Artificial Intelligence: Threat to man existence

in #steemit6 years ago

"Ebola sound like the stuff of nightmares. Bird flu and SARS also send shivers down my spine. But I will tell you what scare me most Artificial Intelligence.
The first three with enough resources human can stop. The last which human is creating, could soon become unstoppable
" _Nick Bilton

Nick Bilton is really right but before we go into that let me explain what artificial Intelligence is.
Artificial Intelligence is a branch of science that aims to create intelligent machines that react and work like man. It has become an essential part of the technology industry. Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialised. The activities computer with artificial intelligence are designed for include:


  • Speech recognition
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Problem solving
  • Ability to manipulate and move objects.
  • It sounds cool right? I know most of us will love this but the threat it poses on man could make it the last invention because it may put an end to man.
    Artificial Intelligence won't really be like man but a better version of man. Imagine the air plane compared to bird, the submarine compared to fish and the vehicles compared to horses you see machine always beat it.
    Machine is really good and innocent but they can become uncontrollable if they are given more power in the society.
    Imagine you walked into a supermarket and you found out that it is machine that is managing the whole thing, this really sound nice, machine don't get tired and they are flawless until there is confliction somewhere because they are programmed but this would lead to unemployment. Unemployment would lead to criminal activities and criminal activities to loss of lives.
    Since artificial intelligence will react like man they would be able to create machines too and not just machine but a smarter one indeed. It will really sound cool now but with time they would be out of control because we didn't build them they are results of artificial intelligence and this machine will rule over us.
    MS Docherty said "Machine lack morality and mortally shouldn't be given power to kill". The military will surely make use of artificial intelligence and this will lead to arm race and could result to world war iii (3) which some notable factors are already instigating.
    To further buttress Docherty point, imagine an artificial intelligence machine in the medical sector, the machine could just decide exterminating lives of infected patients is the way to prevent a particular disease from spreading.
    Software in artificial intelligence also need consideration or a driverless car that is on speed and a particular software go unfavourable we all knew what could happen. Hackers are also out there they can cause more than havoc by altering programs in artificial intelligence machine to make them do worse for their own interest.
    I am not the only one seeing this Elon musk said "artificial intelligence is dangerous than nukes" and Stephen Hawking also said "Artificial intelligence would be the biggest event in man history and could also be the last".
