IMPORTANT dialog / correspondence from someone frustrated with steemit. DON'T MISS THIS INTERACTION.
Comment discussions can often be better than posts. I'm sharing one so everyone can participate.
You can see the original post from prakashghai by clicking here.
It made only $1.29, had 22 views, 24 comments, and 41 upvotes.
...the post is going to be locked into the blockchain, probably never to be seen again.
I'm bringing more attention to this post -- because YOU will enjoy reading it.
@prakashghai and @intelliguy both make a good point. You were left out of the discussion. Now it is time for you to read it, and say something yourself.
If only 5 people upvote this post and comment, then it is worthwhile of me to bring this issue back in front of all of you.
...ask yourself:
Let's find out:
QUOTE from @prakashghai
Steemit should ban all bots and vote buying services. If it really wants to succeed.
I have kept it short.. I see no future in Steemit unless this stops. if it doesn't stop users will simply shift to other social media platforms who also pay cryptocurrencies to post but where these kinds of practices do not exist.
As simple as that.
@intelliguy REPLY:
Banning bots is technically impossible. That's why they exist.
Here's something equally as impossible:
- Internet providers should ban spam. No one should ever send another junk email ever again.
(Also technically impossible)- Steemit should ban human greed. Stop people from taking too much from the reward pool and share the funds a little more equally.
(Also technically impossible)
QUOTE from @prakashghai
Nice to see a comment from you.
I have been struggling lately... and Kinda got frustrated looking at the ways and means others have adopted here to loot the system.
Earlier.. I was not bothered but now I realise that if someone has an unfair advantage and making more rewards because of it he is probably taking it from my post rewards and I have been slogging for it.
There is a limit to me watching it quitely from the sidelines but today, that limit stands crossed.
I simply cannot keep my eyes closed and see jerks reaping the benefits.
These same jerks are found in real society too.
Neither they have a conscience nor self-respect, nor any ethics or morals.
They can do anything for money. Someone needs to standup against them.
Its sad to see that just like in real life. The unscruplous make the most money here.
And people who gangup, beg, borrow or steal. Also like in real life..
The rich get richer on steemit and artists struggle here too.
I left Instagram/ became inactive on FB and my blog believing behold.. steemit is here.. my struggles are over...
But ...this place aint what I expected it to be. Lets just take a look at your comment for example...
We the honest, simply surrendered in front of the dishonest... By saying we cant ban these guys. I dont like that...
The unfair advantage people have here is comparable to corruption in real society and I am a victim of that in the real world already and feel the same here to a certain extent here already.
I tell a quote to people that "If you deserve it and still do not get it, then it is directly or indirectly a consequence of corruption".
I hope you get my point now.
Here is my final response to him. DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE with ME or HIM?
These same jerks are found in real society too.
Humanity is found everywhere.
The unscruplous make the most money here.
The unscrupulous make money in every single industry. Whether that be groceries, oil, gas, social media, the internet in general, automobiles, clothing, everything. Steemit is not exempt, nor is any other avenue.
But ...this place aint what I expected it to be.
Life isn't what anyone expected it to be. The older and wiser you get, the more you can see it. The "place" doesn't matter.
I tell a quote to people that "If you deserve it and still do not get it, then it is directly or indirectly a consequence of corruption".
That is a half-truth.
Half of it is fully true. Half of it is completely wrong. If you repeat the same behavior in life and expect different results, you only have yourself to blame.
I hope you get my point now.
I get your point. You'd do better though to work with what you have and make the best of it. That's the only choice in life. You can make what you have accessible to you, work for you the most. Steemit is still a good place, it is one of the first to reward users, when every other social media platform seems to reward the company, and sell your privacy and browsing habits to everyone else.
This is still 25% ahead of every other social media platform out there. If you don't see that, then you're not giving it a fair shake. This is new. It's the first of its kind. Let it grow and mature.
Many people have thrown in the towel here only to return 6 months or 12 months later saying "ok, I'm back".
My recommendation to you is to stick with it... You can slow down, but don't abandon it.
P.S. a bit more:
We the honest, simply surrendered in front of the dishonest...
By saying we cant ban these guys.
I dont like that.
I don't like it either. But there are technical limitations. You're a photographer and an artist. Not a computer programmer.
Similarily, if other people can build a rocketship and go see the moon, why can't I build one, and go visit it too? That's not fair.
....aka technical limitations...
I don't like that I may live and die and never walk on the moon. However, things we don't like, and things we think should be possible isn't us surrendering. It's understanding and accepting. It's not settling. Who knows? Maybe some of what we see today will change in a few months or a year from now.
In the old days people burned and made candles before electricity was invented. What a surprise electricity became. No one expected to be able to flip a switch and have instant light. It happened.
Be optimistic. It will take you further in life.
I'm on day 24/30 of my positivity challenge.
