
Anyone reading this? Please disregard all of my arguments in the comments below toward @themarkymark. Those arguments are real against someone out there, but they are not valid against mark.

It would properly be a good idea to do some more research into people before just calling them out xD

Means of research are limited as definitive proof is locked out of reach behind private means of communication such as Discord's direct messages. Confront and exposure are, unfortunately, some of the few means we, non-CIA agents, have of trying to get realistic information.


Well you could look at his projects and or just write to him on discord asking a few questions before just blasting him :D

That only works if the other person is also honest from the get-go, otherwise it has the opposite effect, unfortunately.

Lol. I upvote over 128 unique people a week equally all for $3-5. You are so full of shit.

That answers nothing about what I wrote in the post.

Who built bidbots and farmed both curation rewards and liquid steem for the longest time ever? Does that person still hold all of that gigantic Steem Power pool harvested by non-organic practices? Is it a coincidence that now that very same person benefits the most from hardfork 22 since only his circlejerk holds enough power to make posts go beyond that 20 steem wall?

That's you, marky. You and your circlejerk are steem's greatest offender.

The SP I had for my bid bot was going to a bid bot regardless if I did it or someone else. I ran the most ethical bid bot by sacrificing a lot of rewards by blocking the most profitable customers where almost none of the bid bots wanted to do it.

By me running a bid bot, far less shit got rewarded and there was far less spam than if someone else had the SP.

You are full of shit about circle jerk. I don’t have a single vote that is colluded. I vote 128+ people for almost $5 each and whoever votes me votes me. I never ask for votes or trade them.

I think you're the telling the truth.

Now I'm going to tell you why I did all of this. I want to pursue every suspect. From a non-whale point of view, most whales look like the same to me. Bidbots. Autovotes. So how am I going to tell apart the assholes from the people I should be respecting? By doing what I did to you.

So I'm sorry for the downvotes, which I'm going to retract now (not like I think they're meaningful in value but that's not the point), and I'm sorry for harassing you.

I am extremely glad I can take you off the list of people I should be after. Now I'll start chasing the next one.

@felipejoys i want some of what you are on please ?
what is this substance that allows one to see a dishonest vindictive thug as a nice person?

Ah is that you Justin ? that would make sense

NO NO NO you are the who is full of shit!
you managed to become part of your little group of mindless thugs ''your own little nsa styled chain of command" the most successful circle jerk on the platform. with many thousands of accounts.

For a guy who thinks he so smart you are incredibly stupid!
How is being so obviously dishonest cleaver?
what are we going to do with you Justin ?

edit: I've come to the conclusion that these arguments are not valid against @themarkymark


You and your circlejerk are powering down some of your accounts like @buildawhale - a million SP ust on that one... Without even looking at the liquid bids sent to it...

You just cover up all the shit you've done by using incredibly small cats in comparison to the harm you've done, like:

I upvote over 128 unique people a week equally all for $3-5

This is nothing compared to the shit you guys have taken on this blockchain. But you already know this. I'm just warning others.

Lol only powering down 28k the 1.3M isn’t powering down. And the 28k will be powered up on my account. I am one of the few people here who isn’t dumping steem left and right. I’ve been powering up since I got here and only sold 5% of my stake once (which happens to be worth 300% my stake now)

And I report. I have no circle jerk no matter how much bullshit you spread.

I’m done here.

Dam straight @felipejoys and he is creating more accounts every day.

DO you see any other top twenty Witnesses behaving such a disgusting manner ?
If you do let me know please.

We need to have @themarkymark and the nsa styled Chain of Command removed from Steemit the way they removed @thedrarkoverlord

Again idiot I am not. I am claiming account tokens. Learn how the blockchain works moron.

haha Your behavior is moronic not mine!
Why would a person make the choice to be dishonest on a blockchain?
Now that is moronic! why do you do that so often?

When I have enough time I will address your newly minted accounts. Its quite a time consuming process looking at so many accounts. But I will get more of that work done eventually : )
I am a very patient person. Just keep digging it deeper for me. I really do appreciate your assistance in that regard.

lol yea right
He is without a doubt the most dishonest and person I have encountered here.
You will have your own reasons and I have mine. I have never tolerated abusers and he is hanging himself, doing the hard work for me, so I am happy : )

When this nsa styled Chain of Command is fully outed, Steemit and the price of Steem will begin to recover. I know they are trying to pump the price up right now but it wont stick, too many people are seeing what is really going on.

I certainly agree there is so much shit going on behind the curtains that everyone is starting to sniff it's smell, but we shouldn't exclude two possibilities:

  1. some whale faces are out there because they've both invested in steem and put their time into it but they are not shitting on steem. which imo includes @themarkymark

  2. some popular faces could accidentally be part of the circlejerk but are mostly oblivious to it due to their kind hearts, which imo includes the hardworking @crimsonclad

But since we are so angry, we are often inclined to look at every whale as if they were "the same shit" which is very unfair.

''some whale faces are out there because they've both invested in steem and put their time into it but they are not shitting on steem. which imo includes @themarkymark''
I invite you look back in history and look at the benie post which claimed that HIS Asian guy account was taking 2% of the reward pool and look for who provided the fake screenshot for that. You may change your mind about who is shitting on Steem.
They will want to change that but you seem to have the tools to find the originals

benie post

link please. I generally have no idea of what you're talking about right now.

The screenshot was directly from a third party site I did not control. When I figured out it was wrong I brought it up.

But in end it didn’t matter because the data wasn’t even a full week, once you factored in the votes over the next few days it was very close to accurate.

But feel free to spin it all you want, no one gives a shit about what you say. Nor do I give a shit about your 1/10th of a cent flags.

If you want, send me your address and I can send you a pair of my underwear or a t-shirt so you can sniff it all day and sleep with it seeing as your entire life revolves around spamming me with your bs.

Please do tell the whole story between you and him. Although spitefully downvoting me just because I changed my opinion about it sends out a bad impression.

He also posts around 10 automated images a day and self votes them just as much. He also spent a good time going around flagging anyone who commented on my posts as well as a few others. He is a spamming troll.

Yeah, a quick glance at his profile was enough to figure that one out...

Yeah, a quick glance at
His profile was enough to
Figure that one out...

                 - felipejoys

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Looks like I'm his current target sigh

And you flag accounts with no valid reason @themarkymark !

I find your behavior and the behavior of your partner far more egregious than his.

So grow up stop flagging all the accounts you have no justifiable reason to be flagging.
I did see one account that you flagged which i though was justifiable.
But 1 account out of hundreds is pathetic.

Yeah, put up an attitude when you're the one who started talking... While downvoting me... You're not being a shithead at all.

You came at me with attitude! I don't owe you or steemit anything! I had enough!

You know, I didn't even complain about your downvote on this post... But yeah, whatever, I hope you get your things sorted out. Bye.