Scratching the 7 day itch or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the short payout window.
Your posts can keep earning for years, you need just need to use this one simple trick.

It was December 2016; Donald Trump had just won the US Presidential election, and I hit the top of trending with a post about a porn star, some might call that prescient.
The payout was $344, except it wasn't dollars.
It was $344 worth of STEEM at 12c, so almost 3000 STEEM, all of which I powered up.
That post is now worth over $4000 at today's prices, and more than 90% of that value arrived after the payout window had closed.
What's my secret?

Don't power down.

I told you it was simple.
A lot of people contrast Steem's 7 day limit with Youtube, where a piece of content can continue earning for the uploader indefinitely (or at least until their account is abruptly demonetised), but have you tried getting noticed on youtube recently?
You're not just competing with great content by incredibly popular, talented producers, you're also competing with every piece that every one of them has ever posted.
A new creator needs incredibly deep pockets and a tonne of luck just to get noticed by a handful of viewers. Is that something we want to emulate here?
Do we want to give early adopters even more of a competitive advantage over newcomers?
The blockchain only produces a finite quantity of new STEEM each day. If that needs to be shared between the young posts AND all of the old ones, there's not going to be much to go around. People who left a year ago might be making more than an enthusiastic minnow who's doing everything right, right now.
Early adopters don't all have an edge.
I know several people who've been here longer than I, who have little to no advantage over newcomers.
So what's the simple trick again?
The ones who do enjoy that 'unfair' advantage...
...don't power down.

Steempower grows.
Even if the STEEM price tracks sideways against USD, SP;
Is worth more Mvests/voting power over time.
Earns curation rewards.
Can be leased out for profit.
Attracts airdrops.
My big post is still earning, even today. (2% per month).
Powering down is like selling your youtube account.
It's eating your seeds instead of planting them.
You'll enjoy a full belly now, but you'll get hungry again and find yourself out foraging instead of harvesting.
That said, I get that the short payout window is a sticking point, so I have a few suggestions.
If you find an old post interesting, tag a few friends who might benefit. The author could pick up some new followers.
Reply to the old post. If the author replies to your reply, drop the big upvote on it.
Link back to their post, somewhere appropriate (like this fantastic markdown guide by @carrieallen I found today.)
Make sure you post at least once a week, so there's always something a new reader of an old post can vote for.
I was revisiting this sweet avatar that @skyleap drew up. It's @o07 (left) and I.

I'd already upvoted the post, which is now past payout, so I dropped some Pockets on him instead.
There are plenty of ways to reward older posts, we just need to build it into the culture, which can't be done with a hardfork. By way of demonstration, I'll revisit this post in a month and award 50,000 Pockets to my favourite comment.

@robertkiyosaki just joined up
He's a huge author who's sold millions of books since the mid 90's.
He's an engaging writer, incredibly smart, and speaks to a million twitter followers.
He works for me now. You all do.
Instead of a residual income from my paid out posts; I get to know my account value grows every time somebody else adds value to the chain.
I didn't need to invest outside money (although I've done that too), I acquired this stake and passive income through posting content people wanted to read.
It's important to note that my big post is no longer relevant.
NSFW material is being managed appropriately, and @alexanova hasn't posted in a long time.
I'm glad I'm not reliant on any sort of ongoing residual from that post, since it was only useful when I wrote it.
If you want to enjoy passive income here, recruit and support new creators, and most importantly;
Don't power down.

