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RE: 1000 F0llowerS Party Time!

in #steemit8 years ago

Well deserved a 1000 followers. Respect.

Im once again with you just like the mj coins. I also think RDD has a nice future. Good you told me

Keep up the good crypto vibes.



That's what's up glad to hear! Yeah the power you have with RDD @these l0w levels say, even if RDD didn't shoot to the moon you can still come up with a nice chunk 0f change trading RDD, espeically now with price being so low.
0ther day my RDD balance was rd $50 then RDD made a nice little jump fr0m 16-42Sats thus making my acc a lil 0ver $100 JUST 0ff 0f that m0ve! i WAS tempted to take pr0fit to use towards 0ther c0ins 0r t0 trade(forex) but I decided to HOLD!!!!
@these RDD levels, you can get about a 1000 RDD f0r $1 ;)

B0ught 1000 m0re THC as well. I will do an update p0st 0n some 0f my investments later 0n....
Thx again to my b0i @markush! Been with me since genesis 0f Steemit