Color Challenge Friday: Blue✳️Blogging on Steemit✳️Trial & Error✳️Oh, and I'm working on a new edition to my Scale Theory book 😊✳️

in #steemit7 years ago

I think trial and error could be my middle name 😂

I find myself relating many of my life lessons to Steemit these days. I started, about two weeks back, to do a new edition of my Scale Theory book. Here is how that book came about.

Years ago I was stuck trying to understand some things about music theory as it applied to guitar. I went to seminars (famous guitarists I might add) and read books - lots of books. Finally I thought "This is made to be way more complicated than it actually is".
So I began a long process of trial and error. I would test out these concepts on students. If they could grasp it, I kept the idea and complied a notebook of the successes. The concepts that didn't work, I threw out.
The successful ideas became my book "All About Scale Theory."

That process of trial and error is been a staple in my life. Besides playing football as a kid, I am not a natural at anything. 😊 Not even guitar. 6-9 hours a day of...yes...Trial and error.
I have some students that are naturals at guitar, I'll show them things, and they pick it right up. All the while I'm thinking in my head how hard it was for me to grasp - but that's life.

The Take

  • As a blogger starting out on Steemit, there will be trial and error. In fact, lots of trial and error
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with that 😊
  • Keep what works
  • Get rid of what doesn't
  • Embrace the process (I spent 6-9 hours a day practicing guitar, I don't regret a minute of it)
  • Then pass on what works to others

You know, Steemit just might change the world. Let's do this! ✌🏾



This is the only blue i know! Navy blue baby!