The steemit community is one of the most helpful that I've encountered!

in #steemit9 years ago

A community cannot survive without people that are willing to help! It's a fact. This is the second time the steemit community has gone above and beyond to help me out of my hole. I'm amazed at the amount of people that truly come to your rescue when you need it the most.

I was downvoted on one of my post eight or nine days before the reputation system came into effect. I had no clue this was going to happen. I didn't even realize what was going on until I posted a continuing blog about my journey to quit smoking. I panicked, and tried to figure out how to correct the issue. It seemed like it wasn't going to happen for me this morning so I logged off, but when I got back on steemit this afternoon I was shocked to see I went from a (-6) to a (5)! Wow is all I can say! I'm happy to be apart of the community again, and promise to provide quality content for steemit!

Thank You to the steemit community! I will pay this foward! To my followers of my blog about quitting cigarettes day 24 is on my blog list, and was invisible when I posted it. Once again thanks for your support steemit community!


So proud, hope you can rely on us to keep you strong through your journey! Keep up the good work. :)

How did I get lucky enough to get the maker of pinner on my post! You're awesome chick! You keep up the good work too! I hope to see your beer in my cooler one day!

@ecbanks24 I actually didn't brew the Pinner, Oskar Blues did. I just am starting a live video series called Bier Vibes. So basically I blog and vlog about beer. I know not as cool as brewing it, but feel free to check out my video series in the coming weeks.