
I had this before. Next time if u have this in the post, copy out your html codes out then clear the post and start all over. Paste back the html codes in the new post and post it. This worked for me twice.

I copy and paste my post three times, but can't.

Did you just copy and paste only? I did clear to clear the whole post and start over. before that I tried logout and signin again a few times but it didn't help until I clear and paste the content.

I do not understand what you mean

If you have the same issue, instead of keep trying the same thing, try something else.
What I found works for me (after even logoff and signin again without success), I try to submit post and click in the [Clear] option below to start the post new.
If that still doesn't help, then sorry, I've no other suggestion other trying on a different computer.

Thanks much ! I will try . I also wrote to [email protected] and gigHub . Let's see what's the issue

I solve this problem.. thanks..
link problem..
ex) -->
the last slash deletes..

스크린샷 2017-06-02 오후 9.20.12.png

You faced this issue , right ?

The cause is that your text contains special character.
It can be show-up on sublime text editor after you paste text like below( )
As you can see, the special character is shown as "BS".
You can successfully post by removing special character on sublime text editor.

스크린샷 2017-06-02 오후 9.38.05.png

it will happen when you change the password of steemit .. just clear cookies and login again with new password hope so its work

Thank you!