
I agree that this is an encouraging stat - shows the power of the platform is growing.

Indees, I always look the powering up/down chart and the active accounts to see how this is growing.

Hopefully, it isn't just whales posting more shit posts (usually the case), in order to get more dough. I hate it when they post the same things over and over again, and earn hundreds of dollars because of it... shits gotta stop.

I know what you mean, I also think most of the new accounts created are whale's alt accounts. Steemit somehow still works on a pyramid scheme, so whales will always be getting the biggest % go the reward pool no matter what they do or write. The main idea of "you get paid for creating good content" is not so true after all. But in my opinion is not all bad, you can still swim through whales and get some of the cake for yourself. Remember this is in beta so I think a massive change will set things in some other perspective for all, I hope so.

Eventually, when the mainstreamers come, along with them will come quality content creators, so no worries.