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RE: EARTH DAY - Why Should We Pay Attention?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I think we should join the extinction rebellion. Looks like it might be our last chance to save the planet from hitting the tipping point :(

PS - this is for the fellow who believes third world countries are the culprit ☺️ we are all responsible


That's what it will take for mankind to take action. Until they're hit in the face regardless of where they're from. Just like an addict, until you hit bottom and admit there is a problem, you can't fix it. Nice to have you stopping by @lucygarrod, haven't seen you for a bit. Probably, because I lose track LOL.

@lucygarrod I remember when our air was fill of smog, animals were going extinct. our rivers could not sustain life. We cleaned it up and still cleaning it up.
I never said that third world countries were the culprit. I said THEY NEED TO DO THIER SHARE !!!!!!!!! Clean up the shit they are doing. Quit passing it off to others to clean it up. We clean up our pollution and pay taxes for it.

Denile not just a river in Egypt . You should not tell countries it ok to pollute. Everyone has to take responsibility , Everyone !!!!!!!! They don’t get a pass

@wolfhart I shared the per capita CO2 emissions graph precisely for that purpose. I totally agree that we should not tell countries that it's OK to pollute but as we can see from the graph the developed countries like US are spewing 15 times more CO2 in our environment than India. So I would say if anything India is already doing 15 times more for the environment than US by emitting less per capita than other more developed countries and should not really be seen as not doing it's share. The developing countries never created the problem we are facing today but are expected to do more than the developed countries which is what causes inequality 🙏

No the graph is PER CAPITAL and only takes into account some CO2 emissions . So how can you say that India pumps less CO2 into the environment. Please. China, India, and the Amazon area pump more CO2 into the air then the rest of the world.
The US has more money so lets call it what it is.

People are so worried about CO2 in the air and yet they say nothing about deforestation. The lungs of the earth. Why is that ???

Look my point is simple.
Don’t fall into the BS where its about money or power.
Confirm the research.
Put everyone on the same playing field.
This has nothing to do with inequality.

Thank you for your replies. You are passionate about the environment. That’s a great thing. Keep it up :)

☺️ keep up your good work! I will try to visit more frequently 🤗

I was wondering if I needed to separate you two LOL. I admit it I love lively discussions. It's how we learn and connect.

I believe we should speak our truth calmly and respectfully ☺️☺️✌️ We are obviously two people who are reading the CO2 emissions graph from opposite angles 😂

I think we are all responsible for the carbon dioxide emission no matter where we live. However, having to live in what some call the " third world countries" , I notice first hand that we still don't have the awareness to lessen our vehicles use, even to use public transportations, although these days, there's growing awareness about environmental issues. This is rather complex due tied to socio-economic problem.

However, I'd like to emphasize more on my nation current development, which comes at cost. Since my place is considered as one of the lungs of earth, development has caused problems. There are more tall buildings built, more deforestation, more housing for people, which sacrificed the land for crops. These are the problem that I am currently seeing in a bigger scale. However, as an individual I can only contribute to a smaller scale. Such as lessening plastic waste, using public transportation and minimazing my electricity use.

At last, despite our geographical location, we all need more awareness about 3 R (reduce, reuse, and recycling). Perhaps by that, it will help us minimize the problems for environmental issues.

I think that's exactly what I was saying. We are all responsible. As someone who is living in what many would call a "first world country" let me assure you that people lack consideration for the environment here just as much! They drive 4x4 to take their kids to school on roads without a single pothole and then they drive their kids to soccer practice and piano lessons in the same fuel guzzler. They buy expensive fruits and vegetables that have been flown in from all exotic locations around the world instead of buying local produce and they buy a bag for life each time they visit their local supermarket! I can go on an on but there's not much point. We only control our own behaviour so let's do what we can and hope others would learn from example 🙏