Its not what you know, but who you know. Take the pledge

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemits biggest problem, currently, is lack of user growth. Everyone in this community knows people. Please reply to this post telling us you either invited someone you know in real life or posted about steemit in social media.
For example, I am about to tweet to my 1600 followers about steemit on twitter. What we need is new users. Please help the community.
@dantheman @larkenrose @anotherjoe these are the three usernames I remember offhand.


I've been sharing articles from Steemit to Twitter and talking it up. Tomorrow I will be helping my wife set up her new Steemit account. She is pretty excited about the new platform.

Most social media users like to feel they are being "heard" . They like to make friends and talk to them share stuff with them. Have friendly arguments.

LaconicFlow LaconicFlow tweeted @ 30 Aug 2016 - 02:38 UTC

Unlike all the other tweets I've ever sent, this one has the potencial for you to make money. /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Are you a bot? If not, tweet about steemit or put it on your Facebook.

Not a bot. thanks for the advice. I don't think my friends care about cyprto-currency or writing great content to the blockchain.

There is definitely a niche here.

You can't know what every single one of your friends will think of steemit unless you type up a short post explaining what it is. In a year and a half its possible that the top post on steemit is a discussion of the current NBA season. Cmon, at least send a tweet.

User growth? Lacking? What data are you looking at? Adding approximately 1000 users a day.
Biggest problem..... (you missed it again) Loosing users almost just as fast. People rarely stay more than 30 days.

@jennsky I'm only seeing data posted by the community. By user growth, I meant growth of active users. I've been here for just about thirty days. My thought when I made this post is some percentage of new users remain active users. My further thought was that not all your friends have the exact same interests you have and roping them in would be good because in adition to the fac that your friends are into some of the things you are into, they have there own interests they might post about. Just trying to help. Is my missing big problems an anarchism reference?

Biggest problem is the negative press Steemit has created in way of it churning out bitter disgruntled users who came on the message of earn to post, billboards going up now, leave feeling mislead or lied too. How many of these 'first hand experience negative spreading robots' can Steemit keep churning out? I find it very interesting that the Steemit organization doesn't view this as an issue.