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RE: Open letter to Dan - how witness pay is ruining the economy, and how this can easily be addressed

in #steemit8 years ago

there's still plenty of room for improvements all over the place, but the single biggest issue is that the active whales don't understand what the consequences of their behavior is; they consume 90% of the voting power, which is why other people's votes don't matter ... which is why people are leaving!

sure enough there are also other problems, like the inflation and what not, but ... those would all be minor problems if the user base were growing, but it's not growing; it's shrinking and fast!

if the whales were to put their voting slider on 1% and leave it there; steemit would finally function as it was intended; according the free market principles, while now ... it's functioning like Venezuela!


Blame the whales!!! Those damn evil whales want to see Steemit fail!!

Your comments are getting more ignorant by the minute...

it's mathematics; the whales consume 90% of the steem power, which is why regular users don't have any input, which is why they're getting frustrated and why they're leaving!

but who do you blame? me! you blame me ... how does that make any sense?!

you're just getting extremely frustrated because you lost millions in the last few months, but instead of trying to solve the problem ... you blame me ... you're such a loser!

I'm not blaming you, you're a nobody. I'm just saying you're uneducated and ignorant, that's all.

Also, I didn't lose "millions". Sure my portfolio is down but nobody in their right mind (obviously this excludes you) thought the price would stay that high.

It sounds to me like you're just butthurt you've lost and are looking for someone like "the whales" to blame.


It seems to me, given your endless ranting that you're the frustrated one in this situation. I still have plenty of Steem Power, meanwhile your account that you spent $3k on is worth just over 25% of what you spent. How does that make you feel? Frustrated? Angry? Like you made a poor choice? All of the above?

Considering putting you in a downvote bot just so I don't have to waste time on you anymore and absolutely nobody will care. We'll see how you like that, troll.

What'd @luminousvisions ever do to you anyway? ;)

Not that it matters of course: Your situation is your situation and that gives you certain prerogatives on steem.

I didn't lose $3k ... I invested a small amount of money to learn properly how steemit actually works; it's because I bought for $3k steem power that I know what the problem is ... and that's why I didn't invest $100k = steemit lost $97k !!

you have no idea who I am and what I could do for steemit, and as long you insist in believing your own lies, instead of taking the time to understand steemit; you're just going to keep on losing!

let's talk again in another 30 days to see how this looks like by then;

I'm willing to bet I'll have another good laugh

I didn't lose $3k ... I invested a small amount of money to learn properly how steemit actually works; it's because I bought for $3k steem power that I know what the problem is ... and that's why I didn't invest $100k = steemit lost $97k !!

you have no idea who I am and what I could do for steemit, and as long you insist in believing your own lies, instead of taking the time to understand steemit; you're just going to keep on losing!

let's talk again in another 30 days to see how this looks like by then;

I'm willing to bet I'll have another good laugh

yes, please, create a bot to follow me around and downvote all my comments, so all I need to do is to create a bot to post a 100 comments a day and that way; your votes will be rendered useless ... which would save steemit ...

com'on man; save steemit and create that bot so I can turn your votes into what you are yourself; worthless!

hahaha ... you're such a loser!

sure, and that's why you're so frustrated or what? hahaha

stop believing your own lies, you coward!

it's not just the price that's crashing; users are down, views are down, posts are down, comments are down and votes are down; steemit is dying!

let's talk again in 30 days ... well, if steemit still exists by then of course

hahaha ... you're such a frustrated loser!

you could just ignore me, but well ... you can't, because you're such a frustrated little shit; I'm having fun here!

investing in a coin that has a supply growing as fast as steemit hmmm, ill wait till it hits 1 satoshi

I didn't lose $3k ... I invested a small amount of money to learn properly how steemit actually works; it's because I bought for $3k steem power that I know what the problem is ... and that's why I didn't invest $100k = steemit lost $97k !!

you have no idea who I am and what I could do for steemit, and as long you insist in believing your own lies, instead of taking the time to understand steemit; you're just going to keep on losing!

let's talk again in another 30 days to see how this looks like by then;

I'm willing to bet I'll have another good laugh