Secret Revealed: What's the best time to post on Steemit to thicken your wallet?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

After capturing 12 months of data, monitoring over 15000 users and their posts, burning that midnight oil everyday... while completely ignoring HER request to do it from behind, I have finally produced what I truly feel is the BEST CHART in the history of Steemit.

This simple chart reveals the right time to post on Steemit...

Use it the next time you post something so you gain more dollars in less time. HAPPY ANAL-YZING!



That´s an incredible friend!!!, a clear and hopeful ANAL- ISYS

Thanks for the secret. Now I'm confused on wot time to post... based on the charts.

Well do be a cent above the rest and just post when you duetchecan -- wouldn't want you to be messing with the tweaking of German Pizza Progress.

This may be a stupid question. For time, what metrics are you using? When it involves time i am thinking of a 24hour clock or the traditional 12hour am/pm?
Please, enlighten me. Thank you for your time.

So I spent two hours analyzing the data, AND even though you failed to provide me with the key, I believe that I have good grasp on the situdation. Our worlds will never be the same -- POST ALL THE TIME!!!!

Run for the hills. There are great posts on Steem and the sky is falling. Take your pick, either works.

Nice chart! Super easy to figure out.

Damn I'm a chart person, I've made so much money in the stock market using charts, I'm up more than 11 dollars YTD, so I'll def be using your chart.

Your sacrifice of ignoring HER request to do it from behind will never be forggotten. :( RIP

I just figure it out! Thanks for sharing man ;D

I stay 5 min look at chart hahaha and just after that, I figure out what is this :) Amazing post!