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RE: Usernames vs. Real Names on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

@erickpinos since you asked for my opinion, let me try to condense what could easily be an article for me:

I personally don't think it matters what your name is! I don't even care what someone's name is, don't look at it really, don't relate to it normally, it's not really even on my radar because I am interacting with the comments that name produces!

I know I might not be speaking for everyone here but I interact with users based on their content whether that be their posts or their comments on mine or other posts I am reading the comments of.

I didn't sit around and think about my user name. I just trusted my instincts and typed in the name that came from my you guessed it heart! I write about topics that all have to do with the same thing- things that inspire me and so I am not worried at all about branching outside of the parameters of what my user name suggests.

I could potentially be limiting myself in some areas but I CHOOSE to let it be my brand, in my case it is a perfect gateway to show what I am about and it's not about anonymity or anything like that to me, it's just what I relate to, what I feel at home with and what I want to showcase to the world. I don't link in anywhere else so having this username doesn't affect my 'real profiles' either. I also make sure to add tons of personalization in all of my posts with pictures and information about myself so no one feels like I'm a bot =D

Hope this helps <3


Thank you for your insightful and detailed response. Perhaps you should make it an article on its own :)

I don't think your username is an example of one that is limiting. Limiting usernames would be ones that are about specific topics (travels, crypto, photos, music, kids). Limiting usernames are also not a bad thing, but they would never work for someone like me who wants to write about everything.

That's interesting that you don't even look at the names and just look at the comment. I'm starting to adopt that approach and thus so far I've made good friends with people both with "real names" and usernames.

Hey, that is my favourite part about being here, these conversations and the ability for them to happen :)

You're right, I see what you mean. I write about everything too so if my name were like something-food then I couldn't be all THIS IS HOW TO STEEMIT now could I? Lol

Ya, I never even thought of it, I wonder if I will now that you've brought it to my attention. I doubt it but I will keep a note to let you know!

Have a great weekend =D