We Are The Ants

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have a fondness for applying the lessons of Aesop's fables to everyday life. Particularly of interest is how relevant these tales are to the world of cryptocurrency.

Take this one, for example:

"The Grasshopper and the Ants" is about a grasshopper who spent his days idle while the ants labored day and night to build their reserves for the colder months.

We are the ants.


I was brought here last July by stellabelle. I gave her permission to post a letter my father had written me, originally posted on medium. Because of the comments she received, I decided to take the leap into the uncharted waters of vulnerability. It wasn't as scary as I thought. Soon it became an ideal stage to share my art. I was moved beyond words by the overwhelming support I received. I had never posted a blog in my life before Steemit.

During those halcyon summer days of 2016, none of us could believe what we had discovered. We all engaged with and supported each other, and I now consider many of you real friends.

Steemfest last November was the ultimate opportunity to meet in person those whose work I admired - @ericvancewalton, @opheliafu, @anyx, @razvanelulmarin, @roelandp, @nanzo-scoop, @heiditravels, @steemroller, @knozaki2015, @neilstrauss, @ned - the list goes on. I am grateful to have been a part of that weekend in Amsterdam.

By then, the price of Steem had taken a real nosedive, and rumors of the end of Steemit flooded the trending pages.

At the end of November, personal tragedy struck that tore my family apart. I dropped off and only posted a handful of posts. All my mental, emotional, and creative energy went on lockdown mode. I spent this time immersed in researching the technology behind the mystery of crypto.

What a ride. I will share what I've learned.

Think of crypto as a whole network of sophisticated roads being built underground where they go mostly undetected. For the average citizen, life goes on as always. The media spreads FUD about everything while we trudge along in our grueling routines, fearful of what lies ahead. The establishment has us by our necks, selling us out for their own gains. We are disgruntled because we were taught to not question the powers that be. Strangely, we still feel something is amiss. "The Collapse" apocalypse threatens our financial security daily, as well it should given the current political and economic climates.

But not the workers underground.

Those of us who have embraced this new technology know about this utopia right below our feet. Sometimes we venture up to the surface to take a look around.

Immediately the oppressive atmosphere hits us like a ton of bricks. We try to tell our friends about this new system of transportation that will change their lives. But they look at us like we are crazy. They back away, slowly....


No one likes change. We can't make them drink. We want to say the flood is coming, get on this ark. But our shouts fall on deaf ears.

We, my friends, are the ants in Aesop's fable. The majority of the sheep in the world play the grasshopper's role.

Cryptocurrency is the wave of the future. It can't be stopped.


This is one of the best posts I've read on Steemit in a long while. You sum up the situation so perfectly and succinctly, @fairytalelife. This new wave of tech (A.I., autonomous vehicles, advanced robotics) will devastate the job market and, thus, the traditional financial markets...especially here in the U.S. Crypto is the future for this, and many other reasons. Great job! I'm so happy Steemit brought us all together and showered us with these blessings.

Thank you, Eric. You inspired this post. I am so glad our paths crossed. :)

It was wonderful meeting you both at SteemFest.

You don't know how much! You brought me a toastie! ;)

Haha, I was going to mention that I ate a cheese toastie yesterday and thought of you- but thought that might be a bit weird!

Not at all, @opheliafu. We bonded over toasties - in Amsterdam, no less! Oh, in the Red Light District too. That's pretty special.

Likewise @opheliafu! What's a toastie?

grilled cheese!

Oh! I would have had no idea! I need to build my British vocabulary, I'll be heading over there soon! ; )

You're welcome! So am I, my friend!

We are the ants! I love that line.

Thank you for this inspiring post @fairytalelife. I'm so sorry to hear that the past several months have been deeply painful for you and your family. I hope that the positivity of this community can act as an avenue of support during hard times. I'm constantly amazed at how thoughtful and supportive busy little ants can be. Be well.

Lastly, when I saw that gif I had an epiphany... I really wish that my steemit username was "vandelayindustries"

"And you wanted to be my latex salesman!" LOL! Long live Seinfeld. Thanks, Kirk, for your kind words. I'm sure it seems like I dropped off due to price of steem. So not the case. I appreciate the support from you and everyone else as my life tries tries to return to normal. Cheers to you!

Powerful Message and Story!

This moved me...

Thank you @fairytalelife

Thank you, @cassidyandfranks. I'm glad to hear that. We are in the right place at the right time.

Kudos on the great writing, not to mention the very accurate metaphor!

Well thank you very much, @liberty-minded. That's how I see it, just never put it in writing before. Cheers!

I have missed your wonderful artwork. This is a great post and sums up coming problems in our culture that must be addressed . In these situations I feel that tech and Crypto currency will play a large part.

Thank you so much, @team101. I have missed you all as well. I agree. And as much as governments will attempt to clamp down, they will never gain control in this new way of doing business! Here's to the future!

True Story. Be like water in these crazy days that lie ahead of us. :)

Yes indeed. Be like water - an aptly chosen user name!

I'm so glad you are back Johanna, missed you.

So sorry about what happened, and I hope the sun will shine all around you.

I'm so happy to see you writing again!

Aw, thanks Alien. That means a lot to me. You have no idea. :)

I'm here for whatever you need.

I missed our old conversations, (even with my silly sense of humor).

Sending you a hug Johanna.

Wow, alien. Thank you so much! xo
We can have them again. I will look forward to it.

Yo! :) Looking forward to it too.

Not really feeling like an ant, but more like a little pony these days ))))
I wasn't posting anywhere before steemit too, even facebook, can you imagine this?
Thanks for this post!

I can not imagine. Steemit brought out your formidable side, @richman. And we are all the luckier to reap the rewards of your culinary genius.

You are too kind to me, dear lady!
Cheers :D

Hi there, I've been looking at your posts and I really think they are awesome. I love fairy tales, my grandmother used to read me stories from Brother's Grimm in German when I was very young. I always asked for them at bedtime. Bedtime stories where the Best! LOL
Anyway, you really contribute a lot here and I would like to follow you.

Wow, thank you for the compliment, @susieisms. I appreciate it! To hear them in German must have been a real treat. You got the real thing that way. They always stay with us, don't they?