Asking for a delegation to Steemit and misterdelegation to help in the support and fight together against old witnesses of the new clone called ¨H¨.

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Let's get straight to the point, as they say all over the world.

This is not a Fight, I´m just telling the truth...


On many occasions I was asking for the help of former witnesses and powerful people (Why to mention them, if the entire community know the old witnesses) for future projects that were supposed to support many people with a low status.

I never received any benefits from them, and my publications always remained empty without receiving any notification that someone was coming to show their help.

All I was doing was helping in a very simple way with the few resources and the Steem that I always got with my own money, donations and transfers to people who requested my help, which I always tried to help.

With this same I want to mention that also the old witnesses came to us requesting the help to make fall our new investor called justinsunsteemy, in which without thinking also I showed my support even knowing and being against all his procedures that still are wrong.

The wrong rules they have and the deceptions they subject all users to make them look like heroes, but the truth is that they are no heroes. I'm just seeing that from the moment they implemented the new fork, they started destroying what Steemit and Steem have been worth. All of us who come here are investors, others with a passion for art and culture, and others with the talent that describes them with each high quality publication.

What I'm saying is that decentralization is a matter of freedom, we know that there should be some guidelines, but we also know that there should not be rulers, nor should there be people who give us orders. The problem here, is that with the old witnesses you can't treat them in a civilized way, always for all of them, any exchange of conversations is a war, and this also means that when you confront them with some comment that they don't like, this will be a matter of getting a downvote and the call of all their community with powerful people to give you a downvote with 100% and make you fall to the bottom and not have any visibility because it doesn't suit them to know the truth or that the truth remains in the trending zone.

I don't agree that the trending zone only belongs to them, only they appear in this zone and they will always vote their own Discord group or community, but you never see new people in the trending zone, because if someone sees a new user in this privileged zone is sure that they will make the call of their group to make them fall hundreds of downvotes.

One thing is very true, and because nobody can be in this zone. Very simply, the less power there is in the community, THEY SIMPLY CAN ALWAYS GOVERN, and manipulate an entire community as they are doing right now with the attacks on our new investor.

I started at Steemit and thanks to this new clone called ¨H ¨ I will stay forever at Steemit, fighting with my new witnesses for Steem and of course TRON too.

Now they are desperate because they can't keep on ruling like they were before, the privileges are over, a new era has arrived, the only thing left is to start their power down and retire with something in their pockets before they lose everything.

Many downvoters will come and say why I'm supporting all this, simply because I don't agree with the new clone called ¨H ¨. If you think about it, together we'd be more powerful. But they simply preferred to walk away, and the funny thing is that they will not be at peace, they say they are decentralized but let people know and open their eyes that the new chain called or rather clone called ¨H¨es 100% CENTRALIZED, even though they try to convince everyone that it is not, it is a false government, that stole assets from people who still belong to steemit, they did not ask if anyone wanted the new clone. They just assumed that they did, but they didn't ask me personally, and yet they took without my authorization copied and pasted them in the new clone, this happened with thousands of users, and what is that called. PLAGIARISM.

And nobody said anything about this, user assets were also stolen, and nobody can fight against them, because the prize would be to be muted, and get hundreds of downvotes for saying something like they stole.

They accused me of plagiarism when the truth was forgetting to add source to the images and I was muted in a community and they ruined my reputation, my reputation was always clean and walking the right path, and because they have the power they can make and destroy an account. Every user who starts conversation, they call it a war against them, I couldn't say anything, because I was blocked and muted without having an opportunity to correct the error.

Now is my chance to Fight against what is not right, and continue to make Steemit and Steem valuable as they always have been. A delegation of @steemit and @misterdelegation will be my opportunity to fight together and create a more powerful community by having loyal allies who will always be supporting so that this new union will always prevail with more power.

I´m also calling to and @dev365 @bullionstackers @steemit @misterdelegation and all my witnesses to show me your support and get me a delegation.



Dear @edgarare1

On many occasions I was asking for the help of former witnesses and powerful people for future projects that were supposed to support many people with a low status.
I never received any benefits from them

Indeed. I've tried to reach out pretty much to all old witnesses (to blocktrades I did few times, even now on new HIVE) and lack of any response was always what I encountered.

Until recent hard fork - most so called whales and witnesses didn't seem to care about community and they focused on supporting each other. That's unfortunatelly my sad experience. I've learned very quickly that new users or those who are struggling here are being left out for themselfs.

