Introduction - Why I Waited (6) Months Before Writing My First Post on Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

My  pen name is Internistic. I have been a regular Steemit reader since  the beginning, which goes back to just a few weeks before the first payout in July.

One thing that caught my eye at first was how grassroots friendly this platform was. I was impressed by the fact that any  ordinary person or group could easily turn their idea into a business on the Steem blockchain. And that they could do so without asking permission to  anyone. For me that was a huge step forward with respect to providing economic empowerment to people.  

Another thing I found groundbreaking was Steemit's "onboarding mechanism" - which is the process of  getting new users to use a cryptocurrency.  In allowing someone to get  their first Steems by simply writing a blog post, Steemit became in my  eyes the easiest cryptocurrency platform for anyone to get started with. I believe that this is Steemit's most groundbreaking innovation. Which is why I decided to follow this project from day one.

Anyway,  after creating my account, I took the habit of coming back and reading  the most trending posts of the day every single day. I remember that @cryptoctopus used to be one of my favorite Steemit posters at the time. He wrote tons of posts, was very engaged with the community and I kind of wished I could  be like him in that regard. "Why just be a consumer of content when I could also be a content contributor myself like this guy? I thought.  But I chose not to. And if you want to know why, it's simply because of the following  reason:

I Knew My Posts Would Be Controversial And I Was Concerned About Job Related Consequences!  

You  see, as far back as I can remember I have always considered myself a contrarian in life. More often than not, my opinions  on many issues are not considered politically correct. My ideas tend to be way  out to the right or way out to the left side of public opinion. And I  have been frustrated in that area my whole life as I never  felt free to express myself the way I wanted to. 

I worried that  if I were to really speak my mind, if I decided to say what I really  thought about many issues, that certain people (or groups)  could get offended.  And  because of the kind of work I do, there could be some serious  consequences with respect to my job, including the possibility of being fired or completely ruining my career. And this is a price I can not  afford to pay at this time. 

So as I  went through the thoughts of whether to blog or not, I said to myself, you know what? "Steemit  may be cool, but I would  rather be a Read-Only user on their website and  not a writer for the time being". Then on that thought, I left it alone! 

But Then a Light Bulb Went on (!)

What  happened next was that, one day as I browsed through older Steemit posts. I came accross an article by @steemcleaners which was titled: "The  Steemcleaners guide For Dealing With Abuse on Steemit". That article was a  Game-changer for me because what I learned was that anyone was allowed to use a pen name to protect their privacy should they decide to do so when they write a blog post on Steemit. And that the way to do that is to follow some abuse-prevention rules as described by @Steemcleaners in that post. Link below.

So basically  my understanding of their guidelines is the following: 

Do not  claim to be an important or popular persona or you must be verified. If you use a personal photo you must be prepared to verify it. Always use original content. If not, you must verify its source.

Therefore since  I am not claiming to be an important or popular person. Since I am not  using any personal photos. And considering that I am only using original  content, I conclude that those@steemcleaners rules have essentially cleared the way for me to write my posts using nothing else but a pen name on the Steemit platform going forward.  

Besides Speaking My mind  on Controversial Issues - What Else Will I Write About on Steemit?

Once I made up my mind. Once I knew I was about to start blogging, I began asking myself some questions to determine what it is I was going to write about. Some of those questions were: Besides getting mad about people and stuff, what else can I do for the community? Which group right now has  the greatest need for  help on Steemit?

And the answer was: The Minnows!

In determining my audience, one thing that was of great help for me, was the fact that over the last few months I had the opportunity to discover many great Steemit authors and reading a large number of their posts. In that process, I  discovered the Minnows which as you probably know, are considered the lower class and the underdogs in the Steemit community.

And  since I usually root for the underdogs -  both in sports and in life, -  it seemed a natural choice for me to side with the Minnows and trying to help them. But  not only that,  since I am starting out on Steemit as a Minnow myself - at least in the beginning - it just makes sense for me to be on  the same team as they are.  

If  you've read my post up to this point I thank you for your interest in  my story . I'll take this opportunity to share the subject of my future posts with you. That way you may decide to follow me if any of these subjects is of interest to you. Here they are: 

 a) Learn Why Cocaine and Meth Addicts Can Be Top Producers in These Two Surprisingly High Paying Jobs! (No - It's Not what you're thinking!)

b) The One-child Rule May be Cruel But it's the Only Real Solution to Feeding The Poor!  Let Me Explain!


Hey.. Very interesting introduction, I enjoyed reading it. I look forward to seeing more in the future. Welcome to steemit! And good luck on here. Upvoted and I followed you as well.

@apolymask. Thanks for your warm welcome. Comments upvoted and will follow you soon as well:)

Intriguing... excellent teaser introduction and promise for more to come.

Well done!

@aunt-deb - Boy do you sound like a good old copywriting insider!:) Like the saying goes: "it takes one to know one", hey? :) - Anyway, most encouraging words I've received today so far. Upvoted and soon to be followed!

Ha! I guess it could read that way. I am a voracious reader, but no copywriting - excepting my own personal internal critiques. Sound high-flying... basically boils down to I have picky reading habits and I like what I've read so far. {Grin}

Keep going!

Welcome... sort of, well to the writing part anyway. Good luck with it all, I am following to read more... ya done good.

@kyusho - Comments upvoted! I think I get your subtle critic when you said "well to the writing part anyway". That probably has to do with the image in my post, right? I know, not easy to do images on Steemit properly :) And still struggling with that. Any further commenting or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Welcome sort of... was tongue in cheek as you have been here but still new to posting... I just copy and paste the image code and it works for me... I use some that I credit from the web and some I generate and add to my server.

@kyusho - I've played with it over the last couple hours. Making baby steps but I have a feeling that I am getting better at it. Thanks again!

Hi and official welcome! I'm glad you came out of the shadows, haha! I've only been here a few weeks, but the community is pretty great. Glad you're on team minnow ;)

@dreemit - Thanks for welcoming a fellow minnow. Together we're stronger:) Comments upvoted!

Thanks! Come visit me anytime :)

FYI, Few of the image in this post is not loading

Thanks for letting me know:)

you're welcome. one more thing I notice is you are using 5 tags. There's a bug with that now when 5 tags are used, only the first one works. So, you won't see your this post in
You can try to edit and drop one of the 2nd to 5th tags.

Thanks for welcoming me and for letting me know about bug.

You're welcome

Great post. Can't wait until you throw your metaphorical Cat amongst the Steemit Pigeons.

Interesting post, looking forward to reading more of your content!

@blackoutzz - your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks!