My vision of Steemit. And what I do for it.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I believe in creativity. I believe in mutual respect. I believe in discussion and the freedom of speech. And last but not least, I believe in creativity.

And I hope that Steemit is the platform that will provide a shelter for all of us who trust in the very same ideas.

My first Steemit steps were in English. I was impressed by the all the buzz, the information flow. Overwhelmed. I even earned some Steem. But I was missing something.


Later on, I realized that the very keen perk of Steemit is that it emphasizes - the community. That we are much stronger altogether. And I decided to build up the Czech community, just a drop in the Steemit ocean of whales and minnows, but really important for me.

I wrote about ten articles describing Steemit step by step even for those who don’t speak any English. I persuaded anybody that Steemit is worth one’s attention. I kept dissuading everybody from copy-pasting while I kept emphasizing copywriting. And I got almost no reward of that. Besides the satisfaction of what I had done. And that is much more valuable that money. I spent a lot of time and energy but it was most definitely worth it.

Today, the Czech community counts more sixty mates and just few of them joined Steemit before me. I am glad that those guys do their best to prepare the ground for more of our fellows who, unfortunately, usually find English environment of Steemit too troublesome.

Last week, @viktor.phuket and me decided to fund a contest for anybody writing in Czech. The rules are really strict and its goal is to show people outside Steemit, that the Czech community gained strength, the Czech Steemians create such a great genuine content and are paid for it. Yet again I spend my time (and Steem) and so does @viktor.phuket. Yet again, it most definitely is worth it.

That is exactly what anyone of you should do if you are not an English native speaker. Help to spread Steemit in your country. Help to spread creativity and freedom. Help Steemit grow. You help yourselves by that.


The Czech Steemit logo by @loooping

On that point I feel I should express my gratitude to people, whose posts I really love to read and who inspired me a lot:

@jaynie – a gorgeous South African woman whose post are amazingly refreshing.
@kiimo – my Norwegian dj. And he knows everything about those bands and songs.
@penguinpablo – I learned almost everything I needed to know about Steemit by him.
@stonedfood – a crazy Canadian whose posts I am always looking forward to.

You can support my campaign easily by upvoting any #cesky post.


You are an example for others to follow. Great job!

Thanks for the shout-out, I have been following your posts too and enjoy your stuff. I like to read the Czech posts because it's like a crazy version of Polish, a language I do speak.

So great work and dobrý den vám přeji!

Wow, you always find a way to surprise me, man :))

Here is a question:
Steemit is mostly english but has some russian community
Golos is just like steemit only fully russian
So what to do then? If they are same then spreading creativity would work the same right?

I have never heard about Golos. If it has its own cryptocurrency like Steem, it will have to become international. Local altcoin is limited and its value can never grow enough.

If I were you, I would rather focus myself on Steemit which already is international. You can post in Russian either. I do so in Czech and it works :)

fishi.stále mne překvapuješ. proč mě to ještě vůbec překvapuje? ;-)

No, zrovna u tohohle článku jsem čekal větší úspěch i mimo naši malou komunitu, ale zatím žádná sláva. Takže jsem překvapil i sebe :)

Ale teď jsou zrovna hlasy slabé, takže mám prostě smůlu.

chce to prostě čas. komunity se budují dost dlouho. u nás na to není živá tradice a angláni tohle družení moc nevedou a pokud ano, tak zásadně uzavřeně

No, sotva jsem do dopsal, už jsem dostal dvoudolarovej hlas :) Tak jsem si to představoval ;)

;-). to se poddá

Slabé ohlasy? žádný úspěch? Vždyt tu mas už přes 2 dolary.. to si myslim ujde ;)

Tak někdy se zadaří i víc, znáš to: :)

Ale pokládám to za texty desetidolarové, takže neúspěch ;)

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