La mal educacion en venezuela las mentes brillantes al exodo?

in #steemit6 years ago

Soy un Venezolano de 21 años de edad que sabe que las crisis que pasa nuestro pais en todos los aspectos,sabes que me desiluciona como persona ver a un estudiante de 5to año que no sabe nisiquiera multiplicar,yo igual a la mayoria de los estudiantes de liceo (preparatoria) no aprendimos mucho estando en salones de clases porque la educacion era terrible y cada dia es peor,la educacion en mi pais es un asco vi cosas en mi tiempo de preparatoria que ahora la pienso con madurez y digo no hay futuro,ya que los mismos profesores y directores se prestan a muchos chanchullos es decir se venden por cualquier cosa,tengo amigos que aun estan en la preparatoria y me comentan que ahora los profesores piden alimentos a cambio de notas sin importar lo que digan sus padres,eso es algo indignate ver que pais es agujero,muchos de nuestros jovenes ya graduados ejerciendo sus respectivas carreras en el exterior dejando nuestro pais en alto eso una esperanza que algun dia se reconstruya una Venezuela llena de talentos.

I am a 21-year-old Venezuelan who knows that the crises that our country is going through in all aspects, you know that it disappoints me as a person to see a 5th year student who does not even know how to multiply, I equal the majority of the students of Liceo (high school) did not learn much being in classrooms because education was terrible and every day is worse, education in my country is disgusting I saw things in my high school time that now I think about it with maturity and I say there is no future, since the same professors and directors lend themselves to a lot of scams, that is, they are sold for anything, I have friends who are still in high school and they tell me that now teachers ask for food in exchange for grades no matter what their parents say, it is something outrageous to see that country is a hole, many of our young people already graduated exercising their respective careers abroad, leaving our country in high that a hope that one day a Venezuela will be rebuilt. talent pool
