Make The Most out of Steemit. A Personal Approach by @katerinaramm

Ever feel like this in steemit ? Writing and Writing and Writing ...

And when Rewards are not coming in ... How many times did you just want to quit??

Remember: Winners are not the ones who do not fail, they are the ones who do not quit
I was thinking for days to create a post for my steemit friends (many of them are new here), expressing a few tips based on what I have done during my 2.5 month trip on this platform.
Please note: This is my personal approach, formed by my personal experience so far in steemit. Please take the time to read this post to the end, this is where I will tell you what steemit is all about (for me)
Number 1 – For me the most important thing it is to take some time and
Explore: Check hashtags you are interested in and see what people are writing and commenting about.
Socialize: Start commenting (in a thoughtful and not spammy way) at posts you are interested in. If your comment is sincere, trust me, it will show.
Think: Take some time and think what you will write about. It is best if it is something that already interests you.
Number 2 – Optimize Your Profile and Your Content
The You: It is important that your profile shows a little bit about who you are so that people who will (accidentally or not) visit your profile, will want to follow you.
The What: What you are writing is very important. It can be photos, it can be tutorials, it can be reviews, it can be scientific or technology information. It can be dtube videos or memes from dmania. Whatever it is, be good at it and compose them with all your heart.
The How: The What is very important but if the How will not present it well, do not expect much from it. You need to master the Mark Down Guide and be able to add images, lists, gifs, references and whatever is necessary. Google is your best friend, if you want to do something and are not sure, just google "how to add image steemit" and you will get a number of results!
IMPORTANT: Use references, sources and at least 50% should be your own thoughts expressed in your text.

Check out this data by @steemcleaners
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.
Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
• 10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Informative Post” , “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.
• Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.
• Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
• Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.
• Fishing/farming votes by using multiple accounts to comment on posts by known comment curators.
• Unsolicited and off topic referral links.
Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.
More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.
My Number 3 – Some Random Thoughts
Take this opportunity to make new friends. There are so many remarkable people around!
Visit steemit chat or a discord channel and share thoughts with similar minded steemians.
Bots: I don’t like them. I do not have any opinion about them. They might work or not, either way, it is your choice!
Challenges: It can be a great way to meet new people and win some extra steem dollars, why not? A friend of mine told me that he was a lucky pick, winning 5 SBD (Friend hi, You know who you are :-)
Posting Intervals: There is a rule that every user should be posting up to 4 posts per day or you will be taxed for additional rewards. Apart from the 4 posts, take some time and do not post everything at once.
Let your posts breathe and give the readers the opportunity to vote for them.
Remember that the Voting Power will reduce by 2% for every upvote and this amount will be refilled after one hour.
Use the steemit tools wisely. They should not be counter-productive, taking more of your time than they should, but be used to make the most of them.
Be consistent & Keep Writing. With every post improve your style, your quality of writing, your posting themes.
Bruce Lee has said "Running water never gets stale. So you just got to keep on flowing".. Be water :)
Do not write and disappear. You might have comments that would be good to be responded to. Stick around for some time and make sure that you respond to your comments : )
Disclaimer: This post is mainly indented to assist new friends that join steemit. I express my personal opinion, I cannot guarantee any results, but trust that you will at least have fun : )
There are many keys leading to success, and it all comes down to What Success Is for You.
For me Success is to Enjoy what I am doing and to Become a Better Person. (I will write more about it in a future post). Thank you for bearing with me and reading my post
Winners are the ones having fun at whatever it is they are doing!

