Introducing CEO, Investor, Marketer, Master of Sales and Influencer Grant Cardone to Steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


When One Of My Heroes Joins Steemit I Take Notice, Enter @GrantCardone!

I almost fell out of my chair this morning when I saw that Grant Cardone joined us on Steemit. I said to @AnaHilarski yesterday, "watch this, @Stackin (Charles Fuchs) is here and Grant Cardone will be here soon as well." Oh Snap, not even 24 hours after I write an intro post for @Stackin I am doing the same thing for my hero Grant!

Grant Cardone has impacted @AnaHilarski and I greatly over the years as we have built our marketing company for the world of Crypto Currency from the ground up. All of us were early adopters of Google Plus where we absolutely dominated back in 2011-2012. We used to watch every "Grant Rant" that he produced. Grant Cardone will slap every excuse out of you.

"I don't have time is the biggest lie you tell youself."

By Grant Cardone


Every day when people come to me with their financial struggles. I point them at the opportunity to build a personal brand online. Almost everyone comes at me with the same dam excuse, "I wish I had time". Now most of these people have time for TV, going to the bar, watching a sports event etc. When you tell people they should sacrifice an hour a day building their future they almost always have an excuse.

100% Success Formula.


This is why whenever someone complains about lack of success on Steemit or online I point them to my blog post, "Pareto's Principle on Steemit. Success happens when you put in the work!

Do You Need Motivation to Destroy Your Excuses?

I recommend you go to Grant Cardones Youtube Channel and start watching his videos. They will truly change your perspective on business, sales, marketing and success.

What I Will Do For Grant Cardone.

I will send Grant my SBD (Steem Dollar) payout for this post so that he can Power Up his account here on Steemit. Please upvote this post so that we can motivate influencers to join this outstanding community. If Grant has great success on Steemit I know he will tell his audience of millions to join us here on the decentralized social network built on the Steem blockchain!

Follow Grant Cardone Across the Web.

Grant Cardone Steemit

Grant Cardone Twitter

Grant Cardone Facebook

Please Welcome @GrantCardone!!


I guess I will first thank you for bringing in such a high profile individual among us, he'll be thrilled. But, secondly, a big "WELCOME ABOARD!" to Gant Cardone on our Steemit Train.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

WoW! More awesome people who will start to promote the Steemit platform. The wheels are turning fast...ones the snowball starts rolling it cant be stopped😁
FULL STEEM AHEAD!! Great work @hilarski

That's Awesome @hilarksi! Just 24 hours later, BOOM! #STEEMIT ACTION 😂 🤣

Like Clockwork!

@Stackin bro, did you tell @GrantCardone about Steemit?

Never heard of him. But I'm glad he's here. I'm still waiting on Joe Rogan, Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss to join. With this kind of news coming seemingly every day now, it shouldn't be long.

Mr. 10X rule himself has joined steemit? That is awesome!

Massive action = Massive success ....Awesome post man very good read, thanks for sharing, I upvoted and followed, new here on Steem so feel free to follow back 👍😊 grind overload has me never knowing what time or day it is .... I love Grant, he's channel is great

This is really great news. Grant Cardone has been motivating me for many years now. Really cool to see him embracing Steemit!

Yea same here I watch him on YouTube all the time

It truly is amazing watching this platform evolve. WOW!

nice.. never heard of him till today lol

Get his audiobook, The 10X rule. It is amazing. The book is great, but Grant is a master orator and the audio hit me harder and better.

Awesome! upvoted and followed him

Just followed you 👍

Thanks! Followed you back

Thank you, it truly means a lot 👍

sweet! going to follow