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RE: RE: Sexual Clickbait

in #steemit9 years ago

I totally agree that women don't fully comprehend the nature of male visual stimulation. Ladies don't have an idea how even a picture of a scantily clad woman works on us. That's one of the many differences between the opposite sexes, women don't really experience visual stimulation as strongly as men do. I don't want to call men beasts as that is just derogatory and I'm a male myself ofc, but sometimes the primal urges just kick in, a picture that could be called "clickbait" has guys immediately click the post and maybe not even read the text and upvote right away. I've seen guys drool over pictures like that unable to move on to other posts.
I think if women start realizing their power, guys will be in big trouble. :) I think it would only be fair for males to experience some form of gender tyranny, because of all the centuries women were viewed as lesser beings, but let's not do that please, let's have equality :) I hope evolution will take care of male primal urges and make as more sophisticated like the ladies are.


women don't really experience visual stimulation as strongly as men do.

I disagree. It could be argued that women don't experience as much sexual arousal from visual stimuli, but stating that women don't experience visual stimulation as strongly as men do is just false.

I don't want to call men beasts as that is just derogatory and I'm a male myself ofc, but sometimes the primal urges just kick in

Also, when you say "but," it kind of negates your previous statement. While I agree that I don't want to call men "beasts" either, you almost infer that you are one when saying you are a victim to your own subconscious. i.e. "primal urges."

Patriarchal society will be abolished once we are willing to accept that men and women really aren't that different. I feel like some ideas in evolutionary psychology (such as what you and @sean-king previously stated about "sexual power" and "primal urges") enforces these ideals that men and women aren't equal.

let's have equality :)

^^^ This is what I've been all about, from the start. Thank you for sharing your opinions.

You only want equality when its convenient to you,
Everybody knows this here, even the people that address you like you deserve some respect,
To me, you are a solipsist psychopath a faker and a flake to the cause of freedom and equality for women, a self centered woman as is in trend,
watch the wall though.

I don't want to call men beasts, but sometimes I think we are just that. In a company of men only, you sometimes see testosterone induced actions that a normal thinking human being wouldn't even think about doing.

While I fully believe in women and men being valued the same, I don't believe that sexes are the same. That would be waaay too boring for me. :D And I don't really see the point trying to say that men and women think, act and speak the same. We should focus on having men and women treated the same, not try to make everyone the same.

I don't want to call men beasts, but sometimes I think we are just that. In a company of men only, you sometimes see testosterone induced actions that a normal thinking human being wouldn't even think about doing.

Some people call that Toxic Masculinity.

And yes, I agree that we should focus on equality much more, rather than pointing out each other's differences.


Your original post said

Patriarchal society will be abolished once we are willing to accept that men and women really aren't that different.

And that was what my original question (Why do you think that is something we have to come to accept?) came from. Why do we have to accept that? to which you havent answered

Then in your reply you changed the acceptance stance to

Being in control over your choices and unconscious decisions, is something all humans should "come to accept."

Now you say you were talking about being held accountable for our actions (by whom?), a complete different topic, that has nothing to do with patriarchy or men and woman. I am sorry, you are confusing me

You didn't make it clear what your question was in reference to.

When I said

Patriarchal society will be abolished once we are willing to accept that men and women really aren't that different.

I meant that gender inequality should be over. I'm not sure how that hasn't been clear from the beginning, but I hope it's made more clear now.

Why do you think that is something we have to come to accept? what is your evidence?

There are many species where the behavior fo the female specimens is well differentiated from the male, couldn't humans be a little bit like that too?

Is it a choice we make?

Being in control over your choices and unconscious decisions, is something all humans should "come to accept."

The point I am making is that humans are departing from that archaic part of the mind-- the "reptillian brain." ( @sean-king likes evolutional psychology, so he may be interested in this, too) Carl Sagan wrote about it in The Dragons of Eden.

"The reptilian complex, also known as the R-complex or "reptilian brain" was the name MacLean gave to the basal ganglia, structures derived from the floor of the forebrain during development. The term derives from the idea that comparative neuroanatomists once believed that the forebrains of reptiles and birds were dominated by these structures. MacLean proposed that the reptilian complex was responsible for species-typical instinctual behaviors involved in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays."
-Triune brain - Wikipedia

It's essentially the (very small, now) part of the brain that thinks: food, sex, sleep.

In my experience, I barely identify with that part of my mind. As an evolved, evolving species, we are capable of (and have accomplished) changing and growing the structures of more important parts of the brain.

So I ask myself, when people think women and men are so different:

Isn't it a bit reductive?

Is saying women have an inherent "power," or "sexual power," putting them above men-- is that not dehumanizing as well when we put them on a pedestal?

Is that idea, that women do have a secret power, by definition inequality?

(referring to evolutionary psychology)

You didn't make it clear what your question was in reference to.

It was perfectly clear because my question was in reply to that post, and at the time of my question, it was the only post in which you had mentioned acceptance. The other reference to acceptance came afterwords, as an answer to my question.

To make it clear here.

You: > once we are willing to accept that men and women really aren't that different

Me: > Why do you think that is something we have to come to accept?

You, after the question: > Being in control over your choices and unconscious decisions, is something all humans should "come to accept."

So no, there is no way you could have not known what i was referencing, since you mentioned acceptance again only in your answer. Plus the dialogue shows how you do not make sense

It amuses me greatly that from the start of this debate nobody has mentioned how hetero-normative the whole central premise of the original argument was.

The idea that women hold a natural power over men by nature of their inherent sexuality fundamentally disregards the fact that not everybody is attracted to the opposite sex at all. Not only that, but not everybody is even sexual at all.

Real power is bestowed at the organizational level, not by individuals practicing their sexuality.

The groups that aren't attracted or sexual are great minorities though. There were real cases of men being controlled by sex alone - that country in Africa in civil war, women told men that there will be no sex, unless there is peace. Peace was declared in under a month :) . There are many exploits of male visual stimulation being used - thieves hire attractive females to draw attention, poker players have giant decolts etc.

@desmonoid, I actually covered some of that today! Check it out!