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RE: The Future of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago <----- This will help you monitor coin activity. I use it daily. Read my blog, and many of you questions will be answered. I am a buy and hold investor, while most people want to make a quick buck and ride the pump and dump- and usually end up with less than zero. Pay especially close attention to the new IRS tax regulations you will find in my blog. Read the white paper, and investigate the developers of each coin, before investing. haejin is a victim of his own success, long story short. He already has his own website, and the whale that funds him is smart enough to realize that Steemit NEEDS haejins content, as we are flooded with guitar pickinging, flower smelling, hippy poets, who think the world owes them upvotes. (Nothing against hippies or deadheads, btw) Hope I didnt sugarcoat that too much. Youre welcome.


Wow thanks this is actually very helpfull :D

the frist image of this article has a great concept. peace. thanks boro!


what matters is that together we can take care of this great community and we will always be the majority to placate those who abuse the vote

Thanks will do. Always looking for more information. Still hard to get coverage on some alt coins.

Sounds like he's helping us out by bringing content and dollars to the community.

Ok call me dumb...but other than the "public interest" column...why can't you just get this data from Or maybe the opportunities tab...but they didn't give a key to explain the little symbols. What am I missing here?

You can get it from where ever you feel best suits your needs. Personally, I find the google spreadsheet much easier to navigate, as it displays which exchanges offer the specific coins you are intersted in purchasing. Not every exchange offers every coin. Read my blog, and you want have to ask so many questions, they will be answered when you read my research. your welcome.