TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter
Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.
Topic - My magic forest\ Aerial landscape
Author - @reiders

Image Taken from the Original Author
I made a selection of impressions about the forest, as I see it.
The forest is not like an urban landscape, at least in that you can enter the forest and it almost embraces you. It has its own density of space, different from the city. And each forest has its own density.
And this density is not only about space, but also about light itself and what a variety of colors it turns out. All these seem to be well-known things, but when you shoot with unfocused lenses, all these factors become tangible and important
Сделал подборку впечатлений о лесе, таким, как вижу его я.
Лес не похож на городской ландшафт по крайней мере тем, что в лес можно войти и он почти обнимает тебя. У него своя плотность пространства, отличная от города. А еще у каждого леса эта плотность своя.
И эта плотность не только про пространство, но и собственно про свет и то, какое разнообразие по цветам получается. Все это казалось бы известные вещи, но когда снимаешь расфокусированными линзами - все эти факторы становятся осязаемыми и важными
Topic - Una imagen una Historia: El escape. Por @gabylazarde [club5050]
Author - @gabylazarde

Image Taken from the Original Author
María Elena empezaba a sentir náuseas a medida que el vehículo avanzaba por la vía del terror, como solían llamarla los valientes camioneros que intentaban transitarla.
Mientras su marido Carlos manejaba, ella empezaba a presentar un fuerte dolor en sus entrañas y sentía que sus piernas se acalambraban, quería llorar pero se contenía para que su esposo no se preocupara. A pesar de eso, él lo notaba y le decía que se relajara sacando sus piernas por la ventanilla del hermoso escarabajo, como solían llamar a su viejo auto.
Convencida que los tacos con caraotas le habían hecho daño, empezaba a respirar con dificultad y pensaba que se iba a desmayar. Su marido al verla en tal situación decidía detener la marcha para que su frágil esposa se recuperara. Diez minutos allí en medio de la nada, fueron suficientes para que María Elena se sintiera más aliviada.
Decidieron continuar su viaje y en dos horas llegaron a un antiguo pueblo. Sus calles estaban sucias y solitarias motivo por el cual les impresionaba.
Estacionaron su vehículo en una esquina para ir a comprar variadas bebidas. Caminaban tranquilamente cuando observaron una terrorífica escena: tres personas se mordían como si fueran unas terribles hienas. La situación se salía de control, ya que no eran las únicas personas que presentaban la misma condición.
Lograron encontrar refugio en una pequeña zapatería, sin saber que el Zapatero venía con un martillo directo hacia ellos. El señor también estaba asustado y trataba de defenderse de las extrañas cosas que sucedían afuera.
Decidieron utilizar gas pimienta para así poder escapar en su viejo escarabajo acompañados del humilde zapatero. Armaron su estupenda fuga con un contundente éxito y así lograron subir al auto. Iban felices hablando, cuando empezaron a escuchar las terribles noticias en la radio sobre un virus de rabia que se había desatado.
Llevaban kilómetros recorridos cuando María Elena se transformaba y con gran furia los atacaba.
Finalmente María Elena no había enfermado por los tacos sino por la terrible rabia.
Topic - City or nature?
Author - @apnigrich

Image Taken from the Original Author
I have a friend Alexey. I've known him for over 30 years. But now we rarely see each other.
He was born and grew up in a small village where, probably, all people know each other. And he was always oppressed by the feeling that everyone knew him. After graduating from the Polytechnic Institute, I invited him to live and work in the same city with me, in which I still live. But Alexey said that he wants to live in a city where no one will know him and he will not greet familiar people when meeting on the street.
When he came to visit me from a big city, he said that he was suffocating from the abundance of fresh air and he lacked the smell of car exhaust gases. But it seems to me that he liked to come to visit us, because living alone is still very bad.
Our daughter was born 14 years ago. For 14 years now. At that time we had a small apartment and we could not often receive guests, especially so that they spent the night with us. That's when Alexey stopped coming to visit us. In the movie "Brother" there is a good phrase - "the city is a terrible force that feeds on the energy of people." Something similar happened to my friend. He's completely withdrawn. He doesn't want to work anywhere, he stopped striving for some goal, gradually degraded and stopped communicating with us.
It's such a sad story.
But it's even sadder that I'm worried about my nephew - my cousin's son. He doesn't like nature either. As he even said that he would be glad if the entire territory around the house in which he lives was rolled up with asphalt and large houses were built and that there was no free land with trees. Where did he get such thoughts from? His father grew up in the woods. He taught me to hunt and live in the forest. But it turns out that he could not instill a love of nature in his son.
My daughter now lives in this house on the 25th floor. I am only glad that she and her husband love to be in the bosom of nature and they have a goal - to build their own house. My daughter moved into this house a week ago. Yesterday, my son-in-law and I went to their former place of residence, walked along the embankment, where he visited every morning and I saw in his eyes the disappointment that they had to change their place of residence.
My wife and I have found a compromise - to live on the outskirts of a small town near the regional center. We live practically in nature. We have a river nearby, we don't need to go anywhere to rest from the hustle and bustle. On the contrary, we sometimes go to "relax" in the city.
But there is a small problem - lack of free time to go fishing. Only this upsets me in the last 2 years.
Friends, what kind of landscape do you want to observe in your life? Tall houses or natural expanses? Or what kind of compromise could you find for yourself? I like to read articles about the corners of nature in a big city and, of course, about the natural expanses.
Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.
Gracias amigo por seleccionar mi publicación. Agradecida por la mención. Feliz día 🙏🌻💚
Oh my God, thank you!