in #steemit5 years ago

Today I'm going to be talking about a very special announcement of an announcement by Justin, son I'm also going to talk to you guys, about a training group a paid group that is in major trouble by the FTC and of, course a Bitcoin market updating stay, tuned, [Music], all right you guys so our first news, story steam it sets up shop on Tron, Network steam it the blockchain-based, social media platform where users can be paid to curate our create content is, partnering with the Tron Foundation to, bring steamed apps and users to Tron, so this article doesn't explain if Tron is purchasing steam it, or how that works but it does say that, that steam it which it has over 1, million users are going to be partnering, with Tron and that the steam it token is, essentially going to be kind of, converted to the Tron blockchain, and, they're going to you know to do some sort of.

swapper make some sort of Tareq's based, token with this unit token so I don't, know-how that's going to work but I thought, kind of mixed thoughts about this so, Justin son we all know that he is an amazing marketer and I was not many guys, I was not paid to talk about this, is the big news, story because Justin's son I want to say, he's acquired Eli I wants to say he and, then he's also got the BitTorrent, platform as well, he's like slowly making moves and, purchasing and acquiring and partnering, with all these different decentralized, crypto out media not in media outlets, but social media outlets so this is a little bit concerning it's almost like, he's monopolizing decentralized outlets, which is kind of bizarre because, something that is decentralized is not, supposed to be owned by anyone so it's, kind of weird but anyways this is kind, of big news and I did want to discuss, about it.

I'm also going to be really, seeing a show probably this week or next, week with VIP boy we're gonna be talking, about Tron and you know kind of going, through the facts and deciding whether, or not Tron is a scam or not but I, really actually I don't, have an opinion about Tron or Justin son, like I know a lot of people don't like, them I don't care I will, trade trying to acquire more Bitcoin and, if something pumps I'm gonna I'm gonna, get in on that trade if I can the Justin, Sun is an amazing marketer and is always, able to get people to talk about him and, it's constantly outdoing himself is he, ethical, not 100% sure about that you'll, have to stay tuned for my episode with, bit boy to kind of taught to hear about, our opinions on that but I don't know, we're gonna see how this plays out and, we're gonna see how you know what happens with the community and all that, stuff and if the users are gonna wind up, boycott steam it users they're gonna end, up boycotting steam it after it converts.

over to the Tron network because a lot,of people do not like Tron even though,I'm a lot of this the,see MIT was founded by Dan Lamar which,is the same guy that that founded or,what are the founders or whatever for us,so it's kind of interesting to see that,these huge companies kind of merging,together who knows if it's a smart,business new business move or not so,we'll see,and then next story you guys before I,get into my Bitcoin so this is actually,really really really important for,people that are interested in starting,paid groups and all that stuff,I will never start a paid group ever and,this is one of the reasons why it's just,not just really not ethical for me I,will talk about trading I will take all,plain requests I will I will give like,basic free like educational stuff I will,do that but I will never have a paid,group ever it's just something that,doesn't sit right with me and yes I do,do sponsored contests but that's all,disclosed and it is all legal but,anyways the FTC Sue's online Trading,Academy for running an investment,Trading Scheme,so this company this trading group this,paid group was called Online Trading,Academy and basically they were charging,members fifty thousand dollars and they,in the last six years they collected,three hundred and seventy million,dollars from consumers nationwide they,had sales people going out they were,targeting the elderly people and they,were also making these crazy claims that,were not a hundred percent you know,accurate with what they were doing,so this excerpt from the FTC is,extremely important it is illegal to,make earnings claims and marketing,investment opportunities or training,unless the seller has a reasonable basis,to make such claims says Andrew Smith,the director of the FTC Bureau of.

Consumer Protection,OTA has used unfounded earning claims to,to build Americans out of their savings,so basically they're saying we're doing,X amount of games but they weren't they,and then they were supposed to be,monitoring what their with their patrons,we're coming up with what the gains,they're coming up with,they weren't monitoring anybody's,success rates or trading rates so this,is that's very illegal and they're,getting in trouble for that so please be,careful when you if you guys are,interested in joining a paid group I do,know a couple people that do do paid,groups they're kind of really not like,paint groups it's more you pay like 50,bucks a month first like some of their,educational content or they're able to,answer questions and whatnot to you but,be very careful if that's something you,guys are interested in getting into paid,groups can be a little bit scary and,you're gonna see a lot more these people,popping up on crypto Twitter and as,always I will,tell you guys do not send your money to,anyone on the Internet be very careful,when joining a paid group do not give,money to people that are boasting about,this investment fund that they have that,is unregistered and unlicensed I don't,care where they're from and a lot of,these people are anonymous make sure,that they have a track record make sure,they have a LinkedIn something like that,make sure that they're legit but because,at the end of the day crypto is about,being responsible for your own decisions,and if your and your money is your money,so please be careful and don't fall for,any of this crap because this is,absolutely it's just a hot mess so,there's my thoughts on that all right so,a very quick and brief analysis of,Bitcoin because I went ahead and did the,livestream last night talking about what,I'm expecting to happen but let's go,ahead and take a quick look at the chart,so yesterday I talked about a failure to,close above the $10,200 area region,which is over here so we went ahead and,we actually closed below it and we,closed at about 900 or nine thousand,nine hundred dollars here so this was a,very important area in the 10200 um,because this is where we closed the week,before and it would have been nice to,have another you know just another close,above here but we did close below that,so that is a little bit concerning I'm,gonna go ahead and throw on the whole,MACD again whole MACD doesn't have that,little bed on the weekly here and it,does look like it wants to go ahead and,bear cross again it does take a little,bit of time to go ahead and play out so,some areas that I am looking at I really,like this area here of about I like this.

