Why and How you should create your reputation on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Reputation is a huge part of who we are, therefore, we must guard it both in person and online. Without a strong reputation online, one will not become as successful as they may wish to be because they are not consistent and they ultimately are not reliable. On Steemit, it is very important that you are a reliable source of content for people to want to follow you and like your content. So how can we create our reputation on Steemit? We must start by identifying our niche on Steemit. What is it that you will write about, will it be news, or technology or something else? We must also create a timeline for uploads, and finally, we will want to create a decorum of format for our articles. By this I mean, we want to keep our articles formatted in a clean and organized for our readers. Let's learn more about why these are very important, shall we?

Why does article format play a role in my Steemit Reputation?

When you go to youtube, you expect to see videos, you expect your blogs to always be in chronological order of the blogger's day, you expect your cooking instruction videos to be step by step instructions. The point is, that is as readers and content consumers, we expect consistency if we like something and we will come back to read the next article if it is consistent with what we like. You do not want to write your first article to look like a professional piece and your second article to be 1 paragraph. It makes you look as if you are not serious about your content and therefore, people will not want to follow. People follow content creators if they want to read future content, and people will want to read your future content if your past content is consistent. My strategy is to write an introduction, three paragraphs, and a conclusion with an HD picture for each section except for my conclusion. I also always try to end my conclusion with a call to action such as "and if you liked Upvote and follow." Learn from my mistakes when I say that format is key.

How to create a timeline of uploads

One key mistake I made and still tend to make is figuring out the right time to upload, do you wait 1 day, 2 days, 5 hours? Well here is the truth, it depends on your content type. If you are a news type blog, you need to keep your followers updated and this will require a timeline that will not give you much time to create quality articles but rather quick timely updates. I personally prefer to take your time to write less yet more quality articles. More is not always better and you may see that in my mistakes. I had previously typed 2 articles in a day hoping to receive twice the reward, but it was after I received no reward for my second article that quality matters, but also, that writing more articles will not correlate to more votes or follows. Writing is not a linear function, but rather an unpredictable parabola. I currently believe that 2 days between articles is really working for me and that is the key, it is about what works for you. Test your time spaces and find your ideal time, and stick to it. If you wouldn't be late to an interview, do not be late to your next upload.

Finding your niche

Last but most importantly, you must find your niche. What will you write about? Writing about anything that comes to your head can be very detrimental to your overall reputation because your reader will not know what to expect in the future and they will not follow. Taking me as an example, my niche is tips and advice. I will usually write about ways to better others content and persona. The next article you read will probably be about some success tips and now if you are a reader who is interested in tips or advice, and like my content, then you can be sure that I will write about what you are interested in 2 days from today. With that knowledge, you may consider following because I am building my reputation inside this tips and advice niche. The point is that you must find something that you can provide, also something others like, and you may be rewarded with a new follower.


So in conclusion, you want to have a niche, and consistent timeline, and consistent format. Your niche will provide you with your demographics which you are responsible for content too, this will be the foundation of your reputation. Your timeline will allow your readers and followers to trust you, and consistent format will tell the readers that you are serious about your content. Using these few tips, you can better your reputation and become more successful on Steemit.

If you liked this content, please Upvote and folllow @hersh1498


Thanks for a good read. Made me consider a few things.

No problem, Thank you for taking the time to reading the article : )