Poor Girl Who Wanted to Join Steemit but Cannot

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Who is she?

Her name is Olivia Jacinto also from Philippines.
She is a friend of mine since I'm 11years old. We both studied in the same school but different section. She is the kind of person that you want to be with, a funny, very humble and most of all generous.

She always fail exams on school before due to stress because of her parents. I still remember when her father beat the **** out of her for no reason everytime he's drunk.

She never put her anger out on me instead, she pretended she's fine and still smiling despite of all the bruises and scars on her body.

I always tell her to go to police station to report her father for abusing her for no reason!
She didn't want to, her love for her father is very strong and she always put the blame on the alcohol.
I felt really bad for her!....until now...

Her father died 6 years ago, their charcoal business(only business they have) was also gone after the death of her father due to burial expenses.

She suffered so much! She stopped going to school even she really wanted to study.

Until she met a guy and got pregnant with her boyfriend's baby. Her boyfriend was currently studying on university that time when she got pregnant. Her bf decided to stop studying and find a job instead. When he got a job, they earned money for her hospital bills and baby stuffs.

They also rented a very small shelter for 3 of them after she gave birth. They were a happy family.

But things had changed....

Her boyfriend cheated on her multiple times and she catch him all the time.
She confronts him everytime but he seems to not care at all.
She told me recently that she still hoping that he would change and they will become a happy family again.

Why she can't be on Steemit?

Here's why....

The money that her husband getting from his job isn't enough anymore.
They can pay their house rent but the budget for the food for 15days isn't enough anymore.
She always tell me how much she's struggling right now. She can't even buy things for herself and for her daughter.

I told her about the STEEMIT.
I told her to join but she said she doesn't even have a good phone. And yes its a fact. I saw her old phone! Its very slow too!

"Trust me, I want to use steemit so bad because I can barely eat now! But, I don't have a good phone and Internet to do it!"

I told her, If i just can afford to give her the stuff she needs, i already did.

I really feel bad for her. And I'm very sad that I can't even do anything about it.

Me, myself, struggling too... In different things...

Recently, I brought her out to eat and go to parks with our kids. We haven't seen each other for 6 years until last month due to lack of communication(she doesnt have pc or cellphone). She told me everything of what happened to her the past 6years and it melted my heart.

You can see the blog I made when i brought her in Manila Zoo here

I am bringing her out again when I can afford. I really love being with her. She's still the same person as before. A humble and happy person!

Ps. She allowed me to post her story.




yes. she is in a tough situation. i hope she can get the help she needs and deserves. u are a good friend for being there for her and also trying to help her. :)

Im just doing whatever I can to make her atleast happy for a moment despite of all her burdens. I hope everything will be fine with her.

aren't there any organizations that help poor people with food cloths or whatever?

Yeah, we have here but they are very choosy. They only choose the people who dont have a job at all.

ahh i get it, i hope everything turns better from now, the hardest part is that she is mostly alone to deal with all of this

Hey @filotasriza3,

I think we all should donate money for such poor peoples. I become very sad after seeing this.

i lvoe what you are doing there, there is a lot people that need support and nobodycares. i respect you for that. god bless you.

God bless u too ^_^