Having my last roadshow post upvoted and resteemed by @ned has really given me a huge boost to continue and even improve my efforts in spreading the word about STEEMIT.
Without the support from this community I would not be able to continue my mission in getting more people to join STEEMIT and invest in STEEM, I am also hoping that this inspires other steemians to do their bit in helping this amazing platform grow.
I REALLY believe in STEEMIT and I think that comes across when I am out there telling the world! I am just one man on a mission but imagine if just 5% of the people on this platform started doing something similar, together we could launch STEEMIT into hyperspace!!!.
Today The Steemit Roadshow is in Orgiva, in the South of Spain. This place is very special for many reasons, one of them has to be, that Orgiva has the biggest collective of alternative thinking, eco-worriors and hippies in the whole of Europe, these people turned their backs on big banks and governments way before the rest of the world started to catch up, which is why I believe these people have a right to know about STEEMIT and the golden opportunity to invest in STEEM.
I usually give out coffee and cookies or water bottles but today I thought I would try something different, I don't drink alcohol but a LOT of people do so I thought I would have a little STEEMIT party and give away beer to get peoples attention and get them in the mood, This would not work in a big city but this is Orgiva and anything goes in Orgiva.
Steemit Training Day, Plant A Seed and Watch it Grow.
This town has a population of 6 thousand of which at least half are alternative people living in the various eco-communities, they live in yurts, domes and grow their own food. I know a lot of people here and I believe If I can plant the seed and get just 20 people here using steemit then I believe the next time I come here that number will be 100 then 1000. This gave me an idea of doing a mini conference, a training day where I will offer food, drink and a 2-hour training course in everything they will need to know about Steemit and an added bonus of 5 STEEM for everyone who attends. I will hire a conference room and a projector. I will offer this course for free and I will fund it from the money I get from this and my other Roadshow posts, so please support it as much as possible, and of course, I will document this event in a post.
What do you think people, shall we make this happen?.
Please show support, and think of a way that you could help this platform grow. Together we are unstoppable.
Wow! You truly are all in and are giving steemit more than anyone can expect! I think you might deserve the title "steemit evangelist".
Thanks for introducing me to steemit 3 months ago, long before the steemit roadshow was concived. Good luck and best wishes.
Evangelist means bringer of good news, and I know you agree that steemit is good news. Some might think free beer is the good news but we both know better.
Anything goes in Orgiva!! :P ;) Great work there what is better than serving chilled beers while letting people know about Steemit. You are on a great path I really wish i was there with you guys , anyways have a great journey ahead!! :)
Another great post and another fabulous Steemit Roadshow. You have so much drive and energy!!! Orgiva seems like a wonderful place to spend some time with your family. Thank-you once again! I really enjoy seeing the pictures and hearing about your journey. Hope you have having a blast!!!!! :D
Thank you cabbagepatch.
We are really enjoying ourselves in Orgiva, it's a magical place, I will do an Orgiva post when I have the photos and time :)
Thanks for stopping by.
Great initiative. Free beer is probably the best marketing strategy u can employ, lol! Amazing promotions you are doing. Steemit has a bright future with these kind of initiatives.
Thank you @progressivechef, yes that resteem was one of my highlights on steemit, I was hoping this Roadshow would catch the attention of some big players but I never imagined I would get recognition from @ned
And you caught the attention of the biggest player! That's just wonderful thing to happen! We always say, hard work always pay, and it did pay my friend!
Steem On!
Much more great things to come your way soon!
Really a great job, and we hope to attend one of these some day.
I am resteemed my friends
I would of had lots more photos of this Roadshow but my photographer got a little distracted due to the fact we were at a flea market. :)
Women + flea market = no photographer :) :)
Wow! You truly are all in and are giving steemit more than anyone can expect! I think you might deserve the title "steemit evangelist".
Thanks for introducing me to steemit 3 months ago, long before the steemit roadshow was concived. Good luck and best wishes.
Thank you @fanstaf, haha "steemit evangelist" who gets people drunk and then makes them buy steem.
Your welcome, I hope steemit brings as much joy as it has me. Keep on Steeming on!!!
Evangelist means bringer of good news, and I know you agree that steemit is good news. Some might think free beer is the good news but we both know better.
Waiting for such promotions of steemit in india
Yes @raist, I am also waiting for YOU to do one in India too. ;)
Yes i m trying to do one, but not in touch with many people here.
Anything goes in Orgiva!! :P ;) Great work there what is better than serving chilled beers while letting people know about Steemit. You are on a great path I really wish i was there with you guys , anyways have a great journey ahead!! :)
Thank you @poohs. Yes the chilled beers were a big hit. :)
Thanks for the feedback and support :)
Beer always does the trick! :)
@markwhittam : welcome to Lisbon with SteemFest². good luck
Thank you very much @ridwant
Another great post and another fabulous Steemit Roadshow. You have so much drive and energy!!! Orgiva seems like a wonderful place to spend some time with your family. Thank-you once again! I really enjoy seeing the pictures and hearing about your journey. Hope you have having a blast!!!!! :D
Thank you cabbagepatch.
We are really enjoying ourselves in Orgiva, it's a magical place, I will do an Orgiva post when I have the photos and time :)
Thanks for stopping by.
Great initiative. Free beer is probably the best marketing strategy u can employ, lol! Amazing promotions you are doing. Steemit has a bright future with these kind of initiatives.
Steemfest On!
Thank you @eco-alex I am really enjoying this Roadshow, it feels great to get out there and spread the word.
Thanks for stopping by.
And the great adventure continues my friend! I was so happy to see @ned re-steeming your post last time out!
Keep going man!
Thank you @progressivechef, yes that resteem was one of my highlights on steemit, I was hoping this Roadshow would catch the attention of some big players but I never imagined I would get recognition from @ned
Super happy :)
Thanks for stopping by.
And you caught the attention of the biggest player! That's just wonderful thing to happen! We always say, hard work always pay, and it did pay my friend!
Steem On!
Much more great things to come your way soon!