🎆 Thanks To Steemit We Just Bought A New Car Squee! 🎆
So for as long as I can remember I have driven older and somewhat dodgy cars, usually they are hanging onto life by a thread by the time I get them - and they don't take long before they require major costly repairs, or just die and I am forced to have to buy another terrible car.
So I am beyond thrilled to be able to say that thanks to Steemit @ausbitbank and I have finally been able to purchase a new car, it is still a second hand car - but far newer than anything I've ever been able to afford.
Our new car was an investment for our family, we needed a larger car to be able to easily transport our children and all their therapy equipment and now we can - we needed a reliable car that could ensure they are able to keep their routine, rather than the constant breakdowns they have had to endure.
Just before we bought this car we had several major issues with the old one, not only did we have to urgently replace two tyres (another perfect example of how awesome steemit is) on separate occasions - just as recently as three weeks ago we were forced to buy a $200 battery for the car.
On top of all of this the old car just had the engine mounts go, the hand brake doesn't work at all (it's auto so we got by), the driver's seat was literally crumbling and had metal poking through the fabric (in Australia exposed metal burns/brands you), the roof lining was collapsed and you get showered with foam, the CV joints needed replacing, there was a dent on the front left that gouged the tyre when you hit bumps so that needed to be fixed, plus a whole range of more serious engine issues we couldn't justify paying to fix.
We did not want to spend any more money on this car, it has been a money pit and a major pain in the ass in general - but just to keep us mobile and on the road while we found the perfect car, cost us several hundred dollars.
Our cars have been money pits, we knew it was worth investing more money in a new car then continually replacing old ones - but until steemit we were not in a position to even consider this move.
I cannot explain how difficult life has been financially with two children with special needs, Steemit has changed our ability to be able to provide them a new level of stability and even comfort.
@ausbitbank and I are so grateful for all the assistance and support we have received from the community, without your constant generosity we would not be in this position - we owe it to all of you and can't begin to explain just what this means for our little family.
We have been a part of this amazing community for over a year now, @ausbitbank is now a witness and developer, I write fiction and am an Open Mic Judge - we have put in a lot of hard work and we saved all we could and now we have a new car, that really shouldn't break down anytime soon.
I am just so unbelievably happy, I never thought I would be in this position - let alone getting here by doing what I love, writing!
Steemit has given my family so many opportunities that never would have occurred if we hadn't joined, it has been a massive turning point in our lives - we decided early on we were here to stay, I have never been so glad of any decision we've ever made.
I just don't know how to explain how truly grateful we are, we don't live a lavish lifestyle and our family faces many restrictions with our childrens special needs - but this opens up whole worlds of possibilities for us.
As a sign of respect for the platform and appreciation for the fact we only have this car thanks to steemit, @ausbitbank and I have decided we will buy a magnetic decal advertising steemit for our new car - this is just our little way of saying thank you and trying to raise awareness of the platform.
So here it is our new car a 2011 Mazda CX-9, it's a seven seater this gives us some awesome options with the kids and their equipment - plus the leather seats have already made cleaning a much easier task!
It is what I would consider a luxury car, it has a really large reversing camera, built in sat nav, bluetooth phone integration, it even has voice integration (I haven't even tried to figure this out yet), factory sound system with built in sub in the boot, climate control and even heated front seats.
I can't even remember all of the features and I have a feeling this car is going to be a massive learning curve for me, but I just can't believe it we have needed this for so long and now to have it - it feels surreal.
I just can't say how thankful I am to each and every person who has supported both myself and @ausbitbank, we love this community and appreciate all it has done for us - thank you.

Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
I m so happy for you. Steemit is really a great platform. Loving it.
Thanks so much were pretty damn happy to - steemit is amazing.
Cheers :)
I m loving Steemit so much!
Congrats! This is so cool! I'm very happy for both of you and your 2 kids! It really looks like a nice car!
Heated seats are like little paradises on Earth!
