[Humor] Building Wealth on Steemit, $0.001 at a time!

in #steemit8 years ago

Rewards on Steemit

Does anyone else feel a little tinge of excitement, a little endorphin rush when you find out that you can collect that 0.005 SP curation reward? Oh it feels so nice. Cha-ching.

And when you win that SBD rewards sharing thing that people do? Oh yeah. $0.007 SBD, take it to the bank, baby.

When $0.020 feels like $20 bucks? Am I the only one here who's thought this?

My Attitude Towards Steemit Rewards

As many Steemians know, this is what it's like curating and posting on Steemit as a (red fish) minnow.

This is my desire for my time invested into Steemit:

To be just as content with small rewards as with big rewards. Valuing the upvotes from other minnows that I respect, just the same as the upvotes from dolphins and whales.

Who is the rich man? He who is happy with his portion.

Rewards? Is That What Steemit is Really All About?

Steemit is not really about rewards, it's about building esteem within the community and being rewarded as your eSTEEM grows. Therefore, I am happy building my steemit wealth, $0.001 at a time. If I can earn it by upvoting my favorite steemians and writing fun posts like this one.

Steem on, fellow Steemians! @ironshield


As I was reading this I couldn't help but smile remembering the exhilarating feeling when I'd look at my wallet and see curation and author pay outs.
No matter who you are or why you're on steemit, that little rush from earning, even 0.001sbd, NEVER gets old.

Completely agree. My favorite thing about Steemit are the people I have met here. I especially enjoy the homesteaders that are here. Many came over with @mericanhomestead. It's a shame what YouTube is doing to him and others like him. Just rotten. @ironshield

I know! When they posted last week about YT, i half couldn't say I was too surprised.
YT is becoming way too liberal with censoring. Guess when they lose all the channels and subscribers they'll be kicking themselves. But it'll be too late.

My SP may be delagation, but i feel good when i can upvote within time to give that author at least .30

I have about 50SP delegated, so I get a whopping $0.030 or $0.040 each day. I figure if that were a paper $50 bill in my wallet, it wouldn't be spitting out pennies, would it! @ironshield

I get maybe a dollar lol yeah but it takes time, patience and doing whats right

Congratulations @ironshield! You won the raffle!
I have transferred the jackpot into your account!
Enjoy 💰💰💰

I love that this post has 20 upvotes and is earning $0.29 at the time of this post. Lots of $0.001 rewards!

Agreed, I have enjoyed meeting new people and helping to share content and experiences with others!

That has been the best thing about Steemit, not the rewards as much as the opportunity to meet interesting people. @ironshield

For some reason, Steemit attracts a lot of what I call "red pill" people. I don't agree with everyone here, but there seems to be a sense of absolute morality and justice here, maybe just in my circle. I predict that someday fakebook and themtube will fail and STEEM will skyrocket in value. I believe that will be when the "blue pill" mob will invade Steemit. Maybe George Soros will be funding them with free STEEM to promote his warped nazi sense of "social justice." Sorry for the dire prediction, but it's happened before and it will happen again.

Interesting soapbox rant....but I'm sure you will be more right than wrong!

Just knowing that everything that you write about on steemit is worth something, even if it's a small something, is a bit of a thrill. I never got that from any of the other social media sites that I've been on.
It's even better when you write about stuff you like and enjoy, and other people enjoy it also.

I completely agree. When I'm on Facebook, I look at the number of "thumbs ups" and see that they are all worthless. @ironshield

Yeah, isn't that the truth though...

I know the feeling @ironshield. It adds up my friend and being consistent is key. Prepare to become addicted to steemit if you not already so. It's a grind and you have to put in that work to get rewarded. Also networking is a major part of this platform so let me offer you an invitation to join @circleoffriends. Check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks for sharing this awesome post.


Ask my wife. She would tell you i'm addicted. But MOST of the signs of addiction do not apply to me.

Signs of Addiction
Repetitive speech patterns
Dilated pupils, red eyes
Excessive sniffing and runny nose (not attributable to a cold)
Looking pale or undernourished
Clothes do not fit the same
Weight loss
Change in eating habits
Unusual odors or body odor due to lack of personal hygiene
Missing work/school
Work/school problems
Missing important engagements
Isolating/secretive about activities
Disrupted sleep patterns
Legal problems
Financial problems (e.g. always needing money)

I feel the same way. Every little bit I collect is very rewarding in many ways.

Yes, all those 0.001's add up... eventually. I try not to actually pay attention to how tiny these numbers are. :-) @ironshield

My life motto is "slow and steady wins the race".
Unless I'm actually at a sanctioned race event that is.

It takes patience and fortitude. There are so many "get rich quick" folk who flock in when STEEM is valuable, but loose interest quickly when they watch the value of their posts drop before their very eyes. Don't try to be a sprinter! Slow and steady wins the race. @ironshield