New Year Resolutions

in #steemit7 years ago

“Welcome to 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣8️⃣!”


I keep hearing people say that like they arrived earlier than me. Well, unless they are in a different timezone ahead of me, they really should shush. Some People are talking about how they left their problems in 2017, lol 😂 What I know is that problems are there to be solved so if you didn't solve them in 2017 who’s going to solve them for you in 2018?

It’s the beginning of a new year and people are reviewing 2017 in retrospect. They are standing on (Steemit) rooftops and screaming out all the things that happened and all the things they intend doing in 2018. Some lists are very practical, like losing 50 pounds, traveling round the world and probably enrolling for a Post graduate Degree. But others just make me wonder, lol 😂. Some are just funny. I saw this yesterday

Someone listed falling in love as one of the resolutions this year. Um, maybe it’s just me but love can’t be dictated to. A girl said she intended to get married and have a child. How are you going to do that if you’re not in a serious relationship? I think some people forget that a year only has 365 days.

So here I am, still hesitant to list down my expectations of the year because I don’t trust myself 😐. I’ve let myself down far too many times. Last January I wrote down that I wanted to become a full stack web developer by the end of the year, well the process is still ongoing and I'm happy for the progress so far even though I didn't hit my target 🎯.

Now I’ve not grown, but just learnt how to act. I have now mastered the art of not expecting too much from life. I’m still considered quite “out there” by some people’s standards but by mine, I’m under-performing. I’m stuck here, unable to make resolutions not because I don’t have any but because I’m afraid I won’t achieve any. I’m reading all these articles about how to set smart goals hoping this time I won’t let myself down. But while I set my goals, don’t worry. There won’t be any of those sentimental unrealistic babble like I want to be a better me and whatnot. I’m setting tangible, achievable goals this year. And I’m not telling any of you unless it’s got an interesting story tied to it.

What did I achieve in 2017? A lot that I’m thankful for and can only attribute to good fortune and being blessed. Sometimes I think people posting their “blessings” is just a sleek but obvious way of bragging. Things like “I would like to thank God for my brand new car in 2018″, if it’s God you’re really thanking why not just pray huh? Is he on steemit? Away from that, I’m very glad that I’m alive, healthy, in love and happy.

All picture credits: @made4praise


Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

- Albert Einstein