Front Mission 4 walthrought part1

in #steemit7 years ago

This is the Front Mission4 walthrought part1
Thanks you all of my friend
This guide is may help you

Front Mission, ah, good, old Front Mission. Finally it is back in it's fourth

This is only my second Walkthrough, so bear with me. You might also want to
overlook any orthographical or grammatical errors I make, as English is not my
first language. If you find any mistakes of such a kind you are free to keep
them. If there should be a mistake or oversight in the FAQ however you might
want to contact me, although I would like to ask everyone to wait until I have
completed v 1.0, as anything up til then is a work in progress.

I do hope that the information herein is of a helpful nature to those who do
peruse it. I also don't mind anyone copying the information presented here, if
they ask me to do so and if they state the source of their information. I am
sure you will be able to do this, as you too wouldn't like someone leeching
off of any work you did, without them giving at least proper credit.

You can contact me under ' Deathbrng '.

Please state in the subject something like "Front Mission 4 FAQ", because
otherwise the mail might get deleted unread.

??. Characters [CHARS]

Naturally you can find a small description of most of the characters you will
play or meet in FM4. I tried to keep it as spoiler-free as possible, but as I
too am human I might have not been able to do so in one or two places.

a) Player Characters - Durandal [CH-DU]

a.1) Elsa | Callsign: Arrow 6 - Joins on Stage --

 A French woman and former member of the French Army. As Wanzer battle is
 still a bit new in 2096, she was assigned to the Durandal Armor Tactics
 Research Corps, to help develop tactics for Wanzer battles. She is one of
 the main characters, from whose perspective the story is told.

 Her standard skills are mainly for combat with medium ranged weapons (e.g.
 MG). She also will have a fairly high speed and a good evasion rate. If
 this is paired up with the right Wanzer the damage she does can be
 maximized while she herself will not take as much damage. Her available
 skills slots will allow her to take a good range of different skills,
 while her Link Point value will allow her to make good use of her mates.

 Starting Statistics

 | Learned Skills:  0                  |
 | AP:             10                  |
 | AP Charge:      10                  |
 | Link Points:     2                  |
 | Skill Slots:     8                  |
 | Speed:           2                  |
 | Evasion:         9%                 |
 | MG:  0                GR:  0        |
 | SG:  0                RK:  0        |
 | RF:  0                MS:  0        |
 | BZ:  0                ML:  0        |
 | Systems:    0%      Link:    0%     |
 | Attack:     0%      BP:      0%     |
 | Move:       0%                      |


 | Rank 1 - Active    | Rank 2 - 20 EP     | Rank 3 - 25 EP     |
 | MAX AP +1          | Speed +1           | MAX AP +1          |
 | Evasion +3%        | SG Level +1        | MG Level +1        |
 | MG Level +1        | Link Point +2      | Link Points +2     |
 | Terror Shot I      | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        |
 | Panic Shot I       | Skill Slots +2     | Barrage            |
 | Speed I            | Switch I           | Resist Atk Down    |

 | Rank 4 - 30 EP     | Rank 5 - 40 EP     | Rank 6 - 40 EP     |
 | Speed +1           | MAX AP +2          | Speed +1           |
 | SG Level +1        | MG Level +1        | Anti-Break         |
 | Feint II           | Link Points +1     | Terror Shot II     |
 | Resist Mv Down     | Resist Link Cut    | Resist Sys Down    |
 | Skill Slots +2     | Panic Shot II      | Skill Slots +4     |
 | Speed II           | Switch II          | Perfect Shot       |
 | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        |                    |

 Note: Skill "Speed I" = "Rapid Fire I" in the US Version
       Skill "Speed II" = "Rapid Fire II" in the US Version
       Skill "Switch I" = "Double Shot I" in the US Version
   Skill "Switch II" = "Double Shot II" in the US Version

a.2) Zead | Callsign: Father 1 -- Joins in Stage 00

 A British and a former soldier in the British Army, in which he served
 for 24 years. He is a strong and motivating force in the Durandal, en-
 couraging everyone to do their best.

