I'm sorry I left you Steemit!

in #steemit6 years ago

Well I thought I was going to be on here way more than I have been over the past few months, but a few things have been holding me back. Mainly that I haven't been actively pushing myself to be motivated to create content. I also said in my last post that I would begin to document several experiences I've had with psychoactives and altered states, and this actually became a huge roadblock for me. I started my recount of my initial experience with orally active DMT and, after writing several pages over a few weeks, determined that I need to break it up into two parts. The first part will be more of a literal description of the events that took place (whether "real" or hallucinated), and the second section will be a space for me to analyze and break down the experience from a more (hopefully) objective point of view.

Unfortunately, these choices still haven't been enough to get more content up here. I made somewhat of a mistake choosing to do DMT for the intro to these posts. If any of you reading this have experienced it, you probably know it's more ineffable than just about anything else you can go through in this life. Trying to give an accurate description of an intense psychedelic experience is a fool's game really, but I haven't given up! As I said in my intro post, I struggle to always be confident that my posts or thoughts are good enough, or thorough enough, or will impact people enough, but I'm trying to drop that attitude since it's not only a worthless perspective to take on life, but I've had many friends tell me that my thoughts on these subjects are definitely worth sharing. So I hope I see you all soon in my upcoming posts and elsewhere. Thank you!


Language can be paltry in it's ability to describe the psychedelic experience but then again, I believe any single mode of expression is not enough to fully share the synergistic quality of the experience. But I agree with your friends, these experiences ought to be shared to fight the fear mongering surrounding the community. Along with knowing how important mindset and physical setting are to these deeply personal phenomena, your intentions to discuss the integration into your life is important for illustrating the deep and lasting changes that can occur. These anecdotal accounts help support the quantitative analysis of these valuable substances; it will be a join effort between the scientist and the artist to lead this reawakening ;*

I got the post up finally! I totally agree with everything you said, namely that no mode of expression is complete, something that I learned during this particular experience and think about all the time. I still search for the perfect words or picture or whatever to convey the idea, but I've found more and more that there is always communication before any deep understanding is reached. It's a two-way street!