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RE: Monopoly of Upvotes With an Auto Upvote Bot -- This Ain't Gonna Help The Cause

in #steemit7 years ago

I agree, I do not like the auto upvote thing at all. I know someone compared it to subscribing on youtube, but you do not auto upvote every video they post just by subbing. And "scratch my back I'll scratch yours" does NOT promote quality content, it promotes a little clique of successful people who COULD lift others but choose to create a steemit elite. Humans are what they are, and sadly we are creatures that like to feel like we are better than those around us. The British "Royal family" are real world whales. They are no different than anyone else, they are not "divinely anointed" they just got everyone to bow down and now everyone does it from habit. I probably will never do well here, as I am just not an ass kisser. I have never had a whale upvote anything I did, but I did manage to piss one off... without even trying, just speaking my mind... So yeah, we call "blowing whales" at our house and we just ain't into it.


Well but we have no choice but to keep on posting, consistency is the key, you may get some good whales too, I have only 2 whales following me and they are really good and supportive.

I suspect my attitude does not help my cause, but I am what I am. I just can't pretend that I adore everything a whale posts. My quality varies, some days I am knocking 'em out, some days I am phoning it in... I do not mean to be inconsistent but humans are variable creatures. Autovoting based on personality... just not cool with me and so all the whales who are in that circle jerk are going to think I am the jerk. :) So it goes. We all have opinions, we all have assholes... lol!

lol, this is the Irony which I am talking about.