Three things Steemit needs to fix before the masses will adopt it (a non-scientific opinion of a typical user)

in #steemit7 years ago

If you’re reading this, then you’re likely one of the many who believes that Steemit has the potential to gain mass-adoption one day. The recent growth is a wonderful sign.
We’ve all got our opinions of the platform and we know that since Steemit is still carrying the “beta” tag, that a lot of improvements are in the works. It’s my feeling that three features need to be addressed before the masses come pouring in:

1. Wallet Privacy

One of the best tips to keeping your cryptocurrency safe is to not tell anyone you hold cryptocurrency. Here at Steemit, though, everybody’s wallet is just sitting there, viewable by anyone with great ease. I have great hopes for this platform but the lack of wallet privacy is pure madness. Some have said that a user’s Steem Power needs to be visible for the system to work, but I don't think that anyone should see another user’s Steem or Steem-backed Dollars.
A popular saying around here goes a little like this: “Can you imagine if a big celebrity like Kim Kardashian gets on Steemit? This whole thing will be huge!” I can tell you right now that her manager would not let her go near any platform that divulges their client’s money (even if it’s constantly powered down and moved out).
I saw a comment by Dan Larimer stating that wallet privacy would be addressed in future developments, but do we know if the current developers have picked up the reigns on that? I hope so.

2. Feed Curation

We love the power to curate posts here on Steemit, but how can that be leveraged to improve our own feeds? At this point, if you are following a lot of people, it’s easy to miss good posts. Perhaps a Facebook-style algorithm that can learn who we interact with the most and push their posts to the top of the feed? Trending and Hot sections are a help, but it’d be great to have a more manageable time with our own feed.

3. Search

This one’s been talked about a lot. Any news on when the search will be improved? I’m sure I’m not the only one who does a search, gets a few results I want to check out, then has to go back and input the damn search keywords every time I hit the back button. Something more Steem-centric can’t come soon enough.

Your thoughts?

What do you think can be done to make Steemit better? Am I just being a noob who doesn’t know where the suggestion box is? Do you agree with these points? Please let me know, and thanks for reading!


I think they should add a choice for user to make their wallet private or public, or just followers to see it. It makes you a potential target to be hacked into

I agree, and I think having the public/private option is a good idea.

Yes we all keep missing good posts. Yay good list. Search could be better for sure. Personally I hope something like steemchat is integrated vertically into Steemit. But it would be great if channels could be embedded into ones page now one can have 10,000 followers along with Musicoin etc Kind of design your own page with things which are relevant to you.

I like that, like an aggregator for one's following on various sites. I'm on Musicoin too; I could see potential synergy with Steemit.

Yes it should be a updated pro version of what myspace was 15 years ago. Cool yes Musicoin website really need a update the search is worse than the one on here. Hence I can't find you on it my link is

You are so correct. A search and genre categories for Musicoin! Here's my profile:

Great comments. I was just thinking about this today, and it would be great if Steemit could allow each user to "design" their own homepage, allowing certain features to be visible or not. For example, if they had lots of followers and were following lots of people but wanted to have certain "close" friends on their homepage for easy access to see what they're doing (similar to Google+ friend circles).

And to make a person's own blog posts a more permanent thing to see, like if you want to someone's actual blog, you can easily see what they've written. Right now, our "blog" also gets populated with resteemed stuff, so it's hard to sort through.

I'm sure (I hope) they're working on some of the more common complaints that you mentioned.

Good ideas. For all my gripes with Facebook and Google, it's pretty astounding how they've developed so many features over the years that we practically don't even notice.

  1. And 3. I can totally agree with! But 1. About the wallets is harder to realize I guess, because this is still based on a blockchain, and every movement you make with your Steem/SBD is traceble on the blockchain... I think Steemit could add private messages from user to user. I would like to see something like that! Besides that, I would like an more easy editor for your posts/comments! Great post, I'm curious about the ideas of the community!

Agree! We do have those private memo keys waiting to be put to use, after all.

We also need a dedicated notifications button just like facebook has, i already posted an article about this suggesting the developers of the platform 12 new features that we need right away @musicsteem

You are totally right. I totally agree with you. I will follow you because you have a good idea.

In my opinion they should there should be an option for user to make their wallet private or public

Congratulations! I'm following you now :)

All excellent points made @musicsteem and some very good suggestions within the comments here. It's kind of why I posted the question first in taking that challenge on.

I'm not sure if there might be some copyrite infringement with "like" features from other platforms and I'm sure Steemit isn't ready to get into a long drawn out legal battle draining their resources. I guess it's up to us to build something new and wonderfully user friendly.

The wallet thing is disturbing and I agree one should have the option to hide certain aspects. I also use the search tool a lot such as it is and I've learned to pare down my search words when using it.

Pleasure meeting you...surfing the steem waves has been an eye opening experience.

EDIT: Yes? now that is progressive ...I'm impressed!

~smiles fer miles 'n miles...'n miles...'n miles~
...yeah I know that ain't Yes ;-)

All 3 are great. I've been on Steemit for a year and I haven't heard the "Feed Curation" suggestion before. I can see where it would be an improvement. My pet peeve is whales sticking together. It's like the 1% have it all and the 99% fight for the scraps, but that has been hashed out ad nauseam on Steemit.