Your Steemit achievements and resolutions: What does 2018 hold?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In 2017, I achieved (almost) all of my Steemit goals: reached reputation 60+, got consistently good payouts for most of my content, accrued over 1,000 Steem Power from my posts, even made it to the trending page a few times! So all in all, I could say 2017 was definitely a success as a Steemian.

Old-school Irime, back then when I used to cook and dine with my date Hannibal Lecter (yes, I am geeky like that sometimes, don’t make it awkward).

The only goal I had set for myself that I didn’t reach was to get 1,000 followers by the end of the year, which I can only blame myself for, given that I have not been so active commenting and interacting with Steemians outside of the ones I already follow.

However, I have to say that one of the things that have made Steemit different from other platform is not the quantity, but the quality of interactions here: I have met some really amazing people here, and I regularly get interesting, thoughtful and involved comments from these remarkable people. So cheers to that! That is something we should strive to maintain and cultivate even further in this New Year!

Another thing that is unprecedented for me is that I have been creating content consistently for the six months or so since I joined. This is a first, since I have blogged before but it always ended in the same way, with my enthusiasm dwindling and the stream of posts gradually drying up until one day I abandoned the enterprise for good. Being completely honest, I reckon it was the clear and tangible monetary gratification that kept me consistent.

Previously it was easy to feel like I was just spending my time and effort into something that provided little to no returns, and that is something that makes Steemit really unique and exciting. I really hope that the forces of good win the battle against the leechers and abusers of the platform, because the potential is clear for Steemit to become a huge global success! If we keep growing and improving we could be part of a genuine revolution on the way people create and interact with online content.

That said, I thought about the ways in which I would like to improve my participation here, so I came up with a little list of:

Steemit resolutions – 2018

Becoming a more consistent content creator.

I really admire people like @suesa, that day in and day out manage to write and publish quality content. I honestly don’t know how they do it, but the result is spectacular!

I have to admit that up until this point I have relied a lot on “strokes of inspiration” to write stuff instead of setting a routine and discipline myself to write consistently, not just whenever I feel like it.

Also, as a perfectionist I struggle with constantly throwing ideas and half-written articles to the bin because I feel they are not good enough (ironically, my article about the debunking of the mouse aluminium trial related to autism, which has been my most popular and highest rewarded one so far, was going to be one of those discarded ideas). This year I want to just put my stuff out there without overthinking it!

Commenting on the spot.

I often do this thing were I read somebody’s article and think “oh, that’s really good, I also would like to add a couple of things to it” and instead of doing it on the spot, I wait to do it later and then life gets busy/I get distracted and later becomes never. Say no to procrastination!

Interact more with the community.

As I mentioned before, lately I have been mostly interacting with the same people I am familiar with already (just like in real life, ha!), but interacting with other newly discovered Steemians would be another way of enriching my experience here and also making my little contribution into nurturing and helping this community grow. I find that –besides the money, hehe– these interactions are what keeps us motivated and enthusiastic about this place, so let’s keep it up!

Support and grow with my niche.

This year I want to become more involved and become more of an active member in the main communities I am part of – in this case, I would say that’s Science and Martial Arts/BJJ. I want to help them grow and become bigger, better and more diverse! So my contributions and support will be mostly directed to them.

Experiment with new content.

Lately I have been toying with the idea of making videos to post here on Steemit. This would be mostly for the Martial Arts/BJJ content as well as the miscellaneous cultural stuff that I post sometimes.

I have zero experience editing and putting vlogs together, but this could be a good time to start! I would also like to try and challenge myself to become comfortable in front of the camera – because, you know, introverts.

What do you think? Those are my Steemit goals for 2018… have you thought about yours? I would love to read about your ideas to make this new year even better than the last one!

Cheers to a stellar new year,



Thank you for this! I think a lot of my goals for this year will be similar to the ones you've achieved in the previous year! I'd love to get my rep up to 60. I'm moving to a new country soon as well and would really love to fully involve the steem community in my journey, a lot more than I have done.