It's hard not to have impression, that things had changed and that witnesses needed our (small fish) help. But that's still just one way street. I even tried to reach out to many of then on HIVE asking for support to project.hope and I received ZERO replies. Very discouraging.

What I'm saying is that decentralization is a matter of freedom

I actually disagree. I know that past few years we're experiencing hype around decentralization and many people think that it's a solution for all problems caused by centralization. However decentralization comes with many other flaws and issues. And decentralized governance is a JOKE.

Many empires felt apart because they tried to introduce something similar to "decentralized" governance. We had ROME, now we're witnessing EU. Decentralization = lack of responsibility for actions or lack of actions. Decentralization = very slow decision process.

Anyway both STEEM and HIVE are fully centralized. One is rulled by Justin, other by group of close "friends". It's not a democrazy/decentralization when all 20 politicians/rulers are part of same group.
The only time STEEM has been decentralized was the time when old witnesses had several spots and Justin witnesses had few as well. But clearly noone liked it.

They just assumed that they did, but they didn't ask me personally, and yet they took without my authorization copied and pasted them in the new clone, this happened with thousands of users, and what is that called. PLAGIARISM.

I actually agree with you. Can you imagine situation when your content is being copied and used on new blockchain, and at the same time you're excluded from airdrop? That absolutely should not have happened.

Yours, Piotr

I think decentralization should be placed in the hands of all if it is meant to be really "decentralization", not in the hands of few. Decentralization isn't decentralization until it is total and absolute, not by part.
I believe the community should form the backbone upon which the cranium of decentralization rests on. That's the reason for the quote "come for the community, stay for the community"

Hello @samminator

Of course and thank you very much for mentioning it and saying it very clearly, the community is the most important thing, but this is very clear that for the old witnesses the entire community does not exist and they do not care about anything, it is only their interests that interest them the most, but now that @justinsunsteemit arrived they realized that they have lost their throne and decided to steal it, because it did, they stole assets and content from the entire community and pasted them into a new clone called ¨H¨ and that is called PLAGIARISM taking them without any authorization from each user, Mainly nobody came and asked for my authorization to do so, now I am fighting for @steemit and hoping to have the support of @misterdelegation as well so that they can support me with a delegation, and unite communities that need the support as has always been sought with the old witness and whales and that was never awarded.

The @steemit community has a great team and a great investor who will take this great community to the next level.

Thanks a lot for your support.

The whole point of decentralization is that the system isn't controlled by a small self-serving elite group. We seem to have fallen into that trap and built a platform that isn't favourable to the nobodies like me. However, it is people like me and people from great communities like Project HOPE, that are building the platform through building their communities with active participation.

So @justinsunsteem @mistertdelegation @steemit I support @edgarare1 post.

Dear @awah

The whole point of decentralization is that the system isn't controlled by a small self-serving elite group.

I understand this view and I see it as an utopia. Something that cannot be reached - not as long as humans will be greedy for power, influence and control.

Small elite groups will always find way to control others. And both steem and hive are excellent example of it. Few people with large wallets and strong influence can end up rulling this chain (or any other). And since decentralization does release such a group from taking responsibility, then it's even better for them.

And this lack of responsibility, lack of threat that someone will open legal lawsuit or put a blame on us for making wrong decisions - this is one hell of a flaw of decentralized governance.

Also please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that decentralization is bad. I'm saying that not everything need to be decentralized. And that it also comes with huge issues. And surely decentralizing governance is not what I would support.

Yours, Piotr

I agree it is a utopia. An ideology. The problem here is that too much power in too few hands is self-defeating. So both Steem and Hive ended up being controlled by just a few of the self-serving elite.

What I am not sure about - is it that a failure of decentralisation - we always end up with an elite? Is that always inevitable? Or is it just a failure of the way this platform has implemented it through the witnesses who are all in each other pockets? Could the system have prevented whales from dominating?

Either way, it is a failure. What is important is how Steem will support the real communities on Steem like Project HOPE.

Dear @awah

I think it's a failure of an idea, that algorithm can defent us from greed and other human behaviours (like seeking power).

We will always witness strong people, ambitious, controlling, greedy - name it. People who will find a way to become part of that "elite".

That's just simply because we're humans. And blockchain will not stop us from activing like humans.

In that case it doesn't matter whether there is centralisation or decentralisation, as human nature will prevail. What matters is working with like minded people who are not just greedy but those who want to build a strong community.

Hello @awah

It is very true what you are saying, the government of the former witnesses has too many failures and causes too many problems, and as you are mentioning it is selfish. They realized that they lost all their authority and all their business was broken in @steemit with the arrival of our new investor @justinsunsteemit

The trap as you mentioned is called the clone ¨H ¨pero. There is also a very big trap where all the old witnesses and whales are located called the OCD community, from which thank God I was muted, and I am thankful that it was done because I realized that it is walking on the wrong side looking for support, and it never gets any support.

In this way I realize that @steemit is where I belong, and as you also mentioned, the amazing @project.hope a community and an extraordinary project formed by a great leader @crypto.piotr that is fighting day by day to show the support to the communities, supporting new users that are entering to the platform, showing the support to different topics of great importance in the world, fighting also for what is right and benefit for @steemit, we need the support for this great community that shows its commitment to maintain a democratic and neutral system without attacking anyone and always looking for solutions in a very peaceful way.

Thank you so much for your support.

Hi @edgarare1

Thanks for replying to my comment. I have been active in the cryptocurrency space and blockchain space for a few years. I have also been a blogger on various platforms for a very long time. @steemit is, therefore, a natural place for me and I only wish I had discovered it earlier. My confidence and excitement have been dampened a lot through the fork and community split. I just hope that we can now work together to rebuild the excitement that was there before.

I agree with you that the work that @crypto.piotr had done to build the community at @project.hope is amazing. He helped me a lot too when I joined @steemit. In my view, this is the type of community and community spirit that @steemit should support so that we can make a good platform here moving forwards.

Personally, I would like to hear more from @justinsunsteemit and what he intends to do with this platform going forwards. He is a smart guy and he invested in @steemit for a reason and I would like to understand the reasons and his intentions. We need to close the chapter and move forwards.

Hello my friend @crypto.piotr

I agree with you very much, they are just old witnesses who form a group of people, and who feel they own an entire community, and the worst thing is that they can do whatever they want with any user who decides to be against their rules.

It shouldn't be like that, those big whales are there because the whole community supports them all the time, the former witnesses keep destroying user accounts, but still, the community is supporting them.

The whole community should open their eyes, these are just manipulations, you can be an investor and everybody should show respect to everybody, because nobody owns anything. As I have always mentioned and still do, the former witnesses follow a 100% CENTRALIZED line and say they are fighting because it is decentralized. It is not true, the whole community should know, oh I am sure everyone already knows, but for fear of being muted or ignored all the time they decide not to talk and follow the rules of the former witnesses in their CENTRALIZED line like the clone called ¨H ¨.

Of course as you mention it, taking publications, copying them and pasting them into a new chain, is called worldwide Plagiarism. Stealing assets from an entire community without even asking permission from those who did not want to switch to a new chain. Where is the decentralization when you break all those rules that should not happen. Everything was broken by the old witnesses, and that's why I'm going to @steemit and @misterdelegation and @dev365 @bullionstackers to support us with a delegation, and to make the old witnesses see that The community of @steemit #tron @misterdelegation @justinsunsteemit are supporting us to the community that still fights to maintain the value of Steemit Steem TRON Foundation.

The community is the most powerful and together we can make the value and teamwork more unbreakable.

Yeah the hive platform own by whales that never cares about minnows. They only cares about their discord group that they know. It is like whaleshares community. Theiy are suckers to minnows. Hive whales are also suckers to minnows they don't care about the community. They only care about their friends.

Hello @lebah

You are absolutely right, if this was done for a long time by the old witnesses and whales, now in their new clone they will continue doing it, and they will never worry about the community. The community interests them only because businesses move through a complete entity, and the community is a business for all of them.

@steemit and #steem including @steemitblog are for all of us, we are literally fighting together.

thanks a lot for your support.

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Hello @edgarare1

I'm just an observer of everything that goes on. I'm just a minnow and my voice doesn't get very far. But I like to help those who ask for support in any way I can (voted and resteemed).

I'd like to think that my actions are not bound by money and sometimes I wonder what is more important? To be heard or to be rewarded. To be commented on or to be voted on? And unfortunately, it seems it's always the same conclusion, it is still money that talks.

There are many injustices that bother me from both sides. I must confess that at this moment I support both platforms as it is an opportunity to double my entries (again, money talks).

It is clear that there is a behavior that could be born from the depths of a dark heart of a hater or troller that is the product of some resentment because of an unjust act that was never condemned and consumed by the desire for revenge and justify their actions due to this premise; which caused all this fuss...

I am very aware that both parties are looking after their own interests and profits and they will most certainly not give a damn pickle about my opinion; if they delete me or block me it will not take away their sleep.

