Why Mexico will build the Border wall - AND PAY FOR IT!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox, has become somewhat of an Internet star, since he declared publicly .....

"Mr. Trump, Mexico will not pay for your f$%king wall!!!

border wall.jpg
Vicente Fox

The new US President has been indeed, been adamant that the wall be built, and he's backed up his staunch anti illegal alien stance with increased Immigration service raids, and prosecutions. This very polarizing issue has plagued the American landscape for decades. It's easy to succumb to hatred, as Americans imagine some "Wet Back" taking their job away, yet at the same time, as illegals are shipped wholesale over the Southern Border, research shows that as much as 88% of all manufacturing jobs lost in the US since the year 2,000 have gone to automation, and robots. There may well be a shortage of fruits and vegetables this Winter because there's no one to pick them in the field. California Farmers are clamoring for robot farm workers.
tomato picking robot.jpg

One thing that most Americans don't understand, is that much of the border between Mexico and the US runs down the middle of the Rio Grande river. The problem is that this River has a watershed of over 335,000 SQUARE MILES!!! An inch of rainfall on this desert region will run as much as 9 Billion gallons of water off into the Rio Grande. Because there's no vegetation to hold back the water, it just runs downhill. Any debris, could build up on the border fence, and create massive flooding.

border wall flood debris.jpg

Because of this construction problem, the "Fence" can't be built within the River's "flood plain."
About 1,200 miles of border wall are yet to be built, and doing so along the flood plain limit will fence off hundreds of square miles of US territory.

This will fence off farms, businesses, and the HOMES = OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!

The Government must TAKE land from US citizens to do this. The lawsuits that result will delay construction for decades!!!


We live in a Country, where over a Hundred years of Centrally controlled fiat currency (Fiat for 44 yrs) has devalued the money by 96%!!! The Citizens vote for one political party, then the other as if they're turning the same dirty pair of underwear inside out, putting them on, and each time expecting a different result.

The Federal Government is now in debt equal to over $166,000 For each and every Taxpayer in the Country!!! Over 104% of GDP. Yet Washington continues to engage in foreign wars, so that those who pay the political bribes make huge profits. The new President (I'm not saying his name anymore than I have to, because I feel the last President was just as bad., The one before that - Same, and on back over the years.) The New President, wants to increase military spending, by Tens of $Billions more per year, and give the richest family on the Planet, a $53 Million tax break!

I'm really not trying to "Spam" you here, but this is a very complicated subject. Over my next few blogs, I'm going to try to explain to you just how the tables will be turning between the two Countries! If you'll follow me, I'll explain how soon enough the Good 'Ol US of A will be the backward land of poverty, so rife with corruption that people will be trying to sneak over the border. Only they'll be "Americans" sneaking into Mexico!!!

Our Neighbor to the South WILL be building, and paying for the Wall!!!! Not to keep their own people from coming North, but to keep YOU from sneaking into THEIR Country!!!

In my next Blog, let's explore gang violence, and maybe I can explain to you how the worst gang in the United States, is a murderous syndicate of petty thieves who steal from the common man on a daily basis. We'll go on to explore how Mexico is actually a much much freer Country then the US. How the Public will soon enough begin to realize how bad things are in the US, and how poverty will become so rampant that you'll think people in Venezuela eat like kings!!!


Congress is in serious talks right now to get rid of the debt celing. Then they can borrow as much money as they want to continue their wars of resource acquisition.Of course, since the debt is based on fiat currency, it is fiat debt that will be repudiated when it no longer serves a purpose.
Meanwhile, the little people will just have to get by as best they can with a destroyed economy.

I'm going to go "Long" on Steem lol

Thanks for sharing ,

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