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RE: 1 Year Steemitversary, Priorities, Loyalty, and Remaining True to Yourself

in #steemit7 years ago

Nice to see you back!
You're mending, but slowly, eh?
(It's an age thing.. lol)

I thought you had disappeared on us! Another steemitian in the ether..
Steemit is definitely on a 'lull', at the moment.

I personally got duped rather badly....

I never realized - Off steemit?

I was looking through some posts I had made when I first came here, and looked through the comments and interactions.
You don't realize how many people have left until you do a quick 'snapshot' back in time.


No, my brain injury is actually much worse than I thought- and much worse than they let on. Lovely, aye? I now have added brain neurosurgeon to my arsenal of post-accident specialists :/

I was duped by a user who I also knew in the real world.

Oh my, yes. SO many of the people I started with, or even some before me who mentored me and took me under their wing, are gone. It's sad and scary! I'm glad you're still here!