
True! Anything you put attention to long enough will eventually yield to you! But what happens is that people get used to a new level of comfort very fast and we always look and ask "What's next?". So we are doing insane amount of progress when we are being persistent but it doesn't feel like it. Because it's a very quiet process of moving forward.

Take for example book reading. 10 minutes a day reading doesn't sound like much. But when you look at it over a month you discover it's 5 hours of reading in a month! Which sounds insane! But it's true when you add up the numbers. So it's really the little things you do that makes the big difference. Mainly because you are conscious when you do them because it's a new pattern.

Yeah I agree.
Heck even I think am doing no progress at all some days.... sometimes I have to zoom out and remember how much I've walked this past month, because on the day to day ground I sometimes feel kind of stagnated.
Thank you for the insightful comment Phoneinf.

That's a truth!