Steemit Alternative Trending Page - Curation The Fair Way

Do you go with different algorithms of votes and/or comments? How can that be accurate though with the wide usage of bots and spam comments?
Or do you just go with things that you personally see as exceptional? But, what is exceptional? And, isn’t that subjective?
So How Do We Decide?
As some of you may know, I’m on a bit of a mission to give an alternative to the current Steemit trending page.
I’m going to be experimenting with different ways to come up with an Alternative Trending Page, using different algorithms to see if we can see what the trending page would maybe look like without all the bots. I also want to come together with others and discuss the exceptional content they have come across in their manual curation. After all, this is an experiment to see what our Alternative Trending Page would look like.
What Is The Goal?
I explain it more in depth here, but essentially;
- Use the delegation I was gifted to try to lift up great content.
- Pay the authors I feature here from the post payout.
- Experiment with what an Alternative Trending Page would look like.
Come together to make Steemit what we want it to be.
For today’s trending page I asked some friends @curie who their favorite exceptional authors were that they thought should be trending. After all, many of the curators there are looking at great content all day long. I’m glad to say we all had quite a few in common!
So, here is what our trending page would look like if we could choose...
Thermoplastic is one of those individuals that I think the platform is so lucky to have. His artwork is some of the best I have ever seen and could easily hang in the most prestigious galleries in my opinion. He is also someone who encourages fellow artist and has been known to bring other amazing artists to the platform. His works are unique and thought provoking, have a look for yourself;
TANTALUS BEHIVE By @Thermoplastic
Wes posts about so many different topics in such an exceptional way that he could be trending in almost every tag, yeah... he’s that good. He shares his experiences, his life and his hardships with such honesty and in such an inspirational way. He’s an amazing photographer, among other things, and is seriously someone you all should be following.
Taking A Break From History For Some Macro Photography By @Derangedvisions
Can you believe the musical talent we have right here on steemit?!? How is it even possible that none of them are regularly on the trending page? Honestly I could do a whole post just on the high quality musicians here, and I just may do that, but for today let’s focus on a duo that gives me chills, @Breakoutthecrazy. To say that these two are talented would be the understatement of the century. They are amazing souls who are sharing their talent with us, go have a listen...
Curves And Grooves - Music Video By @Breakoutthecrazy
I think we can all agree that food is pretty great right? It’s even better when it’s presented and photographed the way @vegan.niinja does. Her recipes are unique, well thought out and include pictures that will make you drool. I’m always excited to see what she comes up with next.
Rhubarb Lattice Cheesecake and Parfait! By @Vegan.niinja
I have to say I had never even heard of psychedelic fractals before meeting @soundwavesphoton, but I’m glad that they are a new love of mine now. He has a way of extracting the beauty out of simple works and making them something extraordinary. He’s a personal friend of mine so I won’t gush about how amazing of a human being he is, but just know... he’s one of the best. I wasn’t going to include him myself here seeing as I can’t be objective but since he was on a few other peoples list, how could I not?!? Did I mention that he is a talented musician as well? No, well he’s a man of many talents... so go check him out;
Melted Alien Waves and Saturated Peach Skies By @Soundwavesphoton
Well, how’s that for a Trending Page? I know we are missing a few categories...
So, I Need Your Help!
What would be in your trending page? Let’s discuss, and try to come together to lift up the great content on this platform!
After all, Steemit can be whatever we want it to be... we just have to come together to make it happen.
Remember, featured authors will split the payout of this post because I believe it is important to reward the individuals actually creating the content. So, show some love y’all!!
Full disclosure - I will be upvoting this post to help increase the payout for the featured authors.
Looking for an amazing curation group where you can come together to help lift great content? You found it,
Come join us in discord
This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
So my idea that I had shortly after I first joined steemit was a Curation Feed. I quickly realised that I didn't want to RESTEEM very much, because I wanted to keep my blog fairly succinct and easily scrollable (I have since relaxed this idea a bit, but the effect still remains). Also, I upvote certain things that I wouldn't necessarily Curate, so I don't think this page should be anything to do with upvotes, I have long conversations with people, but I think we can all agree that quantity of comments doesn't necessarily denote worthy content, and it CERTAINLY shouldn't be related to how much MONEY is being earned. Importantly, I also follow people who only produce content that I want to see a fraction of the time, so my feed does not feel AS high quality as I would hope.....but I dont want to miss the good stuff right? So Im not going to start unfollowing people.....