As far i know from doing things on net and knowing people have made some great staff is that you must stay focused.
When u start u are like a water drop in an ocean but many drops can make a small river and flow till you meet the sea, Maybe yes maybe not but you must try to put effort on colecting your drops .
The reason i like most on steemit isnt the rewards only of course all people like the pontetial to have some extra money but i like the most that the moto of the steemit is to get better and provide better things to community .
Your advices are really good and even for a short period of time already i found some very interesting blogs to read and upvote my penies .
So my stragegy is to almost everyday posting even a nice photo or some quick thoughts even not having much time to make a really big and nice post so people will see who we are and maybe is interesting to read our blogs
All big ideas start from garages thats my moto and for sure i will stay here profitable or not
And as u said:Winners are the ones having fun at whatever it is they are doing!
and i fell winner already
Thank you for reading and commenting, I hope you enjoy being here! Making new friends is always a nice feeling and yes, all great ideas start somewhere (like garages :))
Take care!
Τα κλιπάκια , όλα τα λεφτά!
Ευχαριστώ :) ήθελα και μία δόση χιουμορ .. μόνο κήρυγμα δε λέει...!
Wow! Well written post. I love the way you put this;- Remember: Winners are not the ones who do not fail, they are the ones who do not quit.
Steemit is everything to me on a personal note! I can express myself the way I like on steemit and still stay anonymous.
Great writeup Dear and this my friend will be *an invaluable information to newbies on this great steemit platform. Steem on Dearie! Cheers.
Thank you for reading and for taking the time to respond!
The "Remember" part should be complemented with the last sentence for the full effect :)
Thanks again, steem on!
Wowww. Thanks for pointing out that. Wow! Cheers. Keep steeming dear.
That's a great way to think! Rather than writing on Steemit just for the rewards, we should use it as a tool to express ourselves!
Great article!
Thank you very much!
You're welcome!
Respect @katerinaramm !
Clear, specific but most of all genuine writing with valuable tips for us newbies here. Thanks for giving out your insights, they are already helpful to me and I believe to any other newcomer that wants to take steemit seriously for the long run. Please keep posting these stuff!
I agree with everything in the post but what I agree 1000% is to be truthful and honest in our posts and comments, while enjoying the process!
P.s. the last gif είναι όλα τα λεφτά!!! 😀
Hahaha, I fell in love with the last gif and I knew I had to put it in my post!
Usually you can write a bunch of staff, but the conclusion comes at the end. It's like having a nice meal, the dessert is what you usually remember :)
Thank you again :)
Egrapses pali katerina!!!!telio..
Ευχαριστώ πολύ Νίκο :)
Thanks for taking your time to write this article for newcomers and us minnows. I completely agree with everything you said specially the part about exploring the tags for interesting content. Though I didn't know that you'll get taxed if you over post - though haejin and me-tarzan doesn't seem to care much about it. Again thank you for the inspirational and informative article. Have a nice day.
Thank you for your kind comment, I am happy that most of the people commenting actually took the time to read it!
I wish you the best and you got yourself a new follower :)
Thank you, @katerinaramm. These points are very good and useful for learning how to use Steemit. Nice to have you with us.
I am so excited to see you here Mr Brock!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my post.
You betcha' @katerinaramm. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Exceptional post, Katerina. Based to what I just read, I think I am doing a pretty decent job so far :)
Thank you! I looove your writing and you already got yourself a big fan :)
Any tips you believe I can add to my next posts are of course welcome!
Keep up the great work, I love your wacky facts!
Κατερίνα συγχαρητήρια είναι πραγματικά ένα πολύ σημαντικό άρθρο αυτό που έγραψες γιατί έχεις συγκεντρώσει όλα όσα χρειάζεται αυτή η πλατφόρμα για να λειτουργήσει με υγεία.
Εκείνο που με προβλημάτιζε και με προβληματίζει και εντός και εκτός πλατφόρμας είναι οι περίτεχνοι κλέφτες κείμενων και ιδεών και όχι αυτοί που διακρίνονται σε πρώτη ανάγνωση. Καλή συνέχεια να έχεις.
Katerina congratulations it is a very important article because you have gathered everything that this platform needs in order to work with "healthy" conditions.
What really matters me inside and outside of the platform is all these "smart" thieves that cannot be distinguished by the first reading.
These are the worst thieves of texts and ideas.
Ευχαριστώ θερμά για το σχόλιο...!
Θα συμφωνήσω όσον αφορά τον προβληματισμό σας. Θεωρώ ότι αργά ή γρήγορα ο 'κλέφτης' φαίνεται ..
Το να εκμεταλλεύται κάποιος κάτι που δεν του ανήκει, δεν πρόκειται να του δώσει τίποτα παραπάνω, πέρα από 'εφήμερη' φήμη. Τουλάχιστον αυτό θέλω να πιστεύω :)