If you've actually read this far, and want to chime in, please do. If you scrolled through this post, please go back and read it. :)
Hell yeah ! We all only have one option: Keep on doing the best we can and try to learn how to do "it" better. Sorry folks, giving up is not really an option .. thats just a bad choice.
Personally, I here to learn and treat my senses AND meet great people, hey if you want to throw me a penny or two, cool too. This is my fave place to surf on the internet, and the peeps are awesome and Wicked Smart !
Keep up the GOOD work Bro, I appreciate the reasoning I see coming from you.
"Maybe I'll be there to shake your hand, maybe I'll be there to share the land"
"I really hope ..."To see you on the dark side of the moon" ... Kudos !
Read More, reason More ... JTS
I believe these bots help the network more then they harm actually. These bots, for instance, could help us figure out complicated circle jerks. If we could do that we could make looting the rewardpool harder and harder so value can flow to better destinations within the ecosystem of Steem!
The best written bots, overcome the most selfish-designed bots.
You are correct.
Bots are the ones who send out spam email
Bots are everywhere on the internet.
Bots use to comment on Wordpress blogs (and still do) now they also comment on steemit blog posts
Bots are here on steemit too and will continue to stay
Bots will always roam around the internet. It is now a fact of life
Accepting that bots will exist, and users like yourself that promote and respect "good bots" will outweigh "bad bots"
I agree.
On Steemit people should really move their focus if you ask me...
For me personally, the number one reason I joined Steemit in the first place was to support specific channels who got censored and/or lost income on FB/YouTube / other!
Most here also believe they should create content, instead of enjoying the many great work of others... One can even collect a small curationreward for that, how awesome is that? I'm doing the same on other platforms and get nothing... (while bumping onto all these crappy content / spam / advertisements)
What you said makes complete sense. Anyone can write what they want, and there is no prior agreement or violation of terms of service or guidelines in the blockchain.
The steem blockchain doesn't plant cookies and follow you around the web.
There is so much more here that's isn't obvious that makes this worthwhile, and none of it has to do with money.
Finally, a post I can direct anyone that wants to throw in the towel on steemit. Also a good read to fall back on on those bad days when nothing seems to turn out right. Steemit is just like a mirror of the society we live in. Trying to make it utopian is only a mirage and not possible. Thank you.
I love your comment about working with what you've got and making the most of it.
Isn't that just the best advice someone can give anyone else?
And not just here. It goes for anything in life.
Make the most of what you've got. X
Aha! 1 person out of 5 that found value. Thank you very much for echoing the same sentiments.
(If anyone disagrees, please state why)
Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :)
Sounds like the rants of a wannabe. The wannabe is dishonest with himself. Putting all your faith in any venue like social media is ridiculous. I just look at this as fun. I'm on a social media site that doesn't have ads. If you read my stuff, cool. If not, that's cool too. If you're mad you're not getting paid for literally doing next to nothing and other people are getting paid then maybe you should go collect unemployment. Steemit is not a job.
Once you get a taste of the honey, you want more honey and get upset when you can't.
Originally most people love the few cents. Then they love the dollar or two.
Soon cents and dollars are not enough, because we see other people making hundreds.
If you lose the concept that you started FOR FREE. ..then made cents... and then made dollars...
Stop looking at people who are making HUNDREDS.
It's all about perception and reality. I don't fault anyone for getting sucked into that vacuum, but if you created a free account here and it still makes you some money... how can you complain about it?
To give an example, in Ethopia according to this calculator last updated September 2017
With today's payouts on steemit, over an entire month, you could feed your entire family on crappy posts with a mediocre family grocery bill.
Those of us lucky enough to make money in better ways should acknowledge that there is value here. None of us are going to buy a Lamborghini or retire soon. But to suggest this place is worthless and a waste of time, just angers me.
It's not a waste of time. It's fun. If you're lucky enough to get paid to have fun, good for you. I just find it a bit humorous that people get their panties in a bunch instead of trying a different approach.
HOLY S---- ... (to be politically correct) HOLY CRAP.
I just read your blog. OMG, you have a way with words. Stories too!
You're making a bunch of top notch posts about life and getting paid under $1.00 and you know it. ...however the stuff you write, is EXACTLY what a lot of us want to read.
...just wait for it. keep it up. You're doing it right.
Payouts aren't an indication of content value. They're an indication of popularity.
Popularity and content value aren't the same.
I just snatched that from your blog. OMG I love that you wrote that.... You're reputation level 25 today. We're gonna cross paths soon, and then again, and then a year from now. Keep writing your stuff. It is totally awesome the stuff you share.
Following you now -- and thanks for keeping your head on straight. Most people don't.. or they succumb to the stupid parts of life and then get their head disjointed. lol.
Wow, really cool meeting you!
EDIT:You just moved up to reputation level 28 from 25, don't know if it was my votes that did it, or others too. You're going to keep moving up if you keep writing what you write. :)
Comments like these keep people going, Gj!
