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RE: The Daily Contest: Lets Get A Conversation Going

in #steemit6 years ago

Greetings everyone! (first time participant here lol)

I will keep my question short and simple. I am teacher and love giving this question to my kids because it allows them to use their self advocacy skill. I will change the topic to fit the platform though lol.

"do you think everyone deserves respect and upvotes for just creating ANY content on this platform. Is quality a factor anymore, or are we just trying to milk every penny out of steemit while we can?"


Hey thanks for participating :)

I think yes everyone deserves respect for sure.

And as for quality I think at this time we need to focus more on making this platform fun and social then worrying about quality. Quality is important but making this a great community brings more value than a well-written article. We got caught up in this quality argument for too long.

Well respect is only seems to be given to those who use the platform responsibly and don't upvote their own posts using bots or auto votes.

I think the argument can be said that quality really doesn't matter anymore at all. We want people to be engaging and talking to one another, rather then creating. Your success on this platform comes down to your "socialness" rather than your actual post.

I would say that milking pennies has become the main thing on Steemit. Bot voting and strategic voting seem to be the main thing just now.

Quality or quantity?
As this happens we neglect newbies and by that future growth for all. If we look at income throughout the world. "Small pennies" mean a lot for a majority of the worlds population.

Lets all eat cake!
I feel that all the big players are eating to much of the cake right now. It has to stop if we really want Steemit to grow and make an impact.

I have seen the same milking pennies trend for a while now as well friend.

Well I think the newbies need to prove themselves and it comes down to them being social, rather then them actually making content.

The big boys need to spread the wealth. the question is how do we do that?

Think it is hard to be social when established "voting groups" or bots rule the platform. I see lots of people trying, but the majority drops out when they see low or no rise in power.

A good rule, or curtesy would be to try to vote on people that support your own posts.

Im just concerned that if you didn’t establish yourself early in steemit then there is no reason to come here now when crypto prices are crap and then the whales play favorites. Curtesy can only go so far in the survival of this platform. Can newbies even make it on here anymore?

It is though!

That's an interesting question. Though, "any" post doesn't deserve everyone's upvote, I believe it sure deserves everyone's respect. I hope Steemit will not only be for those who creates what others believe to be a quality post, rather it stays to be a community that welcomes diversity, embraces flaws and promotes the freedom to express oneself in any form. I love how most people are nice and friendly towards each other here in Steemit, and I guess that makes it so much better than other platforms.

Posted using Partiko Android

Respect comes with quality though right? If you copy and paste content you're shunned, no matter how active or social you are. Diversity is cool but most channels are specific in what they talk about. The bitcoin and crypto pages get talked about more for a reason. The less popular stuff gets shoved to the way side. So is this platform "really" about content creation, or is about crypto and penny shaving?

I think people take full advantage of bots and thats why you see so much divide on this platform. I don't respect people who pay to upvote their own posts with bots.

See blaze I totally understand where you’re coming from. I think bots are helpful for new content creators to get their content seen on the trending page. After a certain point though it does become an abuse of resources and then the community can see that

I think that in the long run, quality will win in the end. Respect is the order of the day, on this site. We all need to treat each other with kindness and promote self worth. I do not not up-vote any old post, that is thrown together. I must enjoy it and get something from the author. We do not want to send the wrong message out, that it is totally o.k. to bend the rules, just for up-votes.
But offer respect..always..we all deserve it!

I respect your opinion my friend, however I am not sure I agree with the fact content will win in the end. Participation breads the mindset of just "i upvote you if you upvote me". It doesn't really matter the quality because unless people still participate then this platform will not be as successful as it could be. So I will ask you this, would you rather have a LARGE interactive audience or a SMALL less interactive but high quality content?

Maybe I want the best quality..and be true, to who I am. No point in being repetitive for up-votes and not being sincere. At least I wont't use people. Some people have left the site because they were not true to who they really are. Becomes boring.

I would ask you to look outside your own view point and think about the platform as a whole. We need people to participate and that means taking on those that have less than great content. I respect your desire for having high quality content but we need people here to believe they can make a profit, otherwise steemit won't last.

Participation and inclusion is vital. While quality is important a discussion of its definition can go on and on. let the reader/viewer decide whether or not they appreciate the post. I''ve judged children's K-3 art work to select the best, although all entrants were on display, and quality is not as easy to determine as some suggest.

I suppose you're correct that "interest or eye of the beholder" will determine whether or not a post gets praise. I just fear that new comers will see the up hill climb necessary to get a good vote and not be willing to put in the effort and just leave.

You could be right.

Content of all kinds is important, at least to get a good, solid base. Much of that content can evolve to become quality with time and practice, so for me I would have to say yes it's a requirement. Definitely don't want to limit what could potentially be great content just because it's in its early stages rather than in its prime!

Thank you for this question!

Well we all have to start somewhere and a persons first post is always going to rough around the edges. Hopefully they grow and improve their skills.

You're so welcome.

Thanks for the question. We need to make steem easier for new users and I do have an idea for a better split of rewards I want to post about.

Awesome! Thanks so much. It was nice to talk with everyone over this topic.