
lol..sure will be, I am so worried this $600 graphics card I bought for gaming and animation is going to die on me from the full time mining I do on it lol. But hey elmo is backup, hot as hell but always around in case lol. Funny you remembered that post lol

What you are doing is well above my pay grade lol. Im still trying to figure out my new bitpay wallet, trading steem for btc, and where everything goes. Hats off to you for doing all this👍 me its been a headache for me to learn all this stuff but its not that complicated once you dive in. You got all that figured out with moving the money and loading the card? Congrats on getting one, your about to enjoy some serious freedom in crypto now

Well, I have the Blocktrade account, I have the wallet, and i got to the part where you do the trade. I saw steem was at like 1.15 and I backed out because I need more buying power than that if I'm going to buy hubbys meds. Perhaps soon tho...

I always trade Steem Dollars when I do blocktrades, lately its been up more. Its around $2.15 for Steem Dollars on coinmarketcap. But that is understandable if you want to wait the markets out, need all you can get. Just unsure when the recovery in prices is going to happen. I just seen a video where traders are seeing some weird massive bot playing on Bitcoin holding it down. Conspiracy theory running around is a bank is downplaying Bitcoin to show instability, I normally don't believe that stuff but there is a bot on it on a few if that is the case I am unsure what is gonna happen with prices.

I'm patient. I have to be with power downs taking 13 weeks. Im not going all the way down, but I need to get something. I hope your mining goes well! Hope your dad is doing better too🌻

I am trying so hard to avoid powering down but life does tend to make us have to take out of savings. Good news is you can always get it back. My dad is doing well right now, seems in good spirits. He has a check up the beginning of this month and I believe finally we will know when they will go forward with the surgery, he is ready for it I believe, all of us are but there is risk with it but we are trying to kind of face this as it comes. I believe all will be find though, they got a nice boost from that help and some Bitcoins I had saved up. Now I have to earn back what I put out there for them lol....its like a teetering balance system you can never win but try to

We'll keep you and your family in our thoughts & prayers!