Good luck with the new year. I wish you the greatest success!

@migzillion, I think it's a really good idea to write about your transition, since you could make an interesting series of articles using your perspective and personal experience. I am sure many people would find it useful and perhaps even inspiring.

Good luck to you as well!

Happy New Year @irime! :) I said on my last post that my steemit goal for 2018 is to debunk misconceptions about psychology and raise awareness about mental health!
All the best to you :) and let us see those vlogs!

@abigail-dantes That is a great idea, in this day and age of easily spread misinformation is definitely much needed! Your articles are always very well written and researched so I'm sure you'll ace it.

Best wishes for 2018!

It's impressive how far you've come on Steemit while always producing quality content.
Liking your experimental endeavours. Certainly will be a teaching experience for both sides!

Well, thanks to you for introducing me to Steemit in the first place! ;-)

I knew it would be your kind of thing :P

thanks for showing the way, I'd say ;-)

I read a view of your science posts&followed u back then, but I wasn't aware about you blogging about martial arts until now. I will read those with great interest too.
Have a wonderful 2018, and don't stop blogging!^^

@sco Still a long way to go! But we must keep working hard.

Yes, I reckon I would post a lot more about martial arts if I knew there was enough interest, so I am very glad to know that you would read that content.

Have a very happy and successful 2018 as well!

I know where you took that photo, its up on one of the old DDR buildings on Karl-Marx-Allee. Do you live in one of those apartments?

Your Berlin detection powers are still quite accurate, Leo! This was taken on the top floor of one of these:

There's a restaurant at the top that my boss rented for a fancy speaker's dinner after a conference, hence the celebration!

I like F-hain but I don't know if I would like to live there since it's kind of far away from work, my training ground and usual hangouts. I live in P-Berg, next to all the "latte macchiato moms" and bio-store families :-)

Having lived in Berlin for 8.5 years, I know it quite well. However, I was never atop one of those towers. A view I would like to partake of some day. I used to live over in Kreuzberg SO36 and Alt Treptow.

P-Berg - das Ökoschick Kiez. I have a very good friend living on Käthe-Niederkirchner-Str. She's been looking for a Spanish speaking tandem partner to do a swap for German. I believe she can engage comfortably with a conversational level. Beyond that, she's been living in Berlin for some 17 years and knows it very well, and is good fun to hang out with. I have a feeling the two of you might click. Would you be interested in connecting with her?

It's always good to work towards goals, you just reminded me to set some specific ones for Steemit as well. Thank you @irime and Happy New Year!

Happy new year to you as well, @altherion! May we grow together in 2018 :-)

Fun fact: Imaginary dates with television protagonists are only awkward if you let them be awkward :P

Ha! Touché...

I mean Mads Mikkelsen is hard to resist!

Some of them grappling locks would be awesome if you perform vlogs... Lucky hannibal

@gamainvegas I am not sure I am confident enough on my technique to make videos about it... actually, I'm positive I still suck quite badly, haha!

I reckon if I go ahead with the vlogs it will be more about preparation for competitions, conditioning, my experience and adventures competing, etc.

Did you have the same food as Hannibal?

I was really impressed by your science articles and really happy they did so well also.

I am facing some of the same problems as you. I feel a bit comfortable atm and need to get a bit out of the comfortzone again as I still want to grow.

Maybe we can make a challenge out of this?

Happy new year once again and dont worry about the 1k follower they will come soon enough

@flipstar Actually, yes... There was this extremely geeky thing going on back then called "The fannibal dinner party" were we fans would cook some recipe from the show (or something Hannibal-esque) and eat it while watching the new episode of the week. Of course we used to document the whole thing and posted it in a blog dedicated to it, haha!

I hope that in this new year we both manage to kick our butts into gear into creating more and better content. As I told you before, I always enjoy reading your stuff! :-)

happy new year! Would love to see some videos , dtube definitely needs some high quality content, I am sure you won't dissapoint us!

I hope not! First I need to figure out some basics, though...

Happy new year to you as well, @trumpman!