I also wonder why both platforms cannot live together at the same time? Although, in the end, I am sure that one of the networks will be forgotten or, in the best case, to "survive", will be used for another interest that draws attention in some other way than blogging (probably games, dapps, finance, etc).

Finally, I'll probably choose to go where most people go. Social networks are very whimsical and fickle. Today one thing is fashionable and tomorrow it's history.

I hope those fellows give you their support and delegation you need.

And don't forget, stay safe and take care of you and your love ones :)

Hello @jadams2k18

It is true everything you said, possibly one of the two chains will be forgotten, but I can be sure that @steemit and @steem together with the #TRON foundation will be long. I can also tell you that the new clone called ¨H¨ will survive because they need the help of our new investor @justinsunsteemit.

Let me tell you something, not only are you excluded that your posts or comments are of importance to the old witnesses, the entire community is excluded, the community does not interest them, so do not feel bad, the work you do is valuable to many people from the community.

I can mention to you that very large accounts that I have followed for a while and that I want to share with you today were excluded and tortured by the old witnesses and whales and erased from the radar so that no one voted their publications are @haejin and @ranchorelaxo are accounts that for a time They have been against the government of the old witnesses and whales, now I hope that they also come back and fight with us for @steemit for something was true and they were absolutely right @haejin and @ranchorelaxo for being against the old witnesses and whales, and the entire community did not notice a thing.

Thank you for your support.

We don't like taking sides. But we share similar experiences and we're wondering if new large stakeholder on STEEM blockchain will ignore voices of small people, just like old witnesses mostly did.

Resteemed and upvoted already.

Hello @project.hope

I am sure the entire @steemit community is very important to @justinsunsteemit and @misterdelegation will do their best to show us their full support, the strength is the community, we are fighting to keep all that is already valuable to all of us.

The old witnesses no longer exist, the rules of the old witnesses are no longer accepted here because they have broken what is called honesty, and for our new investor that has been a great mistake that the old witnesses took as their decision, they will survive, but the People will be back to @steemit very soon. And everyone will be welcome.

Thanks a lot for all your support.

Hello dear @edgarare1, what I will say for now is the following:

Woo friend, I didn't expect to find a statement like this where people are supposed to be moving to Hive completely, I thought that after so much demeaning speech and posts against Steem I was seeing the end of what a few weeks ago was everyone's hope.

Try to attract attention with this publication, because I did not understand clearly why everyone reopened the boat and I think that both chains can coexist.

The problem is that we bring everything to the confrontation, I do not understand how a group of people who benefited widely from steem now write so many things baticining the death of this platform, or taking actions to harm it, if you do not like steem because you simply do not take your things and you leave without trying to harm those who want to stay.

Friend, without wanting to offend anyone, I admire your position and respect your decision.

We ourselves at @project.hope need support with delegations to continue growing and supporting a dynamic and constantly growing community.

That's all for now! Interesting discussion.

Hello, my good friend. @fucho80

It is very clear what you are saying, but it is something very true, people moved to this new clone called ¨H¨porque had no choice. If they didn't they would be off the record and out of sight, what is very clear is that ¨H is 100% CENTRALISED and no one can say otherwise even if they are mentioning it a thousand times that it is not.

The old witnesses invented a lot of things against #steem and @steemit and of course they are also against all the publications of @steemitblog with downvotes, this is because they lost the government they had for a long time, and with the arrival of @justinsunsteemit things would change as a new leader.

It is true what you say, and all these people benefited and abused themselves by getting rich from steem and now they are against something that made them have a reputation and respect from a community, however, they are abusing what STEEM gave them and now they are doing it aside with their new clone.

Excellent what you just mentioned: Why don't you take your stuff and leave once and for all, VERY SIMPLE, you need the #steem and @steemit to get your new clone ¨H¨sobreviva, and of course you need the support of @justinsunsteemit.

The @project.hope community led by @crypto.piotr is one of the famous communities for the integration of people who show their mutual support, are focused on contributing to the community and supporting new users as well. They are talented people with different topics of high quality and importance.

thanks a lot for your support.

Truthfully, some voices were heard while a lot were silenced or faded off on steem before although i guess it is how the algorithm works, the more power you have the more louder your voice so people with low voices weren't heard.

I have been a member of project hope community and i must confess that it has been a relief and will appreciate if there could be a delegation for project hope just like you are requesting for one.

