What is #HelpMeHelpYou??

in #steemit7 years ago

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: a neo-tag, or new tag.

I'm starting this on steemit, but eventually it'll trend on platforms everywhere!

I've always enjoyed helping others, some might claim I'm a voluntarist. I consider myself altruistic; as I know this character trait has been one of the utmost reliable principles to have propelled humanity to concurrent degrees of intellect from lower lifeforms (where the evolution of behavior has not progressed beyond dog-eat-dog). However, I'm in a pickle, peers - I can barely help myself.

What do I mean?

I've worked for everything I've owned for over 12 years, since I was 14. Even when I had been homeless (not that I'm ever far from "there" again though) I worked when I had the opportunity, and refused to hold a sign or beg. I've been fortunate enough to live paycheck-to-paycheck most of my life; instead of relying on state welfare or consorting to career criminality - many aren't so fortunate. Yet, I've owned little; and when I do, I'm not able to secure my possession. I've bought and pawned 4 guitars & amps over the last 6 years, and my goal career is to be a musician. I've paid over 10,000 dollars towards 2 used automobiles over the last 2 years and have no vehicle - thus am limited on my viable options for gainful employment (especially in construction).

I feel nearly helpless; my only respite being my ideas of merit - because they're altruistic.
But these are just my ideas; headstuff. . . I'm not really helpless, and my ideas can only be "of merit" in actuality; and they may only become actual if accomplished, only accomplished if practical - only practical if objective. I've been thinking of objectivity quite frequently, as of late, and I love to learn new things - so I know I'm not helpless. But I feel replete with hopelessness. . . That's where you come in. . . If you've got a functional brain, are literate, and have access to the internet - you're already 3 for 3!
Good job so far (hey, many haven't).

  • If you don't profit from the slaughter of thousands & suffering of millions - 4 for 4.
  • If you get a rewarding feeling from helping others in need - 5 for 5.
  • If you want to prosper or just be more spiritually connected & grounded. 6 for 6.
  • If you want more meaning in life and less meanness - 7 for 7.

Your score isn't that important to me - but your interaction is. I need your critique, your point-of-view, your commentary, questions, suggestions & inspiration. Battle-test my ideas; find the fallacy of my logic; contest my conclusions; fault my rhetoric; I want to make my ideas so practical & pragmatic - you'd have to be insane and/or criminal not to interpellate (or actualize) them. Help me develop, so I may be so symbiotic as to return the favor. Although, it may be in ebbs & flow; not so mechanical, as a transaction per se. That's what the blockchain is for though, to at least make developments technical - it can't be done by fiat.

What's the substance & directive of #helpmehelpyou?

Anyone can use it within these 3 parameters:

  • Create. Make a post, video, or web page/forum with a critical question or introspective statement about something confusing you, causing you concern, or demoralizing you and for what reasons.
  • Inform yourself. Research (within reason) into the topic beforehand to inform others who may know even less than you do.
  • Reach out. If someone helps you or you're just feeling altruistic - search for someone you can help that is tagging their post #helpmehelpyou.

I'll give a quick example:

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This could be a powerful case for decentralized ledgers

Why are there discrepancies manifesting in & between the 2016 & 2017 Federal Budget Outlays of the %-to-GDP ratio for the 'debt held by the public' going back (retroactively) to 2013?

I can't seem to get a good answer on this question - I've had it for over a year now. I've reached out to CRFB (Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget) and economists - to no avail. . . The inquiry is not always at the forefront of my mind, but when it is - it's jarring, and elicits uncomfortable feelings about the viability of the American Empire as an enterprise.

I was doing independent research in September & October 2016 - into the U.S. Federal Budgets to see if I could parse 'the debt held by the public'; which accounts for nearly 75% of the gross national debt of, now, $20 TRILLION (an insurmountable sum by current measures & deficits).

It was only by juxtaposition (comparing and contrasting, as opposed to looking at each spreadsheet separately) that I discovered arbitrary discrepancies to 2013's % outlays (of public-debt-to-GDP ratio) on the 2016 & 2017 budgets (so retroactively?).

Video created with Loom - use it for free!
(Sorry for the audio quality - I'm poor.)

  • How does this happen and what are the implications?
  • 2013 & 2014 %s are NOT averages of the fiscal quarters that compose each year, but more than.
    Even if they were averages, the data was changed in the '16 & '17 budgets - the numbers from '13 at least should have been consolidated by then.
  • Does it have anything to do with 'financialization' of the GDP?
  • How would it be audited or objectified anyhow?

In this instance alone, hundreds of billions of dollars in public debt are virtually unaccounted for (which is nothing new, sadly) but it is a fresh, bleeding insolvency compared to the lame leg of the Congressional-Military-Industrial-Complex.

As this e-mail from crfb.org highlights - the scenario is getting worse, transpiring to generational theft.

On a hopeful note, however,
Vice News just posted this video yesterday - showcasing what I mean by decentralized ledgers, a critical component of blockchain tech (which backs cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Steem, and other Alt-coins.)

We are a great power in decline—but neither party has a clue what to do about it.
What should Americans do? First, drop the nostalgic rhetoric of past glory and triumph. Instead, begin a serious analysis of our current situation, and future possibilities, and explore the options that are plausible and worth trying. Forget old political factions and labels. Ask the big questions and invite everyone to the table.

We can dispel stalemate and confusion by reopening the oldest questions Americans have always asked themselves. What kind of country do we wish America could become? And how might we get there?
The Nation

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  • Do you have any answers to my questions?
  • Did I transpire any questions of your own?
  • Did I teach you anything new?
  • Do you have any suggestions on more research?
  • Do you disagree with any of my premises or conclusions?
  • Can you refute or disprove the validity my content?
  • Any comments, compliments or general statements?
  • If the topic is highly esteemed & well-researched: Tip the author

If your correspondence is well formulated you are bound to get some ^votes - thus rewarding yourself.

#TAG! You're it!
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