I'm glad to have share this very special Steemit experience with both of you and I look toward an even more awesome future!
Thanks so much for all your continued support, you've been amazing and we both really appreciate it more than you could know.
You have been with us on this journey now for a while, it's awesome to get to enjoy it with those who helped us achieve it - Cheers :D
Your post of buying a New Car with the help of Steemit platform encourages us to go on. Thank you so much, you inspired minnows like me. Congratulations for that beautiful car.
You are welcome, I guess your families life has greatly improved since I brought your husband to Steemit!
@noganoo is a sick individual who is soon going to find himself in deep shit. Flag the scum!!!
remember to not go to any mechanic at least for the next 3 years
do that and you shall maintain your car as new
I know the feeling as I did buy a little one a year ago after more than 4 years ...
Hey thanks for all the advice, it's a second hand car and I bought it through a mechanic - that's who I have the warranty with so on that front I should be good.
Were lucky I got the price lowered because he wanted it out of his shop, he bought it off a long term customer (in defence force off on tour) so knows the cars history - that coupled with the 3 year warranty, I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Thanks so much for reminding me about the fuel thing, I had heard it before but as I said my cars have been shit so I have never really worried - I will for sure be filling before it gets that empty from now on - Cheers :D
;D fantastic, you have a personal mechanic that knows all about it! You are lucky, hope the mechanic is a good one too. Yea the fuel thing is crucial. It is not said bit the fuel actually is full of minute dirt that accumulates at the bottom so if you pump that into your motor... Adios amigos lol... It is also good habit to empty the fuel tank every year to get rid of all that dirt... You don't want it piling up like laundry ;).. In fact ask your mechanic if he did a fuel tank drainage recently. Happy driving!! ;))
That is so awesome!
I am thrilled for you guys. You both deserve it, and so much more.
The "so much more" will probably come too.
Thank you so very much hun we truly appreciate it more than you know, it has been a long ride to get here and you've been supporting us along the way and it means everything - so thank you.
You are an awesome part of steemit, you work so hard and we appreciate the friendly support you have always offered us - Cheers :)
Aw thanks.
Enjoy your new car!
Congratulations. This post features in my latest Curation Article. @MrSquiggle - supporting the #TeamAustralia community and promoting creative content. Join us in Discord.
Upvoting this comment will help support @mrsquiggle to continue to support the #TeamAustralia community.
Oh thanks mrsquiggle we appreciate it :)
Thanks for sharing. It is a story that resonates with those who took steemit seriously.
Keep on steemit
Absolutely we stuck it out through the hard times and it's more than paid off, for the constant work and effort we have put in - but it's really nice to get some secure reliable transport at the end of the day - Cheers :)
Yay, now you just have to come visit your lovely sister and her kiddies!!! Show of the new ride!!'
Lol we made it and yes I showed off the new ride :D hehe
Good for you @krystle, you and @ausbitbank have earned this car with a lot of hard work which has made mine and many others on steemit a pleasurable experience. So both of you enjoy the fruits of your labour, cheers.
Thank you so much for saying, we both try and give back whatever we can and support as many people that we can - so we really appreciate hearing people recognise what we try to do, especially @ausbitbank.
Thanks for your lovely comment - Cheers :)
Congratulations, what a awesome feeling it's gotta be.
House is next on the list!
Wow thanks so much and yeah it feels beyond amazing, I keep doing a double take when I walk out the front door - who parked in my drive lol.
House is definitely a big goal for our little family, being able to stop renting would be a massive improvement for the kids at the very least.
Thanks for the support - Cheers :)
Yay!!! Congratulations and totally well deserved you guys! So when are you guys cruising up my way ;)
Thanks so much hun, appreciate you saying so :)
Lol how far north are you... we did a little cruise up sunny coast way on the weekend, haven't been able to drive that distance for fear in ages so it was nice - we might venture out again sometime soon - Cheers :)