Amazing post and so true! I only once removed my earnings from Steem, it was to reach the 100 EOS required to get the early airdrops, but I'm not going to do it again! I want to get as many STEEM and power it up as much as i can! I've actually thought about investing outside money, but first i want to see what is going to happen with all the social networks appearing... is STEEM going to be the winner in the end?!
What!!! I've been meaning to buy his book this summer and read it! Now i gotta do it and talk to the guy! I've been hearing so many great things about him and his book "Rich dad Poor dad"! I love finance, passive income, financial freedom, etc!!!
It's pretty old now but just as relevant as ever.
In a way you could say we have the opportunity for multiple revenue streams. There's the traditional pay for work done in the form of the post. This is kind of like when I write a magazine article; I only get paid once and wouldn't expect to be paid indefinitely. Then the passive income can come from curation rewards, especially if you use an autovoter. You just have to collect them now and again. This could also be compared to earning interest on savings and the more you save the more interest you get. You could also view this as being paid to read, because if you like what you read your vote gives them some money and you earn some in return.
Then, as you say, if an old post stays relevant and starts conversation you can potentially earn over again. Being paid for conversation.
I also liked how @holoz0r put it as a comparison to patreon. We get to reward content creators for free. So many options!
Couldn't agree more. I get why people might be clamouring for what they know, but if SP does the same job but better AND you get it automatically whenever you post, why should noobs have to split today's shiny new tokens with posts from 2 years ago?
We already have a source of passive income. Let it go. Enjoy :)
Successful Send of 50000
Sending Account: mattclarke
Receiving Account: minismallholding
New sending account balance: 1023931
New receiving account balance: 54999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 7dc683b9a24979fd0d0e4ddb516876f72ca69f35
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.
Thanks for posting this Matt! I’ll have to chat with you next meetup about what powering up and powering down mean. I have a loose understanding but now I’ve been here for a bit longer I’d like to have a better chat and try to understand it more!
Absolutely :)
It's like buying shares in the blockchain. You can power up your steem instantly, which makes your upvotes more weighty and increases your curation rewards.
If you're going to want to cash some out, you need to power it back down, which takes 13 weeks.
(You get back 1/13th per week).
It's a way of making sure that the people with the most influence over the platform (voting for witnesses etc) are going to have the longer term interest of the platform at heart.
The bridge is furthest from the lifeboats.
Ohhh sounds good!! I think I might power up!! If it’s worth it with the amount that I have!
Unless you have gambling debts, and bad men are coming, I always recommend powering up.
It's easy to do with your STEEM, just click the arrow in your wallet and choose 'Power Up'.
Converting your SBD to STEEM in order to power it up might be a little more difficult.
It'll make your votes more powerful, so you can reward good content, and you'll also get more back in curation rewards. It's also a great anti-hacking measure. If somebody hacks your account, they have to wait a week to get any of your money.
@holoz0r can walk you through it on his laptop at the meetup, which is less than a week away!!! :)
I can and do agree with all these statements.
Awesome thankyou!
And thankyou!!
Hmm in glad I found and read this. Makes alot of sense, thanks Matt.
Yep, don't power down. Also, keeping the 50/50 split for rewards is a good way to keep your wallet flexible. You have some SP to power up, and you have SBD and Steem that you can exchange, if you really need to. This way there's less need to power down.
On the topic of rewarding content beyond 7 days, there's the tipping service, if you really want to reward someone.
Finally, given the way Steemit incentivizes content (and how there's no easy way to navigate the blog), maybe it's just time we accept that the platform is not the place for evergreen content. And that's not exactly a bad thing. Otherwise, like you mentioned in this post, there are ways around the 7-day rule to help really good posts continue earning and make sure they don't get buried under more recent content.
First rule: Don't Power Down.
Second Rule: Don't Power Down.
Third Rule: Eventually, your curation awards will outstrip your author rewards, and that's okay.
You do continue to gain influence based on your success in the past, provided:
You don't power down.
Everyone who is here today is still on the ground floor. Soon, we'll have those spiral staircases that lead to dizzying heights, speckled with ball gowns and glory.
Today, we've got bargain prices, and content where we can engage with truly remarkable authors.
There's so much potential. People just need to use it, and look beyond the trending page, bidbots, and the other politics.
Produce your content. Engage in the content of others.
Know that we're only here for a short time, and connect with other humans.
Do something.
But I want free money for doing nothing though....

Nothing is technically something. :)
you are making me think..stop it !!

Its hard to see, except in hindsight. So many of the people envious that we were here for 10c STEEM will themselves be the focus of envy for being around for $1 STEEM, and then a year later, those envious of those envious of us will be envied for being here for $10 STEEM.
It's called shit or get off the pot...find a project you believe in and invest in it..
Great contribution my friend.
I get your point and I agree with that. I think the contrary is the case. If it's even possible we should invest in our account(SP) Something what I did recently because I think that this asset will be much more worth in the future.
Absolutely. Now is an incredible time to move in as heavily as you can manage.
Thanks for dropping by, great to see your rep pumping. Race you to 70 :)
I'll beat you both... In my dreams anyway
#truth #fromthegoodbookofmatt
I still have no clue how early adopters' Mvezt/VP have more weight than the new ones.
I have faith in the platform hence no power-down ever! It's amazing that we oldies have this mentality compared to most...where except you, we were hard-up then..yet we persevere and enjoy blogging still😂🤣😆 Cheers Matty!
Over time it takes more STEEM to get the same Mvests. Vests you buy today will be slightly more expensive/valuable tomorrow, so get in early and stay in.
Glad you're one of the clever ones who stuck around :)
Oh is this why am seeing some ROI than most?
This is one of my retirement eggs bro.. on a year sabbatical right now so am changing my payouts to fiat which is helping a lot. No power down! Cheers!
Great Post! Getting $344 when Steem was worth 12c was a huge achievement.
And it's clear you have your finger on the pulse. I didn't even spot 'The Big K' and it looks like a lot of others didn't spot him either.
This is still the fundamental problem with Steemit. Discovery.
Even though people leave when the STEEM price is low, it's actually a good time to accumulate more steem.
I'd prefer to have $10 worth of STEEM @ $1ea rather than $10 worth of STEEM when it's peaking at $10
I don't know why people cry during the bear periods... It's the best time to build
Cuz they just saw their investment go down by 90%
Wisdom: That thing that arrives just after you need it.