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RE: Steemit Relationship: Clearing the air. (200+sbd & 10,000sp delegation challenge!)

in #steemit7 years ago

FRIEND SPEAKS MY MIND! As we Quakers say...

I started out strong, 3 posts in 3 days after not writing anything extensive in ages. Saw and interacted with AWESOME people, in no small part thanks to you, @itchykitten. I fell in love with this place.

Then I went on VACAY (whoop!) in Costa Rica for 2 weeks. I made a conscious choice not to bring my laptop, and more than all the other shit I do on the interwebs, I thought about Steemit more than any of them <3 :) She was suddenly a new romance, a day dream, a new perspective, a new Instagram filter, on how I thought about portraying my life later. Which is by definition the enemy of presence, but AT THE SAME TIME gives you the gift of deeper observation and internal narrative which can be beneficial for self and other reflection. I still haven't posted anything about my travels, I got back at 2am last night and had 3 hours of sleep (Thanks Baby) and I may or may not choose to share that soon. But taking 2 weeks and not looking at it after the initial coming out party was a major breathe of fresh air. I found myself thinking alot about some of the same empowering questions that you are asking here - WHAT FUCKING SPECTACULAR QUESTIONS!!!

"What do we want it to mean to be a Steemian? What are we doing here?!?!? What do we want people from the outside looking in to see?!?!?
How can Steemit and I have a balanced relationship, where I'm not thinking about her all the time...and instead, I don't even notice 'her', because I'm so in love with all of the ideas and thoughts, and games, and stories coming from her PEOPLE!!??!?!"

And THIS is the part which you said which REALLY GOT ME:
I think there could be huge opportunities to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity, and all of our diverse life of our planet...we're starting to rise up, starting a wave, and what will that wave reach for? Will it be a wave of millions of individuals reaching and clawing their way to larger post rewards? Or will we be raising up those who might not currently be able to raise themselves?

We have to evolve social media here to actually CONTRIBUTE VALUE, and of course to REGENERATE OUR RELATIONSHIPS with all beings around us, in reality of here in the interweb reality.

We need fucking VR for the fucking Regenerative Resistance!

Steemit could be a platform for that awesome shit if we make it that. It could be a platform from which to fly, from which to fall, to win, to lose...basically to be on the journey that is but an extension of our lives here on this plane. How are we going to show up? With our FULL POTENTIAL and Promising Beyond Capacity so that we give ourselves the chance...nay, the opportunity! to RISE TO MEETING THIS ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE TO BE FORCES FOR REGENERATION WITH ALL OUR FUCKING FORCE! OUR FIERCE LOVE OF EACHOTHER & THIS PLANET WE CALL MOTHER!!!!!

Amen. <3 I'm off to a summer potluck at my best friend's delightful home in the Endless Mountains , where bluegrass music and volleyball and food and delicious libations and abundant laughter will abound.

Because That's How We Do.

Love You @ItchyKiten! So Happy To Be In This Space with You Right Meeeooooowwww!!! Ciao xox


Well written, sister. Thoughtful and loving. Following ya.