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RE: PUH-LENTY! 🔶 Perceptions & Manifestations of Scarcity Thinking in the Steemniverse

in #steemit7 years ago

Awesome post..

but if people fall prey to this stalking envy monster they have forgotten that the whales have also had the hard slog too

It's easy to see where people are and not look at where they've been. Every whale on here either invested a great deal or worked hard on the platform early on. But it's really easy for our perception of things to put us in a negative mindset, one of envy. I've fallen prey, but I always remind myself to do me and put out my own work and just keep building.

One thing I see here on steemit is a hugely undervalued spiritual community. Like there are some amazing people on here and I hope they start sharing more about their own journey's.

I think as long as we keep building and supporting eachother we are gonna kill it here.

Thanks for the kind words :)


Completely agree @jakeybrown when I put my work out on steemit I am not seeking external validation, I am however looking to ensure that whatever creatively comes forth from my inner depths is in alignment with what I want to accomplish. When I achieve that I am satisfied. And that's enough. More than enough actually.

The undervaluing of the spiritual community on steem is, for me, a fairly accurate reflection of the mentality and default setting of most societies around the world right now, And again this also plays into @barge's article here....everyone knows the price of everything (bitcoin comes to mind) and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde if I remember that correctly). It's changing, as I said before, because just as we have come to appreciate and know the value of our inner worlds, of the value of kindness and the interconnected reality of all things...others will too. 100th monkey syndrome and all. It's on those of us who are rubbing the sleep from our eyes to help other awaken from their slumbers, with great gentleness and kindness, and show them the way.

And if a by product of that is that we kill it...lets kill it with kindness!!! 😊👍❤️

It's on those of us who are rubbing the sleep from our eyes to help other awaken from their slumbers, with great gentleness and kindness, and show them the way.

Absolutely, and with the number of people on here who are spiritually inclined, I think we can get a pretty strong movement going :) I'll brainstorm, I've got a few solid people following me and I always make sure to follow them because they are producing great content too!

Music to my ears @jakeybrown, deLIGHTful, needful, and I'd love to have a conversation about that. How can we do that?

Hop on discord, we can shoot some ideas back and forth

same username #8257 is the four digit code