Hello @frederickbangs

I am 100% sure that nedie was heard and everyone was forced to withdraw or move to the new clone, and even if they have a minimum of power it is not the guarantee that they can hear you, all this is happening and continues to happen with the old witnesses and whales They are supposed to have already moved but they have not completely left, they are still trampling on the work of @steemitblog and we will not allow that, we want you to also know that you have our support, the community that we continue with @steemit and we want that #steem remains as valuable as it is until now.

I would like to ask @steemitblog @steemit @misterdelegation to review and give an opportunity to provide a delegation to @project.hope a community focused on supporting talented writers, and of course to dialogue with the founder @crypto.piotr

Thanks a lot for your support.

Agree with a lot of what you've said. I don't expect a lot to change on either platforms. Which is why I've totally stayed away from this whole war. I've focussed on my few long posts and posting on dapps, dapps that help bring more users.

The trending page has always been questionable. Also, getting votes has always been about how well one knows the old biggies. For someone like me who doesn't have time for discord, finding votes has been challenging.

I do think there's a lot of positive coming from steem inc being bought by Justin. However, the crazy war on twitter is just plain stupid. What has happened with the acquisition is of course very interesting and will be a learning experience for many in months and years to come.

Hello @karamyog

I understand what you are saying and I see all this very clearly, it is very easy to focus only and say why all the old witnesses and whales are against #steem, if they squeezed it for a long time and now they are very powerful, but it is useless to them if their way of thinking is mediocre. And they don't let the community grow, because they want to dominate everyone.

It is absolutely clear that the change is positive with the arrival of @justinsunsteemit a fresh mind with vision of what can be obtained in the future.

thanks a lot for your support

i am supporting both chain but decentralization mean everyone is independent to share their thoughts without any fear. But downvoting any post just because you are not agree is not good and freezing someone's fund is also not good and this is not decentralization at all.


You are right, but we can see the other side too, this would not have happened if the old witnesses and whales had made the decision to only want to rule 100% a whole community. The decisions are made by the entire communities, not only 20, the most valuable is #steem and @steemit, the rest is left over, what interests us now is supporting the entire community that was long off the radar by a former government 100 % CENTRALIZED cloned called ¨H¨.

I am not starting a new fight, I am giving the facts and only telling the truth of everything that has happened and continues to happen. The entire community should know that @steemit @misterdelegation and of course with the help of @bullionstackers the communities will have the support they never had.

Thanks a lot for your support..

Hi @edgarare1,
I have the feeling that the power struggle between the old witnesses and steemit has come to a point where people are simply bored of this subject and we are kind of forced to take sides. I believe that this is bad for both blockchains as I see less posts and interactivity on both blockchains.

I believe that you are doing a great job on steem. You are a person that offers real help to my friends from Venezuela and I like your posts. I think that a delegation would help you to continue your work.

Best regards,

Hello @achim03

You are absolutely right, I agree with you, the old witnesses and whales after having squeezed #steem for a long time, now they are attacking him and they are also attacking users, the old witnesses and whales never showed support for the community, they only look to the community for their benefit by leading them in a forced movement to a fully cloned and 100% centralized system called “H”. This is a war of the old witnesses and whales that have lost their power to @steemit. But let's have people who believe in #steem because we got here by Steem and @steemit.

Still the ancient witnesses and whales drop all their power to the steemit team giving their publications a lot of downvotes, the important thing is not to fall into that game again, and teach the community that steemit showed us all his support.

Thank you, I am doing what I can to continue helping your community and the new communities that are created in steemit, I hope I have all the support that I am looking for and request the support also from @bullionstackers and with your authority this can be a reality and we form a most powerful community for the future.

thanks a lot for your support...!!

hello @edgarare1
I remain neutral, although my opinion agrees with several points of what is said in the comments, especially regarding the aspect of this utopia of decentralization. What I do agree with is that the trending zone should not always be the same as the owners of the voting circle, and that those who have great voting power should be busy using their power to grow small people like I, who have been fighting for years and building a future on this platform. We have given much more than our time, we have built contacts, we have interacted and supported the witnesses when they have needed it, and what have we received in return ?, perhaps once or twice an important vote for about 10 Steems and a couple of comments . And this should not be so, the sense of community is another, it is to promote and allow these small fish to grow, it is to do what @done once did with @lvj that helped improve their quality of life for a long time. It is necessary for the whales to advocate and participate in this matter, and to give us back all that contribution and sacrifice that we have given them all these years, because they must keep in mind that the community is built by us, the little ones, with all our interactions