Three Reasons Why No One Is Paying Attention To Your Steemit Post.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Research suggests that 80% of the information that our brains process is visual, as the human brain is hard-wired to look at images, so always include QUALITY images in your post. The number of posts I see on Steemit with no images and 1 up-vote is HUGE!


Do you understand your niche reader on Steemit? Take time to try and work out who they might be, and write the best that you possibly can for them.


I read many dry posts on Steemit with no flow, no metaphors, descriptive words or images. All these elements help people engage in a deeper way with your post. Try to tell an emotional story, as people love to hear stories on Steemit.

When your readers feel connected, they're more likely to up-vote and Resteem your posts. Try to write from the heart as much as you possibly can, and you'll connect to those who love your work.

Happy Steem posting!



Thank you for posting @mindhunter.
If one may add to the dialogue, as you mentioned this is a visual society, however that does not mean one is not without the privilege of trying something different. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words...photographs have their own message and data they bring with them, easily distracting the reader from the message of the text.
At Steemit, there are those who have a measure of success without photographic imagery and those who have had success on photographic imagery alone.
Thank you for the opportunity to express thought.

Principle. Entertainment has replaced etymology.

I think a mixture of both is the key $ winner on Steemit - this is currently the toughest challenge - finding the right balance :)

I am always humbled by Resteems - thank you.

From today I'm moving from 4 posts per day to 2 posts per day, as I seem to garner more up-votes when I do that...and it's less work too!

Bravo! interesting post congratulations friend @mindhunter

Hello old friend @jlufer - thank you. May all your Steemit posts remain busy!

P.S. I don't think any of your posts could be said to lack passion!!

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Yeah, these are all very true points. I find also having a header to represent a new idea works well. This also serves to separate the idea from the past ideas, keeping them from all blending together into one text block. Actually it's just like how you have done it with the number format.

I think @stellabelle taught me that one. Her work is always well set out. People like rants as long as they are neat and tidy ;)

Yeah she is good at staying very interactive with her followers, even with her having so many she still somehow manages to do it. Yes indeed, tidy rants with small 1-3 sentence paragraphs.

@stellabelle is one solid ranty Steemer alright - I do love her temper. It's kinda like mine! She'd make a good Scots woman alright! Ha ha!

Haha yeah she rants with style. Didn't know scots had a temper :p

That is a very #nuggetized post! I like it.

People don't want "War and Peace" on here that wears out their scroll button or scroll finger! #nuggetized rules!