Words are money, and the fastest way to master any field

in #steemit7 years ago


I took an audio course years back called Verbal Advantage, this course was simply about vocabulary. It didn’t promise me to be fluent in one month but it had a promise for people who complete their program:

  1. Triple their normal rate of learning vocabulary.
  2. Be on the same level as the top 5% of all educated adults.
  3. Be a more successful person overall.

Being only a few months abroad studying in a foreign language, this looked like a very good investment.

Put a $dollar sign in front of each new word you learn. - Charles Elster

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What I learnt?

I have benefited tremendously from listening to a 15 min episode everyday. Even though I haven’t completed the full course, I improved a lot in my understanding and learning of the English language. Not only that but I also carried a valuable lesson with me:
If you want to master anything, you need to learn the jargon of that field. By learning the vocabulary you’re taking a smart shortcut and putting yourself in the same level as someone who studied years to reach it.

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As a medical student, If a person came up to me and started talking about a medicine or a disease and they are able to communicate well using Medical terminology, in my subconscious mind they will look as if they are qualified or have been studying medicine for years, even if they truly have no medical knowledge and only spent a few days learning off words from a medical dictionary.

Example of a medical jargon:

John presented today jaundiced with dyspnea and with bradycardia.

Simple Translation:

John was yellow in colour today and had a hard time breathing and his heart beat it was slow.

I am not saying this to help people sound qualified when they are not but the idea is this. if you want to succeed fast in any field, learning and understanding the vocabulary of that field will greatly increases your chances of success.

Vocabulary equals money:

I see languages as investment. Whether they are spoken languages, sign languages, or programming languages. They are tools of success.

One clear example that I benefited from is when I made my $2000 arbitrage trade in one hour using STEEM. I forgot to mention one thing there, I spent a few days before learning how to code using python. I wouldn’t have succeeded without learning that first.

I wasn't an expert trader and I wasn't an expert programmer but I invested my time in learning the words of both field. Life is full of $opportunities$ and words are the keys to opening them.

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I think there are more to just words, the body language behind the words is also super important, thanks for sharing your learnings with us. :)

I learned mostly from looking at signs and saying the words out loud, and of course reading books which I dearly loved more than anything else...

interesting @wales , we all begin somewhere and only when we look back we do realise how much we achieved. Keep on learning :D

Practice makes man perfect
Anything can be mustered through practice. In case of language, vocabulary is mandatory part for your effective communication. Rich in vocabulary would make communication easy for other.
Your personal example is really a source of inspiration for all steemians.

This is so right. It will also make a base for you.