This is an issue that needs to be discussed, thank you for going there. If you start looking deeper at the themes, motifs, symbols, and language in Porn you get taken down a much deeper, even more sinister rabbit hole that can lead to dissociative personality disorder - a side effect of MK Ultra Monarch programming.
Shit is fucked, our generation is the first in a long time to have LESS sex and its because of porn. Add the metoo movement into the mix and you've got millions of young man-boys hiding in their room afraid to be a real man - because all they know is to be a sexually perverted and misogynous. We need to come together and do the things that one must do to be a well rounded man; compassionate, reliable, and and assertive when need be.
I cant even imagine where the tee nagers are at now. hen they do try to get laid theyve just got it all twisted on how to come abou t it.
Yea this societal evil must be rooted out of our generation
Thanks for reading@ iwanttruth