6 Benefits of drinking water for health

in #steemit6 years ago

Drinking water is one of the most important needs for your body. The reason, most of the human body contains water. Water is also needed by the body in the process of digestion, circulation, absorption, maintaining body temperature, distribution of nutrients to all parts of the body, disposal of metabolic waste, and saliva production. When the body lacks fluid in a relatively long period of time, the brain sends a signal that causes you to feel thirsty. This means you need to drink immediately so as not to dehydration and organ systems can work well. So what are the other benefits of water? Let's see the benefits of drinking the following water for a healthier body!

  1. Smooth digestion and Prevent Constipation Diligently drinking water can help digestion - dokbabe Drinking water is not just a thirst-free, but also able to digest and prevent constipation. Water consumption also helps the body dissolve fat and digest the soluble fiber. Even research shows that drinking enough water can make the feces in the intestine becomes softer and easier to get out. That is why drinking water is very important if you want your digest smooth and your weight down.

  2. Maintain Body Fluid Balance Keep your body fluid balance by drinking enough water every day - doctorbabe Most of the human body consists of water that has an important function in the absorption of nutrients, circulation in the body, making saliva, digestion, and keep the organs perform its performance. In fact, the body can also lose a lot of fluid from breathing, sweating, defecating or urinating. That's why you need to keep your body fluid balance by drinking enough water every day. You also need to make sure to drink a glass of water every few hours, to prevent loss of body fluids or dehydration. Even so, you are not advised to drink very much in the near future. Too much to drink can be just as bad as lack of drinking. Most drink may increase the risk of hyponatremia, ie conditions where sodium levels are low or below normal. Remember, women need to drink about 2 liters of water per day, while men need about 3 liters of water per day. Drink enough water every day, and increase the amount when you are sick, before and after exercise, and in breastfeeding or pregnancy conditions. Read Also: The Benefits of Sports to Get Healthy Body

  3. Helps Function and Kidney Work Drinking water is important to help your kidneys work to remove impurities in the blood - dokbabe In addition to maintaining the balance of body fluids, the benefits of drinking water next to maintain the health of your kidneys. Kidney function is to help the body remove dirt and clean the blood. Well, for this process to run smoothly, the body needs enough water intake. That is why drinking enough water is believed to help you remove toxins from the body.

  4. Able to brighten your skin Diligently drinking water makes it easy to channel nutrients to your skin - dokbabe Toxins in the bloodstream can damage the skin, such as causing clogged pores and acne. In order to get healthy and vibrant skin, it is important for you to keep your health from within. Starting from getting rid of toxins from the bloodstream, to help the body deliver essential nutrients to your skin cells. And, this can be done diligently drinking water. In addition to helping channel the essential nutrients for your skin cells, drinking water can also keep your skin healthy and keep your skin clean and fresh. Drink one or two glasses of water in the morning to refresh the internal organs, get rid of toxins in the body, and shine more.

  5. Preventing and Overcoming Headaches Working without enough drinking water can interfere with brain performance and cause headaches - dokbabe Working too long without drinking water can be at risk of damaging the work of your organs, especially the brain. Therefore, in order to prevent headaches, it is important to ensure you drink enough water every day. And if you experience headaches, it is advisable not to overuse the dizziness medication. These drugs can have an adverse effect on your body. Well, to overcome it, drink enough water and rest.

  6. Adding Energy in the Body Simply drinking water can restore your lost energy - dokbabe Feeling tired or sleepy? This could be the first sign of dehydration. When water is absorbed into the bloodstream, it can generate drowsiness in an instant. Well, if you already feel like this, it is advisable not to choose energy drinks or other beverages. Simply drink water, and avoid mild or severe dehydration. That is the benefit of drinking water in everyday life. In essence, drinking water is very useful to have a healthy body physically and mentally. So from now on maximize the benefits of drinking water for a healthier life!