager to support STINC.

Good work as always my man! The "we're still in beta" excuse is getting old. And I think I used it twice today in comments!

Some "official" communication would work wonders for consumer confidence. After all. Are we not all investors in steemit?

We are investors indeed, that's a good point. We demand more communication.

very informative and impressive post. followed and upvoted! @drakos

I am with you 100% and thanks for standing up and posting all your important thoughts. I have been blogging about this as well, but I'm not informed like you are so thanks for laying it all out. Unfortunately the best way to describe things the last 3 weeks is "chaos". Your bullet points are excellent. Upvoted / Resteemed / Peace !!!