Hahaha thank you. I have many more already written. I've had a lot of life experiences. The next installment is something I wrote over a year ago but I'm rewriting it. It's going to be about women with Daddy Issues. Thanks again.
Hehehe I can only wait. :)
....and.... this is the important part:
REWRITING it. Not just reposting it. So many ex-bloggers come on here and recycle their material already posted on the web and expect to lean back and get paid.
Rewriting and making it fresh and new, is well respected here, both by real users and bots alike.
another follower ! very cool !!!
Veni Vidi Vici !
I joined, stayed and never left because I understand the value and future of this platform.
Enjoyed this post and will resteem good sir @intelliguy! I had the same epiphany as our friend praks here early on during my STEEMIN' initiation - I quickly realized / determined that my effort value will prob. never exceed a penny or two per hour invested. You answered well and, as with anything in life, you get out of it what you put in. Also, I adopted the Steemit mindset of not dwelling on $$$ earnings, just enjoy what I can here. Sure, I noticed my account value plummeted from $200+ to $160 this past week as I added 40 more followers! Tha wacky crypto will never make much sense to me but I am having a good time! My thanks to those, like you, who put the time, energy and effort in to keep me coming back for more. If 5 years from now my account somehow yields enough to buy me a small hooptie that will be icing on my STEEMIT cake!

Your account plummeting from $200 to $160 wouldn't have happened (and my account too) if more people read this particular post:
Basic economics is what is causing people to rush and sell (instead of wait).. I want to educate more people.
One guy @exyle who is worth over $90,000 USD actually bought STEEM with limited funds at the right time. Most people don't get it yet. Even if we have a lot of experienced users here.
Anyway @lanceman, it is always a pleasure to hear from you. Thanks for continuing to stop by. Soon as I see your name, I always smile. I'll be checking your blog out again next.
EDIT: I just did. @lanceman just taught me that SBD was paying out interest for a short time. I've watched it not pay interest for a very long time. He's worthy of a follow.
I have also been seeing some other new Steemians getting frustrated with Steemit lately. They are not getting the payouts they imagined and are looking for a reason why. In this case bots are blamed but there is nothing dishonest about bots. There are not many rules here on Steemit and a lot is allowed in efforts to try and "game" the system. If someone comes up with a clever alternate way to earn money on Steemit should we call him a cheater or applaud him? (I think the latter). I also believe that if you joined Steemit solely to get paid that you will have a hard time. The best approach is to have fun and just do your "thing". Nobody is owed anything on Steemit, it is what it is. If you get a big payout, good for you, if you don't, either accept it or try harder. There are a lot of amazing authors here who are undervalued but I believe that if you keep at it that your time will come. Bots have nothing to do with this. If @prakashghai was earning $100 per post, he would have a different stance on bots. His issue is not with the bots but with the (in his view) disappointing payouts. My take is that every payout, large or small is a gift, given to me by my fellow Steemians and should be regarded as thus.
My frustration is grounded from this post he made: old man, who should have been retired from steaming peanuts at $0.15 USD a bag in Jaipur, India.
That was a memorable post he made, showcasing a non-user of steemit, with a photo.
@prakashghai had a blog post upvoted to $2.99 for taking his photo, which is 19 bags of peanuts that seller would have to sell to local people in his district.
Something is wrong, when you can take a minimalist photo of a peanut vender making only 0.15 cents per bag, and you can also complain about the payouts of steemit. I'm just trying to put things into perspective for @prakashghai
Excellent example. Sometimes we forget how hard other people have to work just to earn a few cents.
I hope @prakashghai gets it (he should because he was the one who took the picture).
Thanks for all your solid advice. It helps us newbees develop more realistic expectations for the platform.
I reckon you gently guided the guy towards a path to success, and I find fault with nothing you said.
I did have a question though, about something you said:
Can you expand on this just a bit?
I've gotten into bouts with you before. Where we have gotten into long winded debates. Your scientist in you comes out, and it becomes a neverending story (like the movie)
So in this case, no I won't.
...I'm not here to engage with you in constant debates or "substantive criticism". So when you ask an innocent request like "Can you expand on this just a bit", you're already in fighting stance, and I learned enough the first time that I will avoid it this time. Not because I wouldn't do that in person. I just don't want to cloud the discussion for matching egos with you at the cost of missing the point at hand.
Let me open end my question similarly...
P.S. Look at what you wrote:
You always find fault. It appears to me that you always spend time to try and find fault. That's your demeanor so you can engage someone into a debate. It appears to be a freudian slip. Please mute me. You have the option to do that.
Continue to prey on the weak. Not here.
I reckon you can do what you want. You grossly mischaracterize my comment, but you don't know me from Adam, so you clearly judge me by the company you keep.
Enjoy it.