I feel that a new CURATE button should be added. Some people have created Bots which celebrate peoples posts in the comments and others hand out BADGES of quality for works that they think are top quality - but this feature should be built in to the system. We should be able to put a Badge of honour on works that we deem in our highest interest which would post this to our PERSONAL curation feed. Thats the first step, but as we all know, not everyone has the time to go searching DeepSteemit for nuggets of glory, and so we should be able to SET OTHER USERS as our own personal Curators. People who's taste matches our own would then become our EXPLORATION TEAM perhaps. And the posts that recieve their badges of honour would be inserted in to our own curation feed. People could Earn for being popular curator and build up a reputation as great Steemit Explorers. No-one would be putting their badges of honour on ANY POST that was ANYTHING LESS than awesome.
You should try to do a breakdown of the implementation of such a system my friend. It sounds interesting.
This is a clever idea! I love The Who thing. This is a bit less complex but Similar to how you follow someone, you could follow a “curator” who resteems the content they see as exceptional. I think you should get the breakdown of this typed up as well, you’re on to something.
thanks, I'll do that. Im not very in tune with the dev side of steemit, so I wouldn't really know who to show it to, but I could certainly make a post about it
love this mission and the energy behind it! i have been thinking for a while now that steemit is very much in our hands to make it into the ecosystem that we want. really encouraged to see your efforts!!
Thank you so much! Yes, I think we are at this pivotal point where if we came together we could really make it what we want it to be. It’s just about finding the way to do just that though. Thanks so much for the kind words and constant support, it means a lot! 🤗
If it had to be automated, maybe it could be an algorithm that took into account reputation (giving a boost to those who have lower reputations), followers (again, giving a boost to lower followers), number of views/comments/votes, and then--and this part is crucial--disqualify those that have used known bidbots. The advantage to lower reputation and followers wouldn't be so immense that it would totally disqualify veteran users, but the bar would be much higher for what hit trending. You would also have a slight advantage if you had never hit trending before.
Of course the only way to make a trending page properly would be to have manual curators vetting material and voting on it.
Yes yes yes! I was just discussing with my husband how to take bots out of the picture. Our conclusion was that if we excluded accounts over a certain amount of SP from being counted towards comments/votes on a post, that should cut most of them out of the scenario. This of course has its drawbacks but it’s something to experiment with.
I also think that manual curation is key as well!
Thanks so much for your feedback 🙏
the idea is fantastic, I think we need to bring this up to a witness and see if they would back it up.
But, the trick is to explain it with something like a "white paper" kind of dealio... meaning that, the proposed value has to be crystal clear, the reason, the mission, how the payouts would be given out... Where the native SP stays, etc etc...
But i love the idea llfarms... i really hope some heads turn this way.
yo meno my brother! I don't know if I ever told you my idea, but I have written it as a comment on this thread. See what you think dude.....
Thank you! Yeah, I should probably work on being a bit more official on this... I’ll see what I can come up with!
If you're interested in algorithms you should definitely see the alternative top page @t3ran13 makes. I think they're the most promising algorithmic approach I've seen.
Personally I'm kind of on human curation > no trending page > algorithm at the moment but I could be convinced otherwise.
thanks for recommendation) @llfarms you are welcome)
Thank you! I had been watching @abh12345’s recent experimentation and it really inspired this whole thing. I’m heading over to check out the alternative top page next!
It’s funny, I was just having this conversation.. algorithms can only tell us so much... I don’t know how many times I’ve come across an extraordinary post that had no comments and maybe 2 votes on it, it just hadn’t been found yet.
Unless it could pick up some sort of keyword there is no way it would have shown up on a list. This is why I’m also a fan of manual human curation. I feel it’s the only true way to find great content personally. Many might say that that is subjective though, so I wanted to explore some different search results and maybe compare what we find out.
The old man vs machine is always at play it seems!
Yep, I can't see machine ever replacing man completely with regards to finding some of the best content :)
Completely agree, human curation wins every time.
Yep, I can't see machine ever replacing man completely with regards to finding some of the best content :)
Great initiative @llfarms to bring back sinking steemit to life. Followed ans resteemed....steem on
Thank you! I just think if we worked together we could really lift what we thought was exceptional. Thank you for the kind words!
It would be good if trending could somehow factor in actual human engagement with a post. I am not sure technically what is possible but if time people look at post, whether they click through to links or dlive, dsound etc could be factored in that would be a more real measure of what is engaging real human beings
Yes! How many people actully read and engaged on the post is a great idea! I think the human aspect is so important personally... I’ll see what I can come up with here.
If that would be a great idea to be able to customize the trend thread ...
Wouldn’t it be great? Or even if we could just have a favorites tab where we can scroll through our favorite authors.
Yes, it would be great.
Although it may be that the programmer tells us to organize our thread better.
I can be really short about this. I like the idea. But since I registered for Steemit I saw numerous ideas. One a bit more brilliant than the other. By now I think we all know it ain't gonna happen 😥