ranging here from about from about 95 95,50 to about 92 93 this is a pretty nice,this is a pretty nice area in here I'm,looking for for the price to push down a,little bit more and I actually do feel,that the low is going to be this area,here at about 80 $310 so I'm expecting,Bitcoin to continuously make some more,to put some more lows down over in this,area to about 8300 that's kind of my,like bottom bottom bottom area over,there but I do like this area this range,in here for you know to kind of,essentially build support again that's,about 95 20 to about 91 92 I'm taking a,look at the 4-hour chart for our chart,also does look like it wants to bear,cross and continue to head down ever,since we hit this this this high area,over here to about 10,000 400 we,been kind of we've been we were we were,kind of consolidating and hitting and,hitting and it just didn't it just,didn't stick one of the things that I,did that I'm looking at now is you see,all these little looks up this just,showing a lot of weakness and a failure,to close above essentially to break in,close but and then we have we found this,air this this drop here to about ten,thousand one hundred we ping-pong a,little bit and then ultimately we did,break down in about ten thousand one,hundred and then we've just had a pretty,consistent drop to about to about ninety,five hundred here so I'm anticipating us,to drop further more the only thing that,I am Singh the only thing I'm seeing on,the for hours that might indicate a,little bit of strength is this green,candle that we have this wick that,pushed all the way down and then it kind,of popped up so I think we may do a,little bit of consolidating but,ultimately I do think the market is,gonna go down a little bit,I am currently not in a position with,Bitcoin yet because I'm a little bit,skeptical just because there was so much,bullish sentiment it makes me a little,bit nervous if I do want a short but I,am looking for us essentially to kind of,to essentially bottom down at like 8300,if we do get that low maybe even around,93 so that's what I'm seeing with.

Bitcoin however with aetherium this is,my trading plan for a theorem that I do,have I have my order set on some X,already to buy that dip and to go ahead,and too long so I'm looking at aetherium,to kind of to fall a little bit because,I do believe bitcoin is gonna fall yes,it looks like they kinda are getting to,couple to where they're you know they,have their own different price action,generally a lot of the alts follow what,bitcoin is doing but if your aim has,just been on a beast,pretty much a beast of its own recently,however I do like this area here about,10,000 - yeah 10,000 about 215 - 211 to,about 220 so I'm looking to long in this,region so I do have a long-dead open I,don't know if it will get hit because it,looks like we did we did we have this,whip down here on the 4-hour and we pop,back up so unless I see a clean break,over 275 and a nice a nice clean break,over 275 on the daily chart I'm gonna,anticipate us to kind of fall down here,to about $220 another interesting thing,on the daily chart yes we did have a,bull cross on the whole MACD however we,did have these wicks down and it looks,like,price kind of popped back up and found,stuff pretty pretty well there so that's,important and there is that I'm gonna go,ahead and take a look at another project,alright guys so I'm gonna take a quick,look at pirate chain every Sunday on my,Twitter I go ahead and I put a tweet out,asking you guys to give me I take coin,requests so I go ahead and chart those,for you and pirate chain was one of the,top coins that was selected so I went,ahead and posted that chart on Twitter,and I'm gonna post it here as well on my,youtube because if anybody wants to see,here my explanation so we're seeing a,lot of we're seeing a lot of pinching on,the upper part of the Bollinger Band.

here generally when you see that with,the Bollinger Band it indicates a,reversal I like to use a Bollinger Band,for all claims just because all to move,a little bit differently than Bitcoin,and they're less liquid so that's what I,like to to use when I'm charting alts so,looking at the MACD MACD does look like,it wants to bear cross however that may,or may not pan out if you kind of look,at some of the previous action with the,MACD looked like it wanted to start bear,crossing in all these levels but it kind,of popped back up and you know we,started we started to run however there,are some interesting things I'm seeing,the EMA kind of get a little bit flat,we're currently prices being pushed down,by the EMA 9 which is the Green Line,over here so I'm expecting price to pot,to bounce on the EMA what is this the,EMA 200 at 520 and then touch this area,here at about 4 or 5 4 so I'm expecting,a bit above correction for pirate chain,and just as long as this range hold I,would expect another move up as well um,the some of the fundamentals behind,prior tuna are pretty cool I'm currently,not invested in this and this is just a,chart request so I didn't want to kind,of clarify that but I am expecting a bit,of a drop also - one thing I do want to,say with the EMA 9 and the Bollinger,Bands simple moving average and we go,back in time over here when you do see a,bull cross that occurs with it the price,action is pretty it moves pretty strong,and pretty hard and currently we did,complete a bear cross back about and,want to say back over in this region in,early January so I am expecting a little,bit of a pullback and then a some nice,price action just as long as Bitcoin key.


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