 His Battle skills focus mainly on long range combat with missiles and
 Melee as backup should his ammo run out. As a Missileer type he will
 gain more AP than the other characters of the Durandal, but he also
 needs this if he wants to stay mobile and use missiles at the same
 time. If an enemy presses on him he will retaliate with his fists
 (or rods, or pilebunkers, or shields). His skill slots and his link
 points will suffer, though and this can only be remidied by buying
 expensive computers and doing lot of simulator battles to gain the EP
 needed to buy those upgrades.

 Starting Statistics

 | Learned Skills:  0                  |
 | AP:             12                  |
 | AP Charge:      12                  |
 | Link Points:     0                  |
 | Skill Slots:     4                  |
 | Speed:           0                  |
 | Evasion:         0%                 |
 | MG:  0                GR:  0        |
 | SG:  0                RK:  0        |
 | RF:  0                MS:  0        |
 | BZ:  0                ML:  0        |
 | Systems:    0%      Link:    0%     |
 | Attack:     0%      BP:      0%     |
 | Move:       0%                      |


 | Rank 1 - Active    | Rank 2 - 20 EP     | Rank 3 - 25 EP     |
 | MAX AP +1          | MAX AP +1          | MAX AP +1          |
 | AP Charge +1       | AP Charge +1       | AP Charge +1       |
 | MS Level +1        | ML Level +1        | MS Level +1        |
 | Skill Slots +2     | Skill Slots +2     | Skill Slots +4     |
 | Fix DMG 100        | Piercing Missile   | Fix DMG 200        |
 | Shield Bash I      | EP Plus            | AP Cost: -4        |

 | Rank 4 - 30 EP     | Rank 5 -  40 EP    | Rank 6 - 40 EP     |
 | MAX AP +1          | MAX AP +1          | MAX AP +1          |
 | AP Charge +1       | AP Charge +1       | AP Charge +1       |
 | ML Level +1        | MS Level +1        | Resist Atk Down    |
 | Skill Slots +4     | Skill Slots +4     | Tackle II          |
 | Impact Missile     | Fix DMG 300        | Perfect Missile    |
 | Tackle I           | Shield Bash II     | AP Cost: -8        |

  Note: Skill "Tackle I" = "Heavy Strike I" in the US Version
        Skill "Tackle II" = "Heavy Strike II" in the US Version

a.3) Hermes | Callsign: Arrow 2 - Joins on Stage 01

 A young and very good hacker, who has also an interest in Wanzers. A
 citizen of the USN (UCS). He feels lucky that he was able to join up with
 the Durandal Research corps, as this enables him to be around military
 Wanzers, even though he is basically only a civilian.

 He is quite capable to take care of his own, and he also serves as "Combat
 Medic" for his squad-mates. He will gain a lot of skills, which are mainly
 meant for his supporting abilities. Only few direct Combat Skills are
 learned, but he has one of the highest number of Skill Slots available in
 the end.

 Starting Statistics

 | Learned Skills:  0                  |
 | AP:             10                  |
 | AP Charge:      10                  |
 | Link Points:     0                  |
 | Skill Slots:     6                  |
 | Speed:           1                  |
 | Evasion:         6%                 |
 | MG:  0                GR:  0        |
 | SG:  0                RK:  0        |
 | RF:  0                MS:  0        |
 | BZ:  0                ML:  0        |
 | Systems:    0%      Link:    0%     |
 | Attack:     0%      BP:      0%     |
 | Move:       0%                      |


 | Rank 1 - Active    | Rank 2 - 20 EP     | Rank 3 - 25 EP     |
 | Repair Plus I      | Speed +1           | Repair Plus II     |
 | Evasion +3%        | Panic Shot I       | AP Charge +2       |
 | Minus Shot I       | Resist BP Down     | Link Points +2     |
 | Skill Slots +2     | Skill Slots +4     | MAX AP +2          |
 | Feint I            | MG Level +1        | AP Damage I        |
 | Defend Body        | AP Bonus I         | Hit Plus I         |

 | Rank 4 - 30 EP     | Rank 5 -  40 EP    | Rank 6 - 40 EP     |
 | Speed +1           | Repair Plus III    | Resist Mv Down     |
 | Evasion +3%        | AP Charge +2       | Resist Atk Down    |
 | Link Points +2     | Link Points +2     | Minus Shot III     |
 | Skill Slots +4     | MAX AP +2          | Skill Slots +4     |
 | MG Level +1        | AP Bonus II        | AP Damage II       |
 | Chain Up I         | Hit Plus II        | Chain Up II        |

 Note: Skill "Hit Plus I" = "Accuracy Plus I" in the US Version
       Skill "Hit Plus II" = "Accuracy Plus II" in the US Version
       Skill "Chain Up I" = "Chain Plus I" in the US Version
   Skill "Chain Up II" = "Chain Plus II" in the US Version

a.4) Latona | Callsign: Arrow 4

 A former member of the Zaftran (former Russia) Army and the other
 female in the ranks of the Durandal. She is an experienced Wanzer pilot.
 She seems a bit strange and cold, because of her masculine behaviour, but
 she is loyal to her unit.

 Her role in the Durandal is that of the close in fighter and jammer. She
 is it who shuts down Wanzer that get to dangerous. If someone gets too
 close she will give them a good beating with her melee weapons. Some of
 her enemies where heard screaming "Please stop, mom, I will be a good boy
 from now on."

 Starting Statistics

 | Learned Skills:  2 (0)              |
 | AP:               10  (10)          |
 | AP Charge:        10  (10)          |
 | Link Points:      2    (0)          |
 | Skill Slots:      6    (6)          |
 | Speed:            3    (3)          |
 | Evasion:         15% (12%)          |
 | MG:  0                GR:  0        |
 | SG:  0                RK:  0        |
 | RF:  0                MS:  0        |
 | BZ:  0                ML:  1(0)     |
 | Systems:    0%      Link:    0%     |
 | Attack:    50%(0%)  BP:      0%     |
 | Move:       0%                      |

 Note: Numbers in parantheses are the true original stats, but Latona
       already starts with all Rank 1 skills bought.


 | Rank 1 - Active    | Rank 2 - Active    | Rank 3 - 25 EP     |
 | Resist Atk Down    | Resist Mv Down     | Defend Body        |
 | ML Level +1        | Resist BP Down     | ML Level +1        |
 | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        |
 | Link Points +2     | Charge I           | Link Points +2     |
 | Fire Strike        | Skill Slots +2     | Skill Slots +2     |
 | Revenge I          | First I            | Revenge II         |

 | Rank 4 - 30 EP     | Rank 5 - 40 EP     | Rank 6 - 40 EP     |
 | Resist Sys Down    | MAX AP +2          | Resist Atk Down    |
 | Resist Link Cut    | ML Level +1        | Resist Mv Down     |
 | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        |
 | Link Points +2     | Link Points +2     | Anti Skill         |
 | Blast Strike I     | Skill Slots +4     | Revenge III        |
 | First II           | Revenge: Mirror    | Rush               |

a.5) Bosch | Callsign: Arrow 3

 Was a member of the German Army and seems to know a few things about
 Wagner, as he was in the same class as him in officers school.

 Starting Statistics

 | Learned Skills:  4(0)               |
 | AP:             10                  |
 | AP Charge:      10                  |
 | Link Points:     0                  |
 | Skill Slots:     6                  |
 | Speed:           3    (2)           |
 | Evasion:        15% (12%)           |
 | MG:  0                GR:  0        |
 | SG:  0                RK:  0        |
 | RF:  0                MS:  0        |
 | BZ:  0                ML:  0        |
 | Systems:    0%      Link:    0%     |
 | Attack:     0%      BP:      0%     |
 | Move:       0%                      |

 Note: Numbers in parantheses are the true original stats, but Bosch
       already starts with all Rank 1 skills bought.


 | Rank 1 - Active    | Rank 2 - Active    | Rank 3 - 25 EP     |
 | Feint I            | MG Level +1        | MAX AP +2          |
 | Speed +1           | Speed +1           | Speed +1           |
 | Evasion +3%        | Evasion +3%        | Resist BP Down     |
 | Alertness I        | Defend Body        | Link Points +2     |
 | Defense I          | Move Plus I        | Sensors Plus I     |
 | Block DMG 10       | Escape I           | Block DMG 30      

Ok this is the not end
I try to another way thanks you all
of my friend this guide is